I think I may have mentioned in a past post his church , doesn't know about his lifestyle, only the people on the outside, like me .He hides it very well to those on the inside, and is successful in leading a double life.Besides, I've led a double life too, like I said before I really don't know about confronting him.
I really don't have anything to say re the thread topic. I would, however, like to say something to you, ITYNA. Several times you've alluded to your own particular sins and as to feeling somewhat hypocritical when it comes to perhaps advising others on moral issues. I'm sure that many of us Christians come from sinful backgrounds so you're certainly not alone. The good news is that God forgives even the worst of us. You need to be mindful of that and drop the burden of guilt that you still seem to be carrying.
Did you ever hear of John Newton? He was a British slave-trader. He bought and sold human beings for profit without a care in the world for what became of them. He was the epitome of 'the dispicable man'. However, he eventually gave his life to God. The story of his life is pretty well encapsulated in the words to Amazing Grace.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see
Not only can John Newton's life be encapsulated in that song, he was also the author of it!