Don't you realize that if they kept the law as they advise me to do, they would never have to confess anything? My question remains: why do they sin on purpose? Next, since they believe they can be lost for breaking the law, are they on their way to hell the moment they sin? Okay, if they repent and confess, are they safe and saved again? How about next getting re-baptized?
Shall we now go to them and ask if they're received the Holy Ghost since they believed huh? I do hope you do realize I'm just sarcastically showing the impossibility of keeping all the law, and that we put our trust in the finished work of Jesus on the cross......
.... well, this is going to take a long time.... (probably). (and that's okay with me, step by step, if it's okay with you) i'd rather jump ahead, but then the whole and important point is missed - from the first question , (even though sarcastically or rather even 'rhetorical') it's important.
simply restated: if they kept the law, they would never have to confess anything.
this was especially troubling to me as a teenager long ago. i was 'good', practically 'perfect', in terms of the law(as far as i knew it). i grew up in ss and church and private christian school. i was a straight a student. i even thought for a time i would be a pastor(like the pastoral job i saw all my life - the preacher in the pulpit, during service,and in the office or other duties through the week, and home and hospital visits of course. simple picture of a job. really an easy job too, by appearances to me. and a respected job. with good pay i might have thought, if i thought of pay. i didn't really care then, or ever since then, about how much it paid though, as far as i remember.
i never disobeyed my mother or father (or step-father). never even thought of disobeying them, ever, all my life. (this is btw quite different than most children then to now; i didn't know it then though, how unusual it was- i thought it was normal). i don't think i ever lied (even more rare) willingly or wittingly, even it meant great cost, or loss, or punishment - there was no reason ever to lie- no reason to ever deceive anyone. (this is even more poignant, no credit to me, having found out that everyone everywhere in every level of society is deceived and lied to many times daily, and they all think that's normal! that's devastating to an honest soul and a pure heart. )....
cutting to the point , when i was convicted by the Spirit of Yhwh, i had no understanding at all of how to repent or confess, or what to repent of or what to confess. i kept the whole law perfectly, of the congregation/church i was in most of my youth, and of the neighborhood/society/city/ state (civil law?) i lived in. i never even thought of breaking the law, God's or man's, as far as i can recollect. (and it was verified later by extensive backround check which included every address i'd ever lived at, several neighbors at each address, every school i'd ever attended, all my teachers and pastors i'd had, all my family and extended family, and so on. not an absolute verification, but more than anyone else had been through that i knew. turns out this was 'standard' backround check for all the employees in certain areas, but i didn't have a clue about it at the time , or until many years later. )
this didn't justify me though before Yhwh.
it didn't mean i was right before Yhwh, or even okay.
oh, i was 'perfect' as concerned any church or school or civil regulations; and no one had ever told me otherwise (again, not that i remember).
so when it came time to meet God(Yhwh), i didn't know anything to repent of nor to confess.
Eugene, i've got to go rest now. Yhwh willing i can continue this in the next day or 3..... it is important.(for myself, and maybe for someone else; Yhwh knows).