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Less lethal forms of self defense.


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Just a little information for those interested in self defense, but can't stand guns for one reason or another.

Goblin = Bad guy

Firstly, I would highly suggest to our sisters on here to thoroughly check this site out. Invaluable wealth of information!

Here are some less lethal choices for self defense. Mind you that these come with risks, but so does everything else. OC pepperspray may or may not work on a person high on narcotics(regardless of the claims). Also, it has an effect on anyone that comes into contact with it, including you and anyone in the vicinity. I personally wouldn't be blasting it in the house, but that is for you to decide.
Pepperspray comes in a variety of sizes and strengths. From a small 1oz can to a large can holding 6oz or more. They even have oc spray for bears!

OC Pepperspray

[attachment=1:39njyyd5]kimber oc.jpg[/attachment:39njyyd5]


You could also opt on a stun gun.
The wider the area of charge and the higher the voltage the more effective the stun. This can temporaroly disable a goblin and give you time to escape. This is risky because you have to make direct physical contact and there may be more than one goblin. You could also have the misfortune of being disarmed and stunned yourself. Don't forget to do periodic tests to check the batteries!
Stun guns also come in a variety of sizes. From little pen like guns to ultra baton like stun weapons. They even have stun guns disguised as cell phones and flashlights.

Stun Gun



The third option is a taser. If I were to choose a less lethal form of self defense, this would be it. You do not have to make contact and a goblin in a drug altered state will have the same reaction because it affects the central nervous system. The downside again is having multiple goblins to deal with.
A friend of mine(and fellow martial artist) is a detective and member of SWAT. He brought their police issued tasers to class one saturday morning and we took turns getting's a rush! You are rendered incapably of doing anything but flopping on the ground, but once it's over you are just fine.


[attachment=1:2ju6y953]taser-cartridge-holder-lg.jpg[/attachment:2ju6y953] tasers!!


Lastly, I would NOT under any circumstance carry a knife for personal protection. Knives are nasty and dangerous to everyone involved. There are no winners in a knife fight, you WILL get cut everytime.

Please check with your local laws on carrying or owning anything mentioned here. Some states like Commiefornia are trying their best to keep law abiding citizens from protecting their loved ones or defending themselves from goblins.
If you so choose to get one of these or a firearm please get the training required to learn how to properly use it and care for it.

May God bless you all and keep you safe.
I have been sprayed myself and it will only slow me down, as i can still fight. I was trained to. I have been hit by x-26 it works. but some are smart to wait till the 45 sec passes and then pull the prongs off, they do leave welts.
John said:
follower of Christ said:
Heres a website for those who have a gun, but want less lethal ammo...


Lol, nice! I am liking the "tri dent" :lol
My father in law is having some trouble up in NY State with bears coming into his yard. I gave him an old single shot 12 gauge and told him to get some of those Rubber Rockets from that site since Im sure he doesnt want to kill the bear or anything. Hes got a couple small animals that I think may have food out that might be attracting wild animals.
Bad thing is that he lives in a large neighborhood with lots of children.
I am still trying to find a loop hole for self defense in Canada. We are not allowed to even use rubber bullets on another human.

We can't even carry a stick with us if the intent is for self defense.

I think the only/best way in Canada is to always walk with a big dog but some places ban certain breeds. :screwloose
John said:
I am still trying to find a loop hole for self defense in Canada. We are not allowed to even use rubber bullets on another human.

We can't even carry a stick with us if the intent is for self defense.
Thats the way it was here in Ohio as far as SD. Open Carry has always been legal....on paper anyway, but if you were pulled over and had any kind of knife on you a cop would ask what it was for and the wrong answer was anything to do with defending yourself. They tried to set me up back in the 80s by asking me what my carpet knife was if it wasnt pretty obvious. And it was even locked up in the glove compartment and I willingly volunteered for them to search my car to begin with.

The laws here now are so contradictory its astounding.
I can carry a handgun for self defense, but in reading the law a while back it seems that carrying ANYTHING else that can be used as a weapon will likely end one in jail, especially if they pull that entrapment question of asking what its for.

I used to carry a screwdriver when wed ride the bike for dogs if they attacked us.
It doubled as a tool to adjust the derailleur ;)
I used to carry a screwdriver when wed ride the bike for dogs if they attacked us.
It doubled as a tool to adjust the derailleur

Shhhh! The Canadian government may here you and we might have to register our tools, lol
One of them owns guns the other well i would have to pull the facts on vermont and switzerand and the fbi stats as well. The later went into why do we need automatic weapons, i told it takes a special license to get those and you are subject to searches without the need for warrants. (ie inspections)
Wouldn't the quickest and most effective way to take down your opponent be preferable to non-lethal means? Even if the person dies, it's either me or him, so I'd do anything to take that person down.
azlan88 said:
Wouldn't the quickest and most effective way to take down your opponent be preferable to non-lethal means? Even if the person dies, it's either me or him, so I'd do anything to take that person down.
Well, I think that NOT taking a life is always the goal.
However, if a man puts me in a position to have to choose between his life and the innocent life hes about to take...he might want to dial 911 on his cell before he begins.
azlan88 said:
Wouldn't the quickest and most effective way to take down your opponent be preferable to non-lethal means? Even if the person dies, it's either me or him, so I'd do anything to take that person down.

Yes, but it is sad that people would put you in the situiation where you would have no choice but to take their life to stop them.

If I could or have to I would progress from non lethal means and go from there.
Brian that progress is called the threat matrix. Level one is cop presence, two is when dealing with a perp who isnt resist arrest via violence, ie peacful protest or a sitdown. and so on.
I can say there are so many variables to the use of force as a last resort. Doesnt it seem that in the past 5 years there have been more and more shootings where injured and or killed were 5 or more. The frequency itself is startling, LEOS being ambushed. I am a former LEO can tell you being issued a rifle, shotgun and pistol for normal duty tells you the times are changing.

I used to carry OC, ASP but I have to say there are people out there IMMUNE to both. I think they are great tools but when the blank hits the fan, some people are looking down at there belts trying to figure out what they should use because there are so many options. An ASP, OC and TAZER are interchangeable in the use of force brakets, meaning take your pick.
sforces said:
I can say there are so many variables to the use of force as a last resort. Doesnt it seem that in the past 5 years there have been more and more shootings where injured and or killed were 5 or more. The frequency itself is startling, LEOS being ambushed. I am a former LEO can tell you being issued a rifle, shotgun and pistol for normal duty tells you the times are changing.

I used to carry OC, ASP but I have to say there are people out there IMMUNE to both. I think they are great tools but when the blank hits the fan, some people are looking down at there belts trying to figure out what they should use because there are so many options. An ASP, OC and TAZER are interchangeable in the use of force brakets, meaning take your pick.
OC doesnt affect me much.And yes even in the military version of the use of force bracket(threat matrix) prt 24, asp and oc and baton are interchangable)


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