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Is a face yoga a sin?


I would like to know if doing a face yoga is a sin. I know that doing classical yoga is sinful, but the term "face yoga" is given for exercises focused on the face. Is it only the name which connects to yoga or have these exercises themselves also some roots in yoga? Can you help me with that? I would like to take care of my face and also to make a better condition of it, for example, to reduce wrinkles, and this "face yoga" interested me, but I am not sure if it is right to do.

Thank you for your answers)
Welcome to the forum Just_a_man ! :wave2
Questions .
1. How did you come to your decision that doing classical yoga is a sin ? Why do you think that it is a sin ?

Is it only the name which connects to yoga or have these exercises themselves also some roots in yoga ?
Face yoga does have the roots of yoga , will this effect your decision to practice face yoga ?

Can you help me with that?
Answer all my questions and we will see !

I would like to take care of my face and also to make a better condition of it, for example, to reduce wrinkles, and this "face yoga" interested me, but I am not sure if it is right to do.

This is me but if I had doubts about it being " right to do " I would not do it .

Wrinkles .
Don't drink soft drinks ! You know pepsi , coca-cola :pepsi2.

Do you have a regional brand of soft drinks there in Slovakia ?:coke

Wrinkle control without face yoga .
Cut out smoking and more .

And finally , there are face:coffee exercises you can do not connected to face yoga .

How to Exercise Facial Muscles
Yoga is not a sin against God as yoga by itself is not a religion. Many people do yoga to help them stay healthy and if this is the only reason you do yoga then there is no problem with it. If you are using mantras make sure what you speak is encouraging words for yourself that are uplifting and edifying to you.

The biggest argument against yoga comes from the Hindu philosophy that lies at the core of traditional yoga classes. Hindu's say it's a way to connect with their gods Vishnu and Shiva which is putting other gods above the true God of all creation.

I would like to know if doing a face yoga is a sin. I know that doing classical yoga is sinful, but the term "face yoga" is given for exercises focused on the face. Is it only the name which connects to yoga or have these exercises themselves also some roots in yoga? Can you help me with that? I would like to take care of my face and also to make a better condition of it, for example, to reduce wrinkles, and this "face yoga" interested me, but I am not sure if it is right to do.

Thank you for your answers)
Interesting, I have not heard of "face yoga."

I suppose it depends on what it entails and yes, where it comes from and the reason behind certain facial "poses." It could just be a silly name for face exercises that isn't truly yoga. That's what you're going to have to find. Since this term is new to me, I wouldn't be able to determine just yet if face yoga is the same as the yoga we often hear about.

I, too, consider yoga to be a sin as many of the poses are forms of worship to many different gods of the Hindu religion. There had been Christian missionaries that have noted in their works that people outside of temples would do yoga to these many different gods in their own way to worship. Yoga has it's own spiritual nature and it very much falls into todays' "New Age" spirituality that often focuses more on feelings than faith and at times attempts to manipulate the life force energy "pranayama" breathing exercises are a prime example. Also, one of the ideas that can be used in yoga is to "empty the mind," but we are called to "fill our minds" with thoughts that are good and meditating on God's word and "be transformed by renewing the mind" (Romans 12:2). There are so many reasons to avoid yoga.

I do know there are also other things that are said to help with wrinkles such as dietary changes (making sure to get enough things like Vitamin A, vitamin E, collagen, etc), certain massages, being kind to your skin and what you apply to it and how you apply care products to your face. Some argue that face yoga does the opposite of what it is said to, but who knows?

I would like to know if doing a face yoga is a sin. I know that doing classical yoga is sinful, but the term "face yoga" is given for exercises focused on the face. Is it only the name which connects to yoga or have these exercises themselves also some roots in yoga? Can you help me with that? I would like to take care of my face and also to make a better condition of it, for example, to reduce wrinkles, and this "face yoga" interested me, but I am not sure if it is right to do.

Thank you for your answers)

I don't know the first thing about yoga. But if it is as you say, sinful, then may I suggest that what you are asking is...

If there is a very expensive concert that you wouldn't mind seeing, but you know that all of this groups concerts are dangerous moreso than others...would it be ok to stand outside the concert hall and listen through the wall, thereby skating by the price of admission and the danger...would it sill be safe? :wink

It might not be. Some violent punk types may be kicked out of the place right at the spot you're standing at. Or else, the concert lets out, and you're suddenly surrounded by a mob? Nah, I don't think so. Too many things could go wrong.

You can still exercise your face muscles, jusy flex them all day! Smiling uses more facial muscles than frowning does.
Asking people we don't know we will get all kind of answers. For me what I believe no yoga is not a sin yet can open the door to the enemy. To many times people reaching out for help prayer because things happening in life in gen yet don't know why they are happening. You ask dig a little you find books or things like this that they then stop get rid of and.. its gone. I don't think they did yoga face things when this all started lol.

Yeah so there is so much in this world thats not "sin" . But that does not mean we should do it. So we should not blindly believe what someone says on some forum not even from me but pray about it seek Christ. Ask Him and He will give you a peace about what to do.

Saying all that I think why someone is doing it matters. If just doing yoga because you want to look better what have you.. then who cares. But doing it for what it was really for.. can open doors to something you never touch if that makes sense. Like when I was young my dad made me take Judo. Then when one Christian at work found out he keep saying I had a demon in me lol.. praise God. See my reason for doing it was .. dad made me. So whats your motive in doing it? If I may never blindly take anyones advice whom you don't know. Its wise to ask but in the end... if you know Christ then ask HIM Hes in you.. the sweet holy Spirit is in you.. He will give you a peace if you its ok. I think He knows He does know best.
The biggest argument against yoga comes from the Hindu philosophy that lies at the core of traditional yoga classes. Hindu's say it's a way to connect with their gods Vishnu and Shiva which is putting other gods above the true God of all creation.
This is why as a Christian I would have nothing to do with yoga . There are plenty of exercise alternatives .
Exodus 20
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
This is me but if I had doubts about it being " right to do " I would not do it .

I, too, consider yoga to be a sin as many of the poses are forms of worship to many different gods of the Hindu religion. There had been Christian missionaries that have noted in their works that people outside of temples would do yoga to these many different gods in their own way to worship. Yoga has it's own spiritual nature and it very much falls into todays' "New Age" spirituality that often focuses more on feelings than faith and at times attempts to manipulate the life force energy "pranayama" breathing exercises are a prime example. Also, one of the ideas that can be used in yoga is to "empty the mind," but we are called to "fill our minds" with thoughts that are good and meditating on God's word and "be transformed by renewing the mind" (Romans 12:2). There are so many reasons to avoid yoga.
Amen ! There are many exercise alternatives to yoga that are not spiritual based exercise . Swimming is what I do .

12 Compelling Alternatives to Yoga (Expand Your Horizons!)
So whats your motive in doing it? If I may never blindly take anyones advice whom you don't know. Its wise to ask but in the end... if you know Christ then ask HIM Hes in you.. the sweet holy Spirit is in you.. He will give you a peace if you its ok. I think He knows He does know best.
Yes , we should work out our own salvation . This is why I was asking questions in my first post .
I hoped Just_a_man would come back an answer my questions .
Hi it’s hard to know about yoga as there are different practices in it. Most of it seems unnatural for the body and that’s why I don’t like it. Before I became a Christian I used to do yoga at times and now I think it’s much better just to go swimming and walking. Yoga means union but with what? It is better to be right with God.
Face yoga is a form of exercise that focuses on facial muscles, helping to improve their tone and reduce wrinkles. While the name may have "yoga" in it, it doesn't necessarily connect to the spiritual practice of classical yoga. Face yoga exercises themselves are not rooted in the spiritual aspects of yoga. They are more like facial exercises designed to target specific areas of the face. So, you can definitely give face yoga a try to take care of your face and enhance its condition. If you're also interested in reducing wrinkles, you might want to explore products that contain the . . . It's known for its anti-wrinkle properties and can be found in some skincare products.
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I would like to know if doing a face yoga is a sin. I know that doing classical yoga is sinful, but the term "face yoga" is given for exercises focused on the face. Is it only the name which connects to yoga or have these exercises themselves also some roots in yoga? Can you help me with that? I would like to take care of my face and also to make a better condition of it, for example, to reduce wrinkles, and this "face yoga" interested me, but I am not sure if it is right to do.

Thank you for your answers)
The origin of the word “yoga” is related to that of the English word “yoke.” It can mean to join or yoke together or to bring under a yoke, to harness or control. To a Hindu, yoga is a technique or a discipline that leads to union with a great supernatural force or spirit. It has been described as “the yoking of all the powers of body, mind and soul to God.”

How far back in history can yoga be traced? Figures of people seated in various yoga positions appear on seals found in the Indus Valley, in present-day Pakistan. The Indus Valley civilization is dated by archaeologists to between the third and the second millenniums B.C.E., very close in time to the Mesopotamian culture. Artifacts from both areas portray a man, representing a deity, crowned with animal horns and surrounded by animals, reminiscent of Nimrod, the “mighty hunter.” (Genesis 10:8, 9) The Hindus claim that the figures sitting in yoga positions are images of the god Siva, lord of the animals and lord of yoga, who is often worshiped through the lingam, a phallic symbol. Thus, the book Hindu World calls yoga “a code of ascetic practices, mainly pre-Aryan in origin, containing relics of many primitive conceptions and observances.”

The methods of yoga were at first handed down orally. Then they were put into detailed, written form by the Indian yogic sage Patañjali as the Yoga Sutra, which remains the basic instruction book of yoga. According to Patañjali, yoga is “a methodical effort to attain perfection, through the control of the different elements of human nature, physical and psychical.” From its inception until the present time, yoga has been an integral part of Eastern religions, now particularly Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Some practicers of yoga believe that it will lead them to attain moksha, or liberation, through a merging with an all-pervading spirit.

So once again we ask: ‘Can yoga be practiced simply as a physical exercise to develop a healthy body and a relaxed mind, without any involvement with religion?’ In view of its background, the answer would have to be no.

Why not just exercise without any pagan involvement? 1 Tim 4:8
Face yoga is generally considered a set of exercises specifically designed to improve facial muscle tone, reduce wrinkles, and enhance overall facial appearance . While it uses the term yoga, face yoga primarily focuses on facial movements and does not necessarily involve spiritual or traditional yoga practices that some may find conflicting with their beliefs. If your primary goal is to care for your skin and facial muscles without engaging in any spiritual aspects, face yoga could be viewed as simply a physical exercise routine rather than a sin.
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I would like to know if doing a face yoga is a sin.

The yogic body positions are all postures of pagan worship and as such ought not to be performed by a Christian who worships only God - especially when a religiously neutral alternative exists, like Pilates, or the Feldenkrais Method, or just plain sports stretching.

In any case, giving your face a workout isn't a sin; and calling it "yoga" doesn't make it so, of course, but is probably just a shorthand way of saying "stretching exercise." If, though, there is some expression (no pun intended) of worship at the root of "face yoga," maybe find another way to condition your face.

My face gets a good workout when I'm in pain, or I get surprised, or I'm laughing. So, maybe hit your thumb with a hammer, then have your spouse or friend leap out at you from the dark, and then watch some fail videos on YouTube. Or give your face a once-over with a car buffer and a deep-tissue massager. (I'm full of good ideas like these!)