- Jun 6, 2011
- 867
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- Thread starter
- #41
Imagine is we, Christians were out telling others about our Faith in Jesus Christ as quickly as the Muslims do. The Islamic religion is based upon a sinful man. Mine is Based upon a Sinless Son of God Jesus Christ; who is the Only way, the Truth, and the Life. Yes, Islam is an evil cult, and we should be out trying to witness to every Muslim, and share with them the Gospel of Jesus.
My point exactly in another thread, Man, if we were as dedicated to spreading the Gospel as Islamists are in forcing Islam on the world, we wouldn't be having these convos. We'd be living in a very different and beautiful world of peace and honor. As it is, Christians are hampered and restricted on every hand from letting their lights shine. And in these latter days, the Muslims are being more and more given free rein to further restrictions on Christians with their "blasphemy laws". Not to mention their killing and torturing Jews and those who will not convert to Islam or Muslims who have converted to Christianity. Many Christians have died for their faith but not by strapping bombs on themselves to kill non Christians. And I fully agree that Islam is an "evil cult". Its followers are given permission by their "holy book" to lie, kill, and destroy. Now let me think, who are we warned is out to steal, kill, and destroy? Who is the father of lies? Oh, yeah, satan!