Sorry JoJo, that was not meant to sound as if you do not read it ! For me that is just the way I talk. I know you read your Bible. I should say: When you go back and study thisJoJo said:Thank you for clarifying. But, Cornelius, I would request that you refrain from continuously making comments like, "if you read the Bible." I do read the Bible.
When a child gets sick, is it a sin to get medical help for him? On the other hand, is it a sin to refuse medical treatment and allow your child to die? These are rhetorical questions; something to think about.

About a sick child: It ultimately depends on your faith, does it not? Now being on forums for a few years, I know that "faith" does not mean the same thing to all Christians. In this , it would mean: If the person TRULY have faith, that the verse in 1 Pet 2:24 is indeed true and they are convinced that it means that we WERE healed, they would react differently, that the person who do not believe it.
That said.......Faith is a journey that must first be started. God is not a monster and He loves it when we start to trust Him in all things, and He will lead us gently when we tell Him to teach us about His view on faith. His view just might turn out a little different from our view.
Faith that brings a person to the point where they just accept the Word and not try and reason it away, is a faith that places you in a spot. Its difficult for all Christians who want to walk this way. God seems to take you further and further away from what we would see as a natural solution to a problem. He keeps on gently pushing us towards trusting Him with everything.
At first, we are scared. What if, what if , what if, is all that goes through one's mind. What if I die. What if I get a stroke. All these things went through my mind a few years back, when I stepped off the prescription drugs. I truly failed the first time, through fear. The first time my blood pressure went through the roof, I panicked and took my meds again. I was walking into the walls LOL. I did not have faith, I was legalistic and wanted to make God heal me, because I was doing "the right thing" God did not hate me for it, He helped me. It took six month for me to unlearn some things, and then God prepared me and then gave me the faith for it. Again, I walked into the walls, but this time,no fear. Then it went away. Today I am healed.
God healed my leg. I am a painter and I stand all day in front of an easle (standing for twenty year now LOL) and suddenly my one leg started giving in. Something with the blood vessels that were obviously saying "We had enough". I had somebody pray for the leg and then I started believing the Word and I was indeed healed (although I could not see it YET ) It took time, and during that time, I went through fear as well. I HAVE to stand and work, I cannot sit and paint. But the truth about God and what He promised kept me standing (literally too ! ) Today I am totally healed and have no problems with my legs at all.
Same with my eyes.

God heals more than just our bodies through prayer. He heals our pets, he fixes things too. He "healed" a water pipe the other day. The pipe outside my house leaked and made a huge wet spot . A friend said: Let pray and trust God to heal it (I thought: Yea well, I have no faith that it will happen) I reluctantly agreed, and we prayed the prayer of agreement (when two agree, it shall be done) I had doubts , I must admit, but when I opened the pipe (because the spot was still wet, I thought it did not work) the hole was not there anymore. I left it open for two weeks , so that I could look at it to make sure LOL. This is about two years ago and never a leak again from that pipe !
I could go on, but this is getting too long