Here's Arminians:
Boy, God is pretty lucky to have someone like me around. I chose to believe and respond to God and those other poor slobs who didn't aren't as good as me. But that's their tough luck. We're all born the same but some people simply make the right choices and others don't. God has nothing to do with that. It's simply me who is good.
I can tell God what to do. If he draws me, I can tell him to get lost. But I don't because I'm smart. :wink3 So if people would make the choices I do, they'd be a whole lot better off.
Here's Calvinism:
I was lost and God found me. I didn't know that he had been there all the time. If it weren't for God, I'd still be lost. He chose me before the creation of the world. Why me? I didn't do anything good to deserve it. All I've done is resist him, curse him, and deny Him. So I don't deserve his love. That shows me that he only did it by his mercy, not my merit.
He has completely changed my life even when I wanted to resist him at times. He led me out of temptation and delivered me from evil. The Holy Spirit leads me to pray for what God wants me to pray for. And I'm so happy because God tells me that he will keep me strong and protect me from the evil one. So my hope is in Him, not in me. I'm grateful for that because if my hope were in me, I'd still be lost.
The former is self-righteousness which is the yeast of the Pharisees, the latter is humility which comes from the Spirit of God. There is no middle ground between them because the 2 oppose each other; the first comes from the pride of Satan, the latter comes from the humility of the Holy Spirit.
Boy, God is pretty lucky to have someone like me around. I chose to believe and respond to God and those other poor slobs who didn't aren't as good as me. But that's their tough luck. We're all born the same but some people simply make the right choices and others don't. God has nothing to do with that. It's simply me who is good.
I can tell God what to do. If he draws me, I can tell him to get lost. But I don't because I'm smart. :wink3 So if people would make the choices I do, they'd be a whole lot better off.
Here's Calvinism:
I was lost and God found me. I didn't know that he had been there all the time. If it weren't for God, I'd still be lost. He chose me before the creation of the world. Why me? I didn't do anything good to deserve it. All I've done is resist him, curse him, and deny Him. So I don't deserve his love. That shows me that he only did it by his mercy, not my merit.
He has completely changed my life even when I wanted to resist him at times. He led me out of temptation and delivered me from evil. The Holy Spirit leads me to pray for what God wants me to pray for. And I'm so happy because God tells me that he will keep me strong and protect me from the evil one. So my hope is in Him, not in me. I'm grateful for that because if my hope were in me, I'd still be lost.
The former is self-righteousness which is the yeast of the Pharisees, the latter is humility which comes from the Spirit of God. There is no middle ground between them because the 2 oppose each other; the first comes from the pride of Satan, the latter comes from the humility of the Holy Spirit.