brother Paul
- Apr 10, 2014
- 1,420
- 221
As you know, evolutionary theory does not and cannot negate the possibility of a Creator. As you saw, Darwin attributed the origin of life to the Creator. Odd that an "evolutionist" would not know this.
Barb, you are dodging the point. I am sure Kenyon is well aware of the minority that holds to this view you espouse. But the TRUTH is most do not and hold to one of the other two views I espoused. Kenyon just came to realize (like many others) that either of the other more commonly held views in this group is absurd and not actually indicated by evidence or fact.
Yep. Forensics, geology, astronomy, etc. would be impossible if the creationists were right.
No! Only IF the literalist YECs are correct,.you in fact are a creationist (at least you claim to be)
No please do not divert by your “show me”! I am aware of the way the Genome is interpreted by this group and I believe they are incorrect. All Genomes share sections in common because those sections are relative to similar design of form (anatomical structure) or function (physiology) and do not at all evidence as a fact that one became the other or that t hey shared a common ancestor (though I have no doubt for example that all ape-kind had earlier fewer varieties from which all the diversity has been produced just as with all dog-kind, all cat kind, all humankind, etc.,)
You're a bit unclear here. The genetic data seems to be entirely consistent with fossil data. What are you trying to say?
You were implying with your link that the DNA supports the OP that we have Okapi then Samotherium and then what we call Giraffe…it does not and the link did not demonstrate this at all.
For those brainwashed who accepted the OP article on face value and were imprinted by the imaging it makes perfect sense and when challenged a cog gets stuck in their thinking process and they are UNABLE (via the program) to cognize the logic of such an opposition view as my own.
The fossil record DEMONSTRATES and can be observed to show that Okapi came last NOT first, therefore however one spins it, the OP article is misleading at best and a lie at worst. For the sake of one’s intellectual integrity it is best to just deal with it and see it for what it is. It is INCORRECT assumption based conslusionism engineered to appear to show something to be actual that clearly is NOT.
fewer and fewer scientists who doubt the fact of evolution
No one is talking about “evolution” in general but one animal becoming an entirely different animal (like Okapi becoming Giraffe through a middle man like Samotherium). Please stop trying to change the subject, Here is my question which I KNOW you will dance around and NOT take a direct stand on…
DO YOU believe Okapi BECAME Samotherium which BECAME our modern Giraffes as this OP article woould imply and have the masses believe? Yes or no!
Barb, you are dodging the point. I am sure Kenyon is well aware of the minority that holds to this view you espouse. But the TRUTH is most do not and hold to one of the other two views I espoused. Kenyon just came to realize (like many others) that either of the other more commonly held views in this group is absurd and not actually indicated by evidence or fact.
Yep. Forensics, geology, astronomy, etc. would be impossible if the creationists were right.
No! Only IF the literalist YECs are correct,.you in fact are a creationist (at least you claim to be)
No please do not divert by your “show me”! I am aware of the way the Genome is interpreted by this group and I believe they are incorrect. All Genomes share sections in common because those sections are relative to similar design of form (anatomical structure) or function (physiology) and do not at all evidence as a fact that one became the other or that t hey shared a common ancestor (though I have no doubt for example that all ape-kind had earlier fewer varieties from which all the diversity has been produced just as with all dog-kind, all cat kind, all humankind, etc.,)
You're a bit unclear here. The genetic data seems to be entirely consistent with fossil data. What are you trying to say?
You were implying with your link that the DNA supports the OP that we have Okapi then Samotherium and then what we call Giraffe…it does not and the link did not demonstrate this at all.
For those brainwashed who accepted the OP article on face value and were imprinted by the imaging it makes perfect sense and when challenged a cog gets stuck in their thinking process and they are UNABLE (via the program) to cognize the logic of such an opposition view as my own.
The fossil record DEMONSTRATES and can be observed to show that Okapi came last NOT first, therefore however one spins it, the OP article is misleading at best and a lie at worst. For the sake of one’s intellectual integrity it is best to just deal with it and see it for what it is. It is INCORRECT assumption based conslusionism engineered to appear to show something to be actual that clearly is NOT.
fewer and fewer scientists who doubt the fact of evolution
No one is talking about “evolution” in general but one animal becoming an entirely different animal (like Okapi becoming Giraffe through a middle man like Samotherium). Please stop trying to change the subject, Here is my question which I KNOW you will dance around and NOT take a direct stand on…
DO YOU believe Okapi BECAME Samotherium which BECAME our modern Giraffes as this OP article woould imply and have the masses believe? Yes or no!