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How to re-establish the law of shabbat
Re-establish the right day of the week and correctly identify it as the shabbat.
Some believe it is Saturday from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Some believe it is Friday from Sundown Thursday to Sundown Friday. There are other opinions.
Each person who agrees to observe the shabbat should agree to the death penalty for all who break it .
(If killing the guilty is not permitted, an alternative may be to excommunicate the guilty in such a way they could never again come back to the religious group: they are cut off forever and considered lost with no hope of salvation or forgiveness. This is executing God's shabbat judgment).
An accused should be brought before the leader of the assembly, the shabbat law laid out, then accused by two or three witnesses, given a trial, and if guilty sentenced to death or excommunication for ever.
The law of shabbat should be observed, applied, and administered by the laws of Moses and the Old Testament alone.
Are you keeping shabbat according to God's law?
Does your synagogue, mosque, church, or group keep shabbat law?
Does your Rabbi or Leader keep the shabbat law?
Remember, just because of failure of the shabbat law being enforced and judgments executed, does not give any of us a right to claim God has suspended or made his judgment to pass from the law.
If not one jot or tittle has passed from the law, this means, if you have ever broken the shabbat, God has convicted you of breaking his law and you are guilty of death.
Is there anyone now living who has not broken the shabbat law?
Judge yourself and others by the simple outline below:
Have you or anyone else worked on the shabbat?
All who do so are already guilty of death!
Have you or anyone you know kindled a fire on the shabbat?
All who do so are already guilty of death!
Have you or anyone you know gone out of their dwelling or home on the shabbat?
All who have done so are already guilty of death!
Have you or anyone you know gone out of their dwelling to gather or buy food on the shabbat to eat that day?
All who have done so are already guilty of death!
There are some Rabbis who believe that since the temple is not standing, there is no highpriest of Aaron's lineage, no priesthood making sacrifices, that all the provisions of the Laws of Moses are not to be enforced and the shabbat with its death penalty is one of them.
But the shabbat was put into place with its death penalty BEFORE there was a tabernacle or temple built.
There are those who are guilty of breaking the law of shabbat and know they deserve the death penalty but they do not believe they should die nor do they believe they should be excomunicated.
There are some who claim they broke shabbat before they knew about the law and its death penalty. How do we know the man picking up sticks knew about the shabbat law?
There are some who claim they have broken the law of shabbat but God has changed his mind about the death penalty and so although they are guilty of death they believe God has forgiven them. They believe they will not be lost. They believe there is mercy and forgiveness for all the times they did not keep shabbat.
But this exemption cannot be found in Scripture.
The Gentile masquerade of Shabbat keeping
The law was not given to Gentiles but to those who stood on Mt Horeb.
These accepted the law which includes honor of shabbat, for themselves and understood subjected their children also(Exo 19:8):
"And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD hath spoken we will do."
God gave the Covenant to Israel, the seed of Abraham, and not to any Gentile.
Consequently, there is no provision under the Laws of Moses commanding Gentiles to keep the shabbat. There is no provision to execute Gentiles who did not observe shabbat.
Gentiles could not obtain atonement or forgiveness by any of the animal sacrifice system used for breaking the law. There was no priesthood for Gentiles. No Gentile could come into the tabernacle or temple.
The Apostle Paul said there was a wall between the Gentiles and Israel that lasted until Christ came and tore it down. He said the Gentiles had no part with the Commonwealth of Israel and were without hope.
Therefore, Gentiles now trying to observe or keep the law of shabbat are omitted from the death penalty of the law. The majority of Gentiles have broken shabbat and under God's death penalty could never be saved regardless if they now try to keep it.
If there is a shabbat keeper any where in the world who has not broken the shabbat law, I have not met that person. If there is any one who can change God's judgment of the death penalty for breaking shabbat I have not met that person. I conclude then, there is none righteous, no not one.
There is none who can escape the death penalty unless:
According the New Covenant with Jesus as the end of the law to all who believe (Romans 10:4).
All are guilty before God and if he has mercy on one he will have mercy on all (Romans 11:32).
God is not a respector of persons be you a Jew or a Gentile.
Do You Keep Shabbat
Re-establish the right day of the week and correctly identify it as the shabbat.
Some believe it is Saturday from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Some believe it is Friday from Sundown Thursday to Sundown Friday. There are other opinions.
Each person who agrees to observe the shabbat should agree to the death penalty for all who break it .
(If killing the guilty is not permitted, an alternative may be to excommunicate the guilty in such a way they could never again come back to the religious group: they are cut off forever and considered lost with no hope of salvation or forgiveness. This is executing God's shabbat judgment).
An accused should be brought before the leader of the assembly, the shabbat law laid out, then accused by two or three witnesses, given a trial, and if guilty sentenced to death or excommunication for ever.
The law of shabbat should be observed, applied, and administered by the laws of Moses and the Old Testament alone.
Are you keeping shabbat according to God's law?
Does your synagogue, mosque, church, or group keep shabbat law?
Does your Rabbi or Leader keep the shabbat law?
Remember, just because of failure of the shabbat law being enforced and judgments executed, does not give any of us a right to claim God has suspended or made his judgment to pass from the law.
If not one jot or tittle has passed from the law, this means, if you have ever broken the shabbat, God has convicted you of breaking his law and you are guilty of death.
Is there anyone now living who has not broken the shabbat law?
Judge yourself and others by the simple outline below:
Have you or anyone else worked on the shabbat?
All who do so are already guilty of death!
Have you or anyone you know kindled a fire on the shabbat?
All who do so are already guilty of death!
Have you or anyone you know gone out of their dwelling or home on the shabbat?
All who have done so are already guilty of death!
Have you or anyone you know gone out of their dwelling to gather or buy food on the shabbat to eat that day?
All who have done so are already guilty of death!
There are some Rabbis who believe that since the temple is not standing, there is no highpriest of Aaron's lineage, no priesthood making sacrifices, that all the provisions of the Laws of Moses are not to be enforced and the shabbat with its death penalty is one of them.
But the shabbat was put into place with its death penalty BEFORE there was a tabernacle or temple built.
There are those who are guilty of breaking the law of shabbat and know they deserve the death penalty but they do not believe they should die nor do they believe they should be excomunicated.
There are some who claim they broke shabbat before they knew about the law and its death penalty. How do we know the man picking up sticks knew about the shabbat law?
There are some who claim they have broken the law of shabbat but God has changed his mind about the death penalty and so although they are guilty of death they believe God has forgiven them. They believe they will not be lost. They believe there is mercy and forgiveness for all the times they did not keep shabbat.
But this exemption cannot be found in Scripture.
The Gentile masquerade of Shabbat keeping
The law was not given to Gentiles but to those who stood on Mt Horeb.
These accepted the law which includes honor of shabbat, for themselves and understood subjected their children also(Exo 19:8):
"And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD hath spoken we will do."
God gave the Covenant to Israel, the seed of Abraham, and not to any Gentile.
Consequently, there is no provision under the Laws of Moses commanding Gentiles to keep the shabbat. There is no provision to execute Gentiles who did not observe shabbat.
Gentiles could not obtain atonement or forgiveness by any of the animal sacrifice system used for breaking the law. There was no priesthood for Gentiles. No Gentile could come into the tabernacle or temple.
The Apostle Paul said there was a wall between the Gentiles and Israel that lasted until Christ came and tore it down. He said the Gentiles had no part with the Commonwealth of Israel and were without hope.
Therefore, Gentiles now trying to observe or keep the law of shabbat are omitted from the death penalty of the law. The majority of Gentiles have broken shabbat and under God's death penalty could never be saved regardless if they now try to keep it.
If there is a shabbat keeper any where in the world who has not broken the shabbat law, I have not met that person. If there is any one who can change God's judgment of the death penalty for breaking shabbat I have not met that person. I conclude then, there is none righteous, no not one.
There is none who can escape the death penalty unless:
According the New Covenant with Jesus as the end of the law to all who believe (Romans 10:4).
All are guilty before God and if he has mercy on one he will have mercy on all (Romans 11:32).
God is not a respector of persons be you a Jew or a Gentile.
Do You Keep Shabbat
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