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Is Faith a Choice?


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Our Guests might do well to remember the ToS

2.1: This is a Christian site, therefore, any attempt to put down Christianity and the basic tenets of our Faith will be considered a hostile act. Please read: Statement of Faith
I'm not trying to limit anything. What I am asking is if a remedy is proposed but never demonstrates any effect, why can't we question the remedy?
In that case, it would be silly to not question the remedy (and its ultimate source). In point of fact, I've not even taken your suggested remedy because I have no (zero) expectation of any good result; no faith placed in you. I question (doubt) the source of the remedy, the authority behind it, and can't honestly think of it as a curative.

BTW: Your method of 'judgment according to result' is exactly how Prophets were judged. The Biblical Greek word for "false prophet" is pronounced pseudo-prof-ay-tace. It's the same word for "prophet," but uses the prefix pseudo, a prefix also known in English with the same meaning - false, or counterfeit. To continue working within your analogy though, if I believed that your remedy (lemon juice) had a chance of healing me, but did not take it, I would be demonstrating my lack of faith in you, not necessarily your prescription, by my inaction. But you have laid no claim to being a healer, nor have you said that you speak for God when you suggest lemon juice as a curative for Diabetes, so my inaction is solely based on my understanding that you lack authority in your suggestion that it could be a cure.

Christians please God when they obey Him. Their obedience demonstrates their faith and trust in Him and (believe it or not) they do obtain the desired result (righteousness). That is why Jesus said, "If you love me, obey me." Jesus is not a pseudoprophētēs and our faith is well placed in Him.
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I have a question, respectfully of course for you, Unbeliever. When you reach for a light switch to illuminate the bulb, and by that action, have faith or belief, that barring any disconnection you shall have light? And as you take this action, do you even think of that property called electricity that powers the properties in the bulb to transform it into light? Or do you just do it in faith that you will have light?

Now even if you think of that electrical current that zings along into the illumination of that light, can you actually see it? Do you actually know the point that it originated from without studying and thinking hard about a lot of other things, besides the light? You probably know and understand about a positive and negative charge from your basic high school science classes. Most of us do. But did you ever think that the states of kenetic energy that produce the ability to tame electrical currents are "givens" or "brute facts"?

In other words all we know or discover was already here for us to find. And we go about those discoveries with the "faith" that there is more "out there" than we cannot see, yet enables the universe to function. We start all of our knowledge by faith in an orderly universe as the basic assumption. Order calls for intelligence, intelligence calls for a mind,,,,a personal moral mind that cannot be seen at all. Only by the effects, the givens or the signs of that intellect. I cannot see your mind, nor you mine....yet we share information by communication and see by those effects,,,,the workings of the mind or intellect. We accept by faith that the other person has the same mind or faculties that we do...yet we do NOT actually see those minds.

Such is the world around us. Held together by states and unseen particles, atoms etc.....the invisible world. JMO In other words, God.
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Our Guests might do well to remember the ToS

2.1: This is a Christian site, therefore, any attempt to put down Christianity and the basic tenets of our Faith will be considered a hostile act. Please read: Statement of Faith
I never put down Christianity Reba but sometimes a little humor seems appropriate ;)

By the way, who are the 'guests'? I thought only 'members' could post here? :confused

Are 'members' the ones who said, 'Christian: Yes' & 'guests' the ones who said, 'Christians: No'?
I am incapable of believing I have a third arm. This is not because I ever decided I was not going to believe I had a third arm, but because I have no basis for even obtaining such a belief.

This is another bad analogy. No one ever told you that you have a third arm. No one put a book in your hand that says you have a third arm. You're actually saying that there is no basis for believing in God. What would you call the Bible then? Your analogy seems childish and without merit.

You seem to be demonstrating a very narrow minded preconceived position to resist the truth that is all around you. If you're so sure that God doesn't exist, and you have no faith in anything, then I have to wonder why you are even here on a Christian board. Looking for proof? Trying to tear down weak Christians faith? Sowing seeds of doubt are we? You'll have to do better than that, lol. You really hug the idea that you are somehow incapable of believing in God, that it's not a decision and not your fault that you don't acknowledge God, don't you? You hold a dangerous position that'a built on cards. I stand in wonderment at your demonstrated blindness. May the Lord have mercy upon you.
This is another bad analogy. No one ever told you that you have a third arm. No one put a book in your hand that says you have a third arm. You're actually saying that there is no basis for believing in God. What would you call the Bible then? Your analogy seems childish and without merit.

You seem to be demonstrating a very narrow minded preconceived position to resist the truth that is all around you. If you're so sure that God doesn't exist, and you have no faith in anything, then I have to wonder why you are even here on a Christian board. Looking for proof? Trying to tear down weak Christians faith? Sowing seeds of doubt are we? You'll have to do better than that, lol. You really hug the idea that you are somehow incapable of believing in God, that it's not a decision and not your fault that you don't acknowledge God, don't you? You hold a dangerous position that'a built on cards. I stand in wonderment at your demonstrated blindness. May the Lord have mercy upon you.

I will say Amen and Amen to you Edward... The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. Psalm 14.1
I'm not trying to limit anything. What I am asking is if a remedy is proposed but never demonstrates any effect, why can't we question the remedy?

Unbeliever do you question everything in this world. Have you travelled on an aircraft...I am sure you don't wonder whether the pilot is capable or not. You enter the aircraft BELIEVING that he knows what he is doing. Remember there is nothing redeeming in your screen name...UNBELIEF IS A SIN... One should not be proud of unbelief.

Revelation 21.8
I'm not trying to limit anything. What I am asking is if a remedy is proposed but never demonstrates any effect, why can't we question the remedy?

You can question the remedy (God), but you have to also examine (self) why it (God) is not working when it (God) has proved itself to work in others. Is it the remedy (GOD) or am I not taking it right as in believing (faith) without a doubt that it (God) works in others life for renewing my heath and wellness.
Greetings for_his_glory,
I liked your reply to The Unbeliever. As one diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, the idea of drinking lemon juice as a healing tonic does seem silly. The Unbeliever seemed to ask if there was a canned response prepared for those who did not receive immediate benefit, such as, "You didn't apply it long enough to receive the merit of the prescription," and your response prompted many thoughts in me.

My first thought was of the blind man whom Jesus healed after He applied mud to his eyes in John, chapter 9. I saw very little delay in that, but didn't see any such "You didn't wait long enough," kind of thing at all. The blind man was instructed to go to a specific pool and wash (the pool of Siloam) so there was some little delay between the act of making the mud and the gift (not restoration) of his sight. The blind man acted in obedience (in faith) and after having washed, received his sight. People were astounded because he was blind from birth. (see John 9:32 KJV). He was presented to the Pharisees (fait accompli) and they dismissed him and his cause, saying, "We know this man a sinner." But that was not the issue behind the questions. They had already made their choice that if any were to declare Jesus the Christ, that same man would be put out of fellowship with the Synagogue *see John 9:22.

"[The Pharisees] answered and said unto him, 'Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us?' And they cast him out.

Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, 'Dost thou believe on the Son of God?'

He answered and said, 'Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?'

And Jesus said unto him, 'Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee.'

And he said, 'Lord, I believe.' And he worshipped him.

And Jesus said, 'For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.'

And [some] of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, 'Are we blind also?'

Jesus said unto them, 'If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.'" - John 9:34-41 KJV

If I were told by the Holy Spirit to drink lemon juice, it is my hope that I should also be given enough faith to act on the instruction with every expectation of being healed. No, I do not believe that the instruction should be changed to mean, "keep drinking until you are healed," but would, upon completion of the next Fasting Glucose, and seeing the low (acceptable) blood sugar level, also hope that my first thought would be in thanks to my Creator who heals.

Regarding your reply about the carnal mind lacking patience, you are spot-on. Am I the only Christian who, in his youth, has bought a lotto ticket and asked God to make me a millionaire? My foolish prayer was of course accompanied with the admonition that God should "Think on the good that I could do (with my winnings)". But will God answer such a request? I see that He will. Moses said of the vast riches of Egypt, that they were as dung (Heb 11:24-26) when compared to the "reproach of Christ" (the reproach that comes from being associated with the Anointed of God). I see the delay in God's response to my foolish Lotto prayer as a deferral. No obscene "reward" is being transferred now, so as to enrich my reward in heaven, later. My youthful understanding about the "god/Jeanie in a bottle" has matured. It is as if I am being taught to put my treasure in heaven, for there will also be my heart. (Mt 6:21)

In conclusion, yes, faith does involve choice. Choices are made when receiving a gift (like the blind man who obeyed) and also when the gift is delayed (like my request for abounding riches). Faith involves trust, both while accepting gifts and also while accepting understanding in lieu of seemingly unanswered prayer. Your response, "Faith isn't even ours, but that of Christ Jesus as we choose to either believe who he said he was and is and accept him as our Lord and Savior or reject even the thought of there even being a Christ," is exceptionally well founded. It is the Rock upon which our faith stands.

Amen, as we all came to Jesus as a blind man that had no Spiritual knowledge, but it only took faith the size of a mustard seed for our Spiritual eyes to be opened. BTW, the lotto thing, ya me too.
You can question the remedy (God), but you have to also examine (self) why it (God) is not working when it (God) has proved itself to work in others. Is it the remedy (GOD) or am I not taking it right as in believing (faith) without a doubt that it (God) works in others life for renewing my heath and wellness.


There are two aspects, right? and both are Scriptural. 'Choose ye this day whom ye will serve'. Also, 'it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure'.

The two aspects are not contradictory, but complementary, right?


There are two aspects, right? and both are Scriptural. 'Choose ye this day whom ye will serve'. Also, 'it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure'.

The two aspects are not contradictory, but complementary, right?


Absolutely they are the same thing as in Deuteronomy Chapters 27 and 28 are all about what we choose. We can either choose Gods blessings as we choose to be in His will or we can choose His curse by our own will.
Absolutely they are the same thing as in Deuteronomy Chapters 27 and 28 are all about what we choose. We can either choose Gods blessings as we choose to be in His will or we can choose His curse by our own will.

I think also the point of the Philippians 2 quote about God working in us, is to affirm that it's really God's grace working in us that brings us to chose aright; it's not to the supposed credit of the flesh.

God had all of us in mind even from the foundation of the world as even Jesus was prepared from the foundation as being God come in the form of flesh called man at an appointed time. If we were already predestined then why do we even have to make a choice of accepting God or not accepting Him and the answer to that is that we were all created in Gods image and what is Gods image, pure undefiled love. Even Lucifer was a created spirit without form created in the image of Gods love until iniquity was found in him and God cast him out of His throne room and cast him to the ground as he would now in his iniquity would deceive the nations. The Earth became that of Satan's domain deceiving even the hearts of Gods elect and that is why we need to make a choice to come back to Gods grace as we have allowed Satan to separate us from it.
Just based on my experiences and what I've seen in others, God plants the seed and stirs conscience to life...then its up the believer to work with Christ to further develop, strengthen, and intensify faith.

We are taught, by past experience, that the more simply we depend upon the grace of God in Christ, and wait upon the Holy Spirit, the more we shall bring forth fruit unto God. The moment our faith wanes, we begin to make our own decisions and experience shows that we're always wrong (with me at least) and we become fruitless. Almost always this is in a troubled time for us, the hardest time to keep faith. Tribulation and trials are the exercise room of faith. WHen we are at our weakest is when we need to exercise our faith the most. If we can do this, then our faith is strengthened, and we have more "proof" within us. and draw closer to God...and begin bearing fruit again. Does that make sense?

Many people in the Bible who had faith, did not receive the promises of faith while on this world (Hebrews 11). Does that mean that there is no God? Certainly not! Faith is where it starts, and faith is where it ends, whether or not God's plan includes answering specific prayers of faith for us at this time upon the earth is irrelevant. Continuing in faith regardless of circumstances is the key here. I may not understand, I may have troubles, but yet though he slay me will I trust him and continue to praise him. A simple faith.


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