CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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You forgot virus.I really couldn't agree more with you about the con-trick known as 'the prosperity gospel'. It really is nothing but rich pastors parasitically infecting the poor, and sucking away such meagre resources as they have. But it is symptom of two things, it seems to me: the social emphasis placed on wealth by capitalist societies and championed by tea-party neo-liberals, and the credulity that thinks: if the pastor can quote a few Bible verses, everything he says also must be true.
I ought to say, I am not against capitalism. On a small scale, between mutually consenting individuals, it works very well. On a large scale however, with many millions or even billions of dollars at stake, it has proven to be a complete disaster, and threatens our very existence as a species. (I sometimes think, if Armageddon ever happens, which climate change and a dearth of resources can only hasten, the only survivors on land will be cockroaches and Mormon preppers. And of the two, I rather think I prefer the cockroaches) So, we need to get back to Jesus' pithy observation that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And consider whether our lives are better spent accruing more and more wealth, or just being good to those who need our help.
Best wishes, 2RM.