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[__ Prayer __] It's me again, need prayers losing faith


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I just received an e-mail from my landlord and she's saying that we only sent partial rent. We made 3 separate money orders which totaled the whole amount and my husband said he handed it to a guy that worked at the post office as it was almost 6:00 and the last time to send out the mail. We don't know what to do. She is saying she is short $370. We have no record of the receipt which I am pretty upset about at my husband since he was the one that filled it out and sent it. We do not have an extra $370 lying around. I don't know what to believe as my DH has not been fully honest with me in the past. I am due anytime soon and can't take this. We made arrangements with her that day so that we could hand her the money so it wouldn't be late but she said that she wouldn't be available at that time and to just send it. I don't know who is to blame. We sent out the rent last week and she didn't get back to us until today to let us know so we thought everything was ok. I'm so lost I don't know what to do.
BD, I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. Man, that's rough... :shame

I'm going to share a verse, but I'd like to preface it by saying I don't mean to be trivial about your problem. It's not easy to decide that you're going to rise above problems, but I think the closer we walk with God, the closer we can come to Paul's inner-peace he describes, and the closer we can come to actually enjoying Christ's Victory over the world.

Philippians 4
"... for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

You or I might not get to the same place that Paul was in. We might not ever feel "content in all circumstances". Okay, but could we feel more content in all circumstances? There must be a continuum of contentedness, and we are given the ability to move along it. The days we are walking closer to Him, we're more content. The days we're feeling disconnected, it's easy to be overwhelmed.

I think Paul would tell you to strengthen your focus on the Lord and let Him consume your awareness of your difficulty. It's okay if you can't do it entirely. Every step closer to him means less discontent.

Aside from what I've said, do you have any family living near you that you could possibly move in with for the time being? At least until you have your child. I know this would not be how you always imagined it, but it could be a lot worse having a newborn with you amidst these trying times.

Prayers, brokendeep. :pray

I'm really sorry. :sad
Thank you Mike,

Unfortunately my family and I don't get along and they would be more critical than helpful. I just want to know the truth but the more I think about it the more I feel that he's lying to me....but why? I just don't understand..nothing makes sense. I feel so hopeless and the baby is going to be here anytime soon. He has tried to come up with ways to make money but I just don't sense an urgency or he doesn't seem as worried as I am...which is why I feel he's lying. Normally I would think people would show some type of emotion when they get news such as we did. He did cry when I told him I got the e-mail but I wonder if it was fake or because he got caught. I don't know what to believe.
Hello Brockendeep, I am a new memberand my Name is Elshevia, I would like to Pray for you, if you will allow me to, In the meantime what I do when circumstances
overwhelm me is to sit at the feet of our Lord, and ask Him to take this problem
and the worry to Himself, and I mean litterly, I put both my hands on my breast boneand lift them up to our Lord, you might think what good will that do, He is the Lord, and nothing is impossible for Him, Faith in all he can do for you, is the KEY
He will give you the strength to overcome all problems, and I can honestly say here He has never, never, not given me the answer to whatever problem I have brought before Him. May He Bless you Mightly. Elshevia.:waving
Keep the faith . Everyone of us in these forums and in the world are going through some type of trial . Cast your worries and cares upon the Lord. When you do this, a weight will be lifted and over time you will see that things will begin to get a little better . Do not lose faith in the Lord. He is always knocking at the door, but you have to answer in order for him to help you. best wishes. god bless.


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