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It isn't Islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you!


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that is when the nsa act should stop any lawsuit of that nature and when they are cleared of any crime they should get their money back. if not then the government gets to keep that money and use it for furthering of anti-terrorism.
that is when the nsa act should stop any lawsuit of that nature and when they are cleared of any crime they should get their money back. if not then the government gets to keep that money and use it for furthering of anti-terrorism.
Don't see how that would happen. In closing their accounts it isn't that the money is frozen unless they are not telling us that part. When an account is closed, it usually means any money in it is the owner of the account's. At least as far as I know now. If the money is "frozen", then of course what you said could be true. However, the article just says that the account owners involved are wanting to know "why" the banks have closed their accounts.

I don't see how the NSA could be involved unless the accounts were suspected of or actually being used to funnel money somewhere the NSA felt is to be used for actions against the US.
"Activist Lesbian & Democrat Mayoral Candidate Christine Quinn vows to close NYC public schools for two Muslim holidays if she becomes Mayor...

I wonder if she knows Muslims will call for her execution for being a homosexual as Islam requires?"


July 12, 2013 The event at Dyker Beach Golf Course was an iftar, a meal to break the daylong fast during Ramadan, hosted by local Muslim AmericansThe community was already aggrieved, he said, when Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg vetoed a Council recommendation to add two Muslim holidays to the school calendar. In an appeal for support, Ms. Quinn said she would close schools for those holidays.

Pretty telling that she was invited to a Muslim feast. Their need for pushing through their agenda to dominate all things American overcame their Qu'ran teachings this time.
so the first amendment only applies when it suits them. while im all for equal and non interfence dealings with faiths. but last I heard the nyc schools system allows muslims to pray on school hours and property. yet they don't allow Christian churches to rent the schools on sundays and other times. no double standard there.
yet they don't allow Christian churches to rent the schools on sundays and other times. no double standard there.
Exactly, favoritism for what reason I can't fathom. It's like letting the Russians insert their communistic theories into our political system back in the cold war days. That just would not have happened, period. At least back then, we knew who the enemy was and were on guard in ways that wouldn't even be allowed now. How very "far" we have come...NOT.
Re: It isn't Islamophobia when they try to kill you, deceive you or steal from you

"SWEDISH DEFENCE LEAGUE demonstrates against the Muslim invasion of Sweden

At the Swedish Defence League’s (SDL) demonstration in Gothenburg, supporters gathered to protest against the Islamization of Sweden. SDL has its roots in the English Defence League, an anti-Islamization movement that was formed in the UK in 2009.

Stutpixlat In addition to the SDL, representatives from sister Defence League organizations in Poland and Norway also spoke at the protest. According to SDL’s vice president Vasily Rikardsson it is SDL’s goal to stop the Islamization through advocacy. They want, for example, for mosques and full veils to be banned....Unless Muslim immigration is stopped or severely restricted, its enormous strain on the welfare state will bankrupt the country. Also, since the rise in of Muslim immigration, rape and crime rates have soared.

“We are an organization that is against Islamization of Sweden. Right now there is uncontrolled Muslim immigration into Sweden, and growing worse by the year. Ungrateful Muslim immigrants keep trying to to impose their ways on the Swedish culture through demands for inhumanely slaughtered halal meat and special religious accommodations, not afforded any other religion,” said Kamil Ryba, spokesperson for SDL."

FINALLY!! WOO HOO! Sweden is my grandmother's homeland. She would be rolling in her grave and I have been horrified to hear of the demands on the country by Muslims there. But even worse was the political correctness displayed by the Swedish government. At last there is some protesting going on! May all of Europe join in! Run the supremacist Islamists back to the dirt piles they came from!
actually we failed on that. the entire hippie generation leaders were communist.
Jason, sometimes what you say is just so off I have to say something. For one thing, I am a member of that "hippie generation" and I can tell you we were not "all communists". Not even close!
Allowing a mosque in Reykjavík threatens Icelandic culture

The chairman of the Reykjavík environment and planning board has said that the board’s promise to grant the Association of Muslims in Iceland a plot of land in Sogamýri on which to build a mosque will be met.

Former mayor of Reykjavík claims a mosque will threaten Iceland’s culture and safety. Ólafur F. Magnússon is highly pessimistic about plans of a mosque being built in the open space of in the eastern part of Reykjavík, Eyjan reports.

City council approved of the plans last week, after Muslims in Iceland having waited 13 years to get a property to raise the first mosque in Iceland. Ólafur writes in Morgunblaðið today, expressing his concern about the matter.

“It is worrying that Muslims here don’t seem to have any difficulties financing the project, receiving aid from Muslim organizations abroad. Those organizations might want to increase the influence of Islam in Iceland, as well as in other countries.”
The Disease Is Spreading: A Mosque in Reykjavík Threatens Icelandic Culture

You think?? God help us all...Iceland? Is there any country in the world they are not filling with their mosques?! Won't be long before we hear about sharia law being proposed there too. Does anyone now doubt the Islamic agenda is world domination?
"Horror stories of human trafficking, torture, and slavery of Africans by Muslims in Sinai


This man is just one victim of this widespread modern-day slavery, kidnapping, and torture trade in the Sinai desert. A Christian man from the African country of Eritrea said, ”In some cases, we were tortured simply because we were Christians.”
“Sinai was always a place for human smuggling, but since around two years ago — even a bit more — it started also to be a place of human torture,” Shahar Shoham, director of Physicians for Human Rights, told CBN News. Shorham has documented more than 1,300 cases of torture in the Sinai. Those survivors, like Philip, made it to Israel. But most of the cases of torture are not documented."

Muslim Countries in Mideast, Africa Lead World in Human Traffic

The Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa lead the world in human trafficking, according to a new U.S. State Department report.
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actually we failed on that. the entire hippie generation leaders were communist.
Jason, sometimes what you say is just so off I have to say something. For one thing, I am a member of that "hippie generation" and I can tell you we were not "all communists". Not even close!

leaders, of those that were hippies. that is what I mean. er I watched a lot of show from that ere. gene Roddenberry was a secular humanist. the symbol of the federation is what? a flag close to the united nations.what did the earth not have? national pride nor money. very well communistic aint it?my uncle was a hippie in his youth. he has some Marxist leanings. not a lot but it is there.

fdr was a socialist, he did much of what Obama did, and heavier. google it. Obama copies a lot of what he did.

I watched a lot of trek and read a lot of books. in fact I still have that I haven't finished. Roddenberry was an atheist and also a secular humanist and wanted to use start trek to get the message out of a utopia that he saw men could do. it makes great entertainment but it will never work.
"At a rally to protest construction of a mega mosque in Munich, police rip down a poster showing the faces of Muslim murderers.

Islam vs Europe At one of the ongoing events to collect signatures demanding a referendum on the construction of a European Islamic Centre (ZIEM) in Munich, the organizers displayed a poster showing the faces of Muslim murderers or foreign origin. Bizarrely, while the event was ongoing, the state prosecutor ordered the poster to be confiscated because of a suspicion of incitement to hatred against peoples. Here you see the confiscation taking place.

The speaker, Michael Sturzenberger, complains of a two-tier justice system (dhimmi justice system in effect) in which you are permitted to show pictures of German murderers but not foreign Muslim murderers.

Later he refers to a poster which says, quoting a Turkish writer, “The terror comes straight from the Koranâ€. This poster, too, was confiscated the previous year on suspicion that it incited to hatred against peoples. "

DIE FREIHEIT Bayern (the Bavarian freedom)- Kundgebung am (rally on) 09.07.2013 in München(Munich)

Note: This video is not translated into English. The url shows the recent date, 7/9/13. If you listen you can tell he is saying Muslim and/or Islam many times. If anyone who reads this speaks German please translate the speech if you will.

Citizens Protest Stops Huge Mosque in Munich
This is a video we all really need to watch and pay attention to. This is why Muslims are taking over so many countries. Just look at the birth rates and see what it means for Europe and you can see what will soon be the case in America as well with the bare minimum birth rate already the case. (Don't know how that hateful pic and header got included in the video but I most assuredly do not agree with the sentiment! You can click out of the header by the way)

This one is an interview with Ibrahim Saddiq Conlon, a native Australian convert to Islam who was raised Christian and says without hesitation that every Muslim should be a memory of Al-Qaeda.
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I watched a lot of trek and read a lot of books.
And I lived it. My sister was a socialist for years. My brother was for utopia but had no idea how to get there. I went my way through a strong desire to see better equality in the accumulation of wealth but not to the point that I thought communism was the answer or "peace, not war". To my thinking and hoping just some fairness and curtailing of excess greed would have done. That idealism ended with the murder of an unarmed student at Kent State by a young inexperienced National Guardsman.

I believed in the biblical tenets of justice, mercy and equality though I sure wasn't a Christian back then, and I believe in those tenets even more now that I am. My generation still had a capacity for idealism and it showed in various ways throughout the "hippie years". It has long since died a horrible death, leaving a yawning chasm of sniggering cynicism behind. Generations following mine have no heroes, no absolutes of morality, no hope! The youngest generation, at least the ones that can speak, have no hope for their futures, ask them what do you want to be when you grow up and you get shrugs, "I don't know" answers. Ask one of my generation as a child and you would have heard "a cowboy", a wife, a fireman, a policeman, a soldier, etc. All heroes to us...all seen as potential moral failures, corrupted and corruptible, by the current generation. A policeman is a "cop", the "po-po", a fireman is a potential target for pyromaniacs, a wife is a failed women's libber, a cowboy is a joke, a soldier, especially the Vietnam vets, "baby killers" both in my generation and by the present "nutcases". Oh, yeah, America the beautiful has become the land of DIVERSITY!:screwloose
AMAZING! As I look back over this thread I see not a single response to my many posts concerning Iceland, Africa, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Russia, Hezbollah, mosques, Defense Leagues, or falling birthrates. Maybe I need to start a new thread called Islam in the World!
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Re: It isn't Islamophobia when they try to kill you, deceive you or steal from you

"SWEDISH DEFENCE LEAGUE demonstrates against the Muslim invasion of Sweden
"SWEDEN: Luxury lifestyles of the welfare-dependent Muslim immigrants...

In Socialist Sweden, (mostly Muslim) immigrants on welfare get over ten times more money than a Swedish citizen on welfare. In the video (see youtube url), we see palace-like accommodations given to uneducated, unskilled immigrants paid for by Swedish citizens, to the tune of nearly $1 million per head, per year."

This video has English subtitles.

"Sweden has been a haven for immigrants who get free housing and all sorts of welfare benefits. As a result of this socialist welfare system, thousands upon thousands of Muslims have flooded into Sweden to get their “free stuff.”...In Sweden, Muslims are creating a parallel society of Islamists who have no interest in assimilating or adopting democratic values. They are there to conquer and to suck off of the welfare system."

Now it is becoming clear why the immigrants are bankrupting the country.
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‘MUSLIM’ TEA PARTY MOVEMENT? Beware of Muslim infiltrators pretending to share your values but actually wanting to share the sharia

Tea Party circles in East Tennessee might seem an unlikely environment for launching a Muslim organization. Will Coley, 31, a Tennessee native, Muslim convert and Tea Party activist, is behind a one-person Muslim outreach project to Tea Party conservatives and libertarians that grew into a Facebook group countering ‘Islamophobia’ (justified anti-Muslim sentiment) on the Right.

“[We] changed the format of the Islam Awareness lectures at the library. Since sharia had become the issue, we decided to devote each week to covering a different area or aspect ofsharia,” says Coley. “We invited two Tea Party groups. One cursed at me, called me names and said I was Muslim and therefore they had no interest in speaking to me or hearing anything my ‘lying mouth’ had to say. The other invited other Tea Party groups.”

“After the lectures, these Tea Party groups took our information home with them. We offered paper, pens, and wrote notes on the board. Then there was a meeting of all the East Tennessee tea party groups, fourteen in all, and they had a vote. 12/2 was the vote, to abandon attacking Islam as a tactic.”

"One cursed at me, called me names and said I was Muslim and therefore they had no interest in speaking to me or hearing anything my ‘lying mouth’ had to say." Maybe those were the ones who had researched the Quran and sharia law, knew what was REALLY found in both AND knew it is considered good Muslim practice to lie to non-Muslims so long as it promotes Islam?
And that the docile group had no clue?
I watched a lot of trek and read a lot of books.
And I lived it. My sister was a socialist for years. My brother was for utopia but had no idea how to get there. I went my way through a strong desire to see better equality in the accumulation of wealth but not to the point that I thought communism was the answer or "peace, not war". To my thinking and hoping just some fairness and curtailing of excess greed would have done. That idealism ended with the murder of an unarmed student at Kent State by a young inexperienced National Guardsman.

I believed in the biblical tenets of justice, mercy and equality though I sure wasn't a Christian back then, and I believe in those tenets even more now that I am. My generation still had a capacity for idealism and it showed in various ways throughout the "hippie years". It has long since died a horrible death, leaving a yawning chasm of sniggering cynicism behind. Generations following mine have no heroes, no absolutes of morality, no hope! The youngest generation, at least the ones that can speak, have no hope for their futures, ask them what do you want to be when you grow up and you get shrugs, "I don't know" answers. Ask one of my generation as a child and you would have heard "a cowboy", a wife, a fireman, a policeman, a soldier, etc. All heroes to us...all seen as potential moral failures, corrupted and corruptible, by the current generation. A policeman is a "cop", the "po-po", a fireman is a potential target for pyromaniacs, a wife is a failed women's libber, a cowboy is a joke, a soldier, especially the Vietnam vets, "baby killers" both in my generation and by the present "nutcases". Oh, yeah, America the beautiful has become the land of DIVERSITY!:screwloose

Korean war vets were just as unpopular.

I think you should say multicultarilism. not diversity. if you have a problem with my jewish family who clinged to the idea that a jew should never merry a gentile. then you really don't know about the jews that have lived in America and still do that.

my grandparents were that way and changed only when I was born. I bet some cranmans are still that way.there is nothing wrong with pluralism. there is a difference tween that and multicultarism.
Korean war vets were just as unpopular. I think you should say multicultarilism. not diversity. if you have a problem with my jewish family who clinged to the idea that a jew should never merry a gentile.
I'm done answering your posts, jasoncran. You consistently insist on either reading things into mine that are not there or by derailing the threads. This horrendously off center accusation is the finish. Good bye and good life to you.


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