If the twelve tribes of Israel are no longer importaant per God's Salvation Plan through His Son Jesus Christ, then the name Israel should no more be mentioned in the New Testament associated with Christ's Kingdom. Well, sorry Preterists, because my previous post only points to some New Testament Scripture that declares Israel's longevity per God's Plan, and I'm not just talking about believing Gentiles under the spiritual seed of Israel concept of Rom.9. God including a flesh remnant of Israel under His Grace per Romans 11:1-5 means His promises continue through them firstly.
In Hosea is a prophecy to the house of Israel under Ephraim. That means the ten tribes of Israel who were never known as Jews. God split Israel into two separaate houses and kingdoms after Solomon's days. The word Jew never applied to the ten tribes of Israel. In Hosea God showed how the ten tribes fell away from Him and went into Baal worship. Most everyone remembers the days of Jezebel and Ahab, and Jezebel's paganism of Baal worship, causing the ten tribes to fall. That's when Elijah cried to God that he was the only prophet of God left. That's when God told him that He has preserved an elect remnant of 7,000 to Himself that had not bowed the knee to Baal.
God then caused the ten tribes to be scattered through the countries, and that He would allow them to persue her false idols to the full. But then, the day would come when He would turn them back to Him, and the ten tribes would put away her idols and turn back to The Father, and He would lead them, and they would become Ami (My people) again.
The ten tribes were taken captive to Assyria and the land of the Medes first. Archaeological evidence still exists today to show their captivity north of Babylon (like the Behistun Rock in northern Iraq). While there they were given new names; they forgot their heritage as part of Israel. Per the research done by Prof. Leroy Waterman in the Assyrian Tablets for what their new names became, the name Cimmerian comes forth. And it was the Cimmerian tribes that migrated north and westward into ancient Europe which established the European nations of today. Another branch of them were the Scythians which followed the Cimmerians into western Europe. These peoples went through the narrow passages of the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountain range to get into Europe, becoming known as Caucasians. That's where the name Caucasian came from.
These peoples were made up of the Celts, Gauls, Norsk, Germani, Franks, Jutes, Picts, Normans, etc., which were the founding peoples of the European nations. That was history, regardless of whatever system of belief one wants to hold to.
When those peoples got into Europe, what did they worship? They worship the old Baal practices they brought with them from the east. Because of splits among them, and the start of new languages from that, they each had a different name for that old style pagan Bel worship which originated in ancient Babylonia.
But when it was time for Christ to come, and The Gospel to be preached, what majority of peoples accepted Christ Jesus as God's promised Savior? What areas were those seven Churches of Asia our Lord Jesus gave His Messages to? They were in Asia Minor, which includes part of eastern Europe. The Apostle Paul preached to Romans, and wanted to go to Spain. He himself was from Cilicia, an area where many of the Cimmerian peoples migrated to per the historian Herodotus. And Britain actually was the first nation to accept Christ Jesus on a national level, in the 1st century per the historian Bede, involving the Caldee Church. Augustine even complained of how he was ill received by Christian bishops that had already long been established in Britain by that time (around 500 A.D.). Joseph of Arimethea was the uncle of Jesus. In the British Isles Joseph was known as the "tinman", because he was a merchant that made trips to the Isles which was well known of in his day. It's the reason the legend of Christ's cup is attached to the area of Britain. In time, after The Gospel was preached to those nations, Christ was received among so many there, putting away the old idols of Baal and ideas of Val Halla, they become known as the western Christian nations. Many of the Gentiles among them where they were scattered also believed on Christ Jesus.
It's that founding remnant of flesh Israel of the ten tribes that migrated to form the Christian nations, which is that remnant according to the election of grace which Paul was talking about in the Romans 11:1-5 Scripture.