Is the Trinity biblical? Is Jesus really God?

Is this article saying the truth about the Trinity?

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It is my understanding that in the One Divine essence there are three persons of individual subsistences, to put it very very briefly.
If I remember the faith testament of this forum that is what is taught, yes.
I recently read an article which shows that the Trinity is not biblical. Can some of you read this article to prove whether it is right or wrong? But please, everything based on the Bible and not your own opinions.

Well, God the Father is God...I suppose there is no argument there.

John 1:1 as well as Phil 2:6 say Jesus is God....Once again I suppose there is no argument there.

1 Cor 6:11 calls the HS the Spirit of does Acts 5:3-4. The bible teaches all 3 are of the Godhead...a Trinity. There's several more verses I could post..but these verses are a good start.

Where is the article?
If I remember the faith testament of this forum that is what is taught, yes.

It matters not to me what the "faith testament of this forum" or any other organization of man or any single individual teaches. Its "what saith the scripture", Rom.4:3 that matters.

Good night all, its past my bedtme!
It matters not to me what the "faith testament of this forum" or any other organization of man or any single individual teaches. Its "what saith the scripture", Rom.4:3 that matters.

Good night all, its past my bedtme!
Amen. Sleep well brother.
Isaiah 43:11I, yes I, am the LORD, and there is no other Savior.

What of those verses where we are told God is one. And God says of himself there is he and no other?
Deuteronomy 6:4

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
So when Jesus talks about the Father and the Spirit of God is he just speaking of himself in the 3rd person?
You know, I didn't understand John 1:1-14 until I became saved. Salvation took care of that problem. That is why I believe 1 Cor 2:14 is one of the most accurate statements in the bible; I have seen it in action many times on Christian forums.
the trinity has never made any sense to me. the Most High saying many times in the Hebrew bible He is not a man nor son of man and the trinity doctrine says the Most High is a man, Jesus says He is a son of man. just mqakes no sense at all.
the trinity has never made any sense to me. the Most High saying many times in the Hebrew bible He is not a man nor son of man and the trinity doctrine says the Most High is a man, Jesus says He is a son of man. just mqakes no sense at all.
The Father is the Father
The Son is the Son
The Spirit is the Spirit
All are distinct persons
All are God
God is One
Simple! (not)

Do you want to worship a God that is simple to understand? I don't. He is unfathomable. We are finite. Our thinking is limited. We get glimpses. That will have to do for now.
The Father is the Father
The Son is the Son
The Spirit is the Spirit
All are distinct persons
All are God
God is One
Simple! (not)

Do you want to worship a God that is simple to understand? I don't. He is unfathomable. We are finite. Our thinking is limited. We get glimpses. That will have to do for now.
Simple! (not)
haha aint that the truth.

i think the Most High can be understood with enough devotion. Jesus understood and He wanted us to IMO haave the same understanding
haha aint that the truth.

i think the Most High can be understood with enough devotion. Jesus understood and He wanted us to IMO haave the same understanding
It's a good goal for life to seek to know God more and more everyday! Totally agree!
I recently read an article which shows that the Trinity is not biblical. Can some of you read this article to prove whether it is right or wrong? But please, everything based on the Bible and not your own opinions.
I don't see an article linked to read from so I didn't vote. But yes, to answer your question, Jesus is God. God is Jesus. They are one.
Remember in the beginning of the story of our coming savior Mary was asked if she would bring him into the world. And when she consented she was told what she would name him. I think this is becuase the name would tell his people the scriptures in him are fulfilled. The Messiah is arrived.
Matthew 1:23"Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means 'God is with us.'"

In John 10:30 , "I and the Father are one."
Colossians 1:19 For in him all the fulness of God was pleased to dwell,
2 Peter 1:1 . . . our God and Savior Jesus Christ:_______________
This site though Catholic has 50 verses that reassure you that Jesus is , was in the scriptures writing, God.
Sharing from that site below.

The Bible teaches that “God” is judge (1 Sam 2:10; Ps 50:6; Ecc 12:14; many others). But so is Jesus (Jn 5:22, 27; 9:39; Acts 10:42; 2 Tim 4:1). Therefore He is God.

God the Father sits on His throne in heaven (1 Ki 22:19; Ps 11:4; 47:8). Jesus is on the same throne, too (Rev 7:17; 22:1, 3).
There is a sad class, a truly sad class of people,known as Christians inside the structure of the Church, the body of the Christ/Messiah. They are faithful in their service to the point that they are often the ones that run the services of a Local Assemblies. Many times they believe they are working their way into Heaven.

Understand, please, that I am not given to know your's nor to know anyone's Spiritual Status but I do know the only book in the Holy Bible that made any sense to me at all was the Book of John and then only chapter three. But the night I was indwelt, I let my Bible fall open, after I had unzipped it and it fell open to Isaiah 53. I read it and knew that it spoke of Jesus and His Journey through the Cross.

The moment the Holy Spirit moved into my life, 1. I definitively was aware of His presence and 2. I understood that there is only One God and I understood that there are three persons in the God Head from the passage where Jesus causes John The Baptist to suffer Him the Baptism by John.

It is far to easy to be a religious Christian and to miss the point of Christianity. According to Survey by the Barna Group, (98% or better of the Church, Universal, in America, the US, do not believe the basic tenants of the Christian Faith and instead are working for their Salvation? I, honestly, believe that acceptance, not understanding, the Triune God is a requirement before a relationship with Jesus, a personal relationship, is ever established.
I think every day we're alive we're learning more about the power of God and his guidance. We're carrying his holy spirit inside of us. Each day brings its opportunities to be guided by that higher power wisdom and to meet those challenges we face using the knowledge he imparts.
It is my understanding that in the One Divine essence there are three persons of individual subsistences, to put it very very briefly.
It would sure be convenient if we came up with one simple word to describe that "in the One Divine essence there are three persons of individual subsistences" handy summary. I wonder if 'Trinity' might serve that purpose. :)

PS. Good summary.
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the trinity has never made any sense to me. the Most High saying many times in the Hebrew bible He is not a man nor son of man and the trinity doctrine says the Most High is a man, Jesus says He is a son of man. just mqakes no sense at all.
Don't hold me to this because I'm fighting the flu and too light-headed to look up the supporting verses to double check, but I think that "son of man" is a title that appears in OT prophecies for the future Messiah so Jesus referring to himself as the 'son of man' may not be talking about his humanity as much as his fulfilling what was spoken about him in the OT. A Jewish audience like the one Jesus was speaking to would have caught the expression faster than our modern, English ears.

(and if I am confused from the meds, someone will correct me.)
Don't hold me to this because I'm fighting the flu and too light-headed to look up the supporting verses to double check, but I think that "son of man" is a title that appears in OT prophecies for the future Messiah so Jesus referring to himself as the 'son of man' may not be talking about his humanity as much as his fulfilling what was spoken about him in the OT. A Jewish audience like the one Jesus was speaking to would have caught the expression faster than our modern, English ears.

(and if I am confused from the meds, someone will correct me.)
I hope you recover soon from the flu. It's going around back home too. Terrible stuff.
As to your post, :thumbsup:thumbsup
Don't hold me to this because I'm fighting the flu and too light-headed to look up the supporting verses to double check, but I think that "son of man" is a title that appears in OT prophecies for the future Messiah so Jesus referring to himself as the 'son of man' may not be talking about his humanity as much as his fulfilling what was spoken about him in the OT. A Jewish audience like the one Jesus was speaking to would have caught the expression faster than our modern, English ears.
i always thought "son of" was a simple phrase to denote state of being. son of the Most High - the heavens. son of man - this world. but it could have another meaning or double meaning.

(and if I am confused from the meds, someone will correct me.)
no worries im like that all the time without the meds . . . . . .what were we talking about?
the trinity has never made any sense to me. the Most High saying many times in the Hebrew bible He is not a man nor son of man and the trinity doctrine says the Most High is a man, Jesus says He is a son of man. just mqakes no sense at all.

Is Jesus Christ truly God and truly man?