Steve said:
First of all, i do not believe that a person's sexual orientation defines them or is a big deal. What goes on in a person's bedroom is between that person and their partner. I think we are born whatever it is we are and that's that.
And, as Archie Bunker always said: 'Que seru, seru.'
"Senator Larry Craig was arrested and driven out of the Senate for allegedly soliciting public 'gay' sex, yet during this event the city of San Francisco suspends the law and allows 'gay' men and women to parade the streets fully nude, many having sex – even group orgies – in broad daylight, while taxpayer-funded police officers look on and do absolutely nothing."
'Que seru, seru.' is it?
'Gays' mock Jesus with Last Supper take-off"
Taxpayers subsidize event with nudity, orgies under watch of police
A taxpayer-supported "gay" celebration in San Francisco, featuring a poster portraying Jesus Christ and his disciples as "half-naked homosexual sadomasochists," has come under heavy fire from major Christian groups demanding that California lawmakers condemn it.
The poster by organizers of the Folsom Street Fair, sponsored in part by Miller Brewing, replaces the bread and wine representing Christ's blood and body with sadomasochistic sex toys.
"A picture's worth a thousand words," said Matt Barber, policy director for cultural issues with Concerned Women for America.
Barber said his group wants California's elected officials – including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer – to "publicly condemn this unprovoked attack against Christ and His followers."
The annual street event, which includes displays of nudity and sexual activity – is scheduled for Sept. 30.
"We further challenge the media to cover this affront to Christianity with the same vigor as recent stories about cartoon depictions of Muhammad and other items offensive to the Muslim community," he said.
Barber said homosexual activists "disingenuously call Christians 'haters' and 'homophobes' for honoring the Bible, but then lash out in this hateful manner toward the very people they accuse."
He pointed out San Francisco taxpayers help foot the bill for the fair by providing police support – to shut down several city blocks and provide security.
A police lieutenant confirmed officers are on the clock during the event, not paid for by the organizers.
The Folsom Street Fair website also lists San Francisco's environment department and its Grants for the Arts –which comes out of the hotel tax fund – as sponsors.
"The most unimaginable and vile acts of debauchery are commonplace during the fair," Barber said.
"Senator Larry Craig was arrested and driven out of the Senate for allegedly soliciting public 'gay' sex, yet during this event the city of San Francisco suspends the law and allows 'gay' men and women to parade the streets fully nude, many having sex – even group orgies – in broad daylight, while taxpayer-funded police officers look on and do absolutely nothing."
Barber encouraged mainstream media to cover the event with cameras in hand.
"There's an unbelievable news story here," he said. "The Folsom Street Fair is reminiscent of biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, and the media should document exactly what the city of San Francisco is allowing to occur – in public – in the name of 'tolerance.'"
Catholic League president Bill Donohue urged Miller to pull its sponsorship of the event.
Donohue says his group is targeting Miller because it's the only national household sponsor.
"Furthermore, Miller has a record of acceding to requests from various segments of the population that have objected to certain ads: it has bowed to the wishes of Muslims, African-American clergy, lawyers and feminists by pulling ads deemed offensive," he said. "Surely it will do the same in this instance: the ad, like the event, is morally depraved. Indeed, it is the kind of ad that only the enemies of Christians would entertain."
Donohue said, "We have contacted Miller Brewing and expect that they will cooperate and do what is ethically right."