archangel_300 said:
God is perfectly just and righteous and no sin that ever enters into existence goes unpunished. God does not just "forgive and forget" as we humans do if that were the case Jesus did not have to die on the cross. Either Christ paid for those sins or we will eventually have to pay for them. This is how our sins are absolved.
This brings up some questions that I had hoped could be answered here.
I've always wondered, is it better to be able to forgive and forget like men or take retribution by eternal torture like God? Shouldn't we take Gods lead and torture to death those who sin against us?
As a god, what exactly did Jesus sacrifice that was worth all the worlds sins? He suffered pain and gave up his mortal body to ascend to an eternal paradise. Who wouldn't want that if they really believed it?
As an atheist, I value this life because I know it's the only one I get. As a christian, why value this life? Why not move on to paradise? Do muslim suicide bombers represent the pinnacle of religious faith?
I hope these questions aren't too disturbing because I am truly seeking some answers.
Best to all