Hopefully Im not coming off too debatey like. Its just that many here presume to know what a nation thinks or should think. So, I just want you to understand what you are up against and why many of us will never waver. We see the Torah as instruction given to us by our God and King. Why we are in the position we're in is because we have fallen away from it, we've gone after what is right and pleasing in our eyes. But it has been written that in the last days he will pour out his spirit and write His Torah on our hearts. Israel will be restored and Torah will go forth from it, He promised.
Being I started out as a side note Gentile, I can see your thought process. Those side notes can get you in trouble. Side notes may refer to truth or undo the word of God. Study bibles are not always truth.
The first five books I read and seek to use lawfully. As written they are written for a purpose. They contain the Law of Moses.
ITimothy 1:8
But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully;
So many study bibles give opinions of what the word says. Much like the Torah side notes make comments.
Mark 7:13
Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
We all have to watch our traditions. The modern church has had a long time to develop errors of traditions. These traditions can be error.
Jew and Gentile alike can support traditions more than Scripture. As a redneck Mississippi feller I can take you in a 100 mile radius and find you plenty of traditions (Jew and Gentile) that are highly supported, but not very much God sent.
I have been very guilty myself, and have to continually rely on help to stay on the truth path.