- Aug 10, 2006
- 7,793
- 4
Bubba said:The Impeccability of the Lord Jesus Christ
Mark 1:12-13
by John A. Kohler, III
The purpose of the temptation of the Lord Jesus Christ was not to determine whether or not He would sin, but to demonstrate the fact that He would not and could not sin.
I agree that the purpose of the temptation of Jesus was to be used as a counterpoint vs. Adam. The three temptations match the ones offered by Satan in the Garden of Eden. Jesus shows that with the aid of the Word of God, one can successfully fight the temptations of the devil, even while using solely his human nature to fight off the devil. However, I think that this story cannot be used as evidence to show one way or the other that Jesus could have sinned or not. The purpose is to show that HE DIDN'T and WE ALSO can potentially say no to temptation. Much of the article I believe goes beyond what we can assume, such as "His omnipotence proves His impeccability", refering to Matthew 28 - this is AFTER the resurrection, and certainly, the power given (or used by) to Christ after the Resurrection differed from before. Omnipotence does not prove impeccability, nor did Jesus' human nature possess it, as He Himself notes regarding His Father's knowledge of the end of time.