@Brother Mike I'm still confused of why you think heaven is not a place. The first heaven and the new heaven are both places. Please help me understand why you think it's not.
Sorry, I am thinking.. Who the heck is this Dave guy? but with 1,800 post, I am thinking, How I miss this Dave?
Kingdom of God is translated the reign of God.............. Kingdom of Heaven is translated reign in Heaven. Heaven is a place.
Kingdom is not a Male Greek noun, so it can't define a place anyway, no matter what we do to it. The English word Kingdom is a noun, or person, place or thing. No issues there.
Jesus said.......... Thy Kingdom Come, they will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. The Kingdom of God coming, or God's will for earth as it is in heaven. If you read the end of Matt 6, it says seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness.
It's translated Seek God's things first, Your position with God, and seek God's righteousness which is reveled to us from faith to faith, Or God keeps his word as God has nothing else to base his righteousness on, growing us in one level in trust in him to another level.
Jesus said If I cast out devils, Heal the sick the Kingdom of God has come unto you. It's the Will of God being manifest through us here on Earth as it is His will for heaven. Heaven is a real place, Male noun.
So the Kingdom of God abides in us (That is scripture) Gods way, God's will, our ruling and righteous position with God.
I hope I made some type of sense.