And WWI, and the Holocaust. Horrible things.
Neither WW1 not the Holocaust was commanded by a "holy book" as the Koran commands holy war.
Catholics and Protestants have been killing each other (and sometimes people of other faiths) ever since the reformation.
Their murderous behavior is not commanded by the Bible as is the behavior of the Muslims commanded by their Koran.
Sometimes they don't even think of each other as "real Muslims." Imagine that.
Just like way too many protestants don't even think Catholics are Christians. But, since the end of the wars of the reformation, there hasn't been a general open season on each other.
Except for that little relapse in the 1940s.
WW2 had nothing to do with religion. It was a war of ideology. And the communists continued to promote murder, mayhem and revolution around the world for another 50 years or so.
And it wasn't Christians killing Jews, slaves, communists, homosexuals, etc.; it was Nazis who had sworn allegiance to the insane Adolf Hitler. That is not a correlation to fundamentalist Muslims doing what the Koran teaches and waging holy war against all "infidels".
And the funny thing is, they only want to talk about the times Christians have done it. Silly, aren't they?
Not really. Suckers fall for that line all the time.That's why ignorant people try to compare the Crusades to the 1400 year old holy war and use it as an excuse to be thaaaaaaler-ent and in-klooooo-sive toward Muslims as they murder, rape, behead, burn, any promote general mayhem wherever they go.
That's why ignorant people buy the story that the "Palestinian people" are an identifiable "nation" who have been in "Palestine" for centuries upon centuries. In fact, they were invented in 1967 when the Jews took the "West Bank" from Jordan who had annexed it, and Jordan wouldn't let their Jordanian citizens cross the river in to Jordan, thereby forcing them to remain in the "west bank" where they could carry out terrorist attacks against Israel and get the media to blame Israel.