Lonelyguide said:
I have, in different parts of this world, spent a great deal of my life studying such "disciplines" as philosophy, psychology and spirituality, I have been allowed to meet some rather unusual human beings and I have been blessed with some rather rare spiritual privileges. All of this, however, has primarily taught me that I am not young enough, Free, to believe or pretend that I know everything. I am merely old enough (nearly 56) to know how very little I know.
We are all equal, Free ... in the eyes of our Father none of us is more than another ... but there is a path and reality is that we haven't all progressed equally far on that path. Thus, some of us are somewhat better equipped to help others on their path, whereas others aren't. By the way, am I right if I say that you are about half my age?
I trust that you understand that what you now "see" in "me", Free, are merely your own projections and that these projections consequently are primarily a reflection of what resides in you.
I have had discussions with many spiritual people and have/am studying many different aspects and practices of Christian spirituality; I am not nearly as ignorant as you probably think I am. The problem I see, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is that you accept all/most things spiritual even if it is contradictory to the Bible. In the face of such contradiction you simply state that there is an understanding of the Scripture that is too deep for one who is "not" spiritual.
You seem to be espousing that "all paths lead to God," at least for those who know true love and accept all without judging. But this is absolutely fatal for a Christian to believe. Again, if I am wrong, please correct me.
The more people get involved with spirituality outside of Christianity, the more they move away from Christian spirituality. This grave problem seems to be rampant among those who claim to be spiritual on these forums. To be sure there are many parallels among Christian spirituality and those of different religions, but there are some essential, fundamental differences that can lead one astray from Christianity and Christ altogether.
To claim love is most important (which it is) while ignoring the biblical mandate to judge true teaching from false, to be aware of false prophets who are accursed for preaching a false gospel, is to actually be unloving to those who need the truth.
But the main problem is this: if we cannot judge true teachings of Scripture from those that are false, we can literally throw out the Bible and believe whatever we want. Christianity and all of it's distinct claims become useless.
Please answer this one question: Are JWs truly Christian or not?
And I am a little over have your age.