My husband also wanted me to correct something else, to not leave the wrong impression. Weapons/armor is not the only things he makes. He has made beautiful copper flowers, he gave me metal roses he made for Valentine's saying, "they will last as long as my love for you". AWWWWW..... He made our 4 post bed frame....hearts included. He KNOWS metal, and can make anything you can dream up out of it as long as he has the measurements. God has given him an amazing ability to see blue prints, make them 3D in his head and PLAY with what is written to see if there is a flaw in the design!?! If he doesn't have a tool, the Lord has given him the understanding of what needs to happen to create the desired affect, and he makes a simple tool to work with the metal to get the result...... I find it thrilling to witness! :biggrin