Let me preface this by saying I was a young child when this happened and I didn't know the Holy Ghost was the same as The Holy Spirit. And I also didn't know who the Holy Ghost was or even that he is a being. Where I'm from there is a saying that refers to believers acting wild, shaking, falling out and such and it is called "catching the Holy Ghost." I thought that meant being overwhelmed by a "feeling of holiness" (human derived) , not a Member of the Trinity influencing a person. In the 7th or 8th grade I made a joke about "catching the Holy Ghost" and I was using curse words. Is it blasphemy if I didn't mean to refer to the Holy Spirit? When I said "catching the [i used an expletive] Holy Ghost" I thought I was speaking about human actions not something divinely inspired. To better explain I thought the phrase simply referred to a state of being people can get in when they're in a holy place. My intention wasn't to be irreverent to the actual Holy Spirit I was talking about (in my understandinf at the time) human feelings. I couldn't have been talking about someone I didn't know about because intentions matter, right? Am I still saved or did I commit the unpardonable sin? Please be honest with me.