- Aug 9, 2012
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My attitude is the direct result of your own pronouncements that there are "contradictions" when you haven't even taken the time or put forth the energy to find that they simply don't exist, as I will now prove to you.Your attitude does not help matters. For some, including me, this is a massive issue.
This is what I mean. Your have not studied sufficiently to know what the passage says. It seems to me, also, you've posted this so-called "contradiction" on the board in another thread today, and the question was answered there, and yet you continue to hold to your insistence that this is a "contradiction."Reading the Bible raises up some huge questions and we're trying to work our way through them. I read something like Proverbs;
4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
or you yourself will be just like him.
5 Answer a fool according to his folly,
or he will be wise in his own eyes.
And those 2 are contradictory statements.
The word "according" in v. 4 is the Hebrew kem'o, meaning "like." In other words, "Do not answer a fool in like folly." The word "deserves' in v. 5 is the Hebrew ghem'ool and quite literally means "deserves." Therefore, answer as the folly deserves, i.e., either do not answer at all, or answer with wisdom so as to correct the folly. Anyone could have discovered this for themselves, rather quickly, if they were so inclined.
English, yes. English translated into Greek without having the benefit of knowledge of the idioms, the fact that the Greek has six tenses, that the Greek is able to express in one single word what we require a half-dozen to say? No, you don't know that, and you apparently don't want to know that. Also, there are no "differences" in the resurrection accounts. There is perspective differential, because the four gospels were written from four different views. Matthew presented Christ as King. Mark presents Him as Son of Man. Luke presents Him as the humble Servant. John presents Him as God the Son. With differing perspectives, each author is going to note different things about the life of Christ, as well as his death. Because they don't read identically does not make them "contradictory." It makes them different in perspective. No two modern authors will treat the same subject in the same manner. Why do you insist the authors of the true accounts of Christ and His ministry do so?Looking at the Resurrection accounts, they do differ. Now they are there how they are for a reason but to say "oh its an illusion" doesn't help me and is just insulting. I know how to read!
As surely you have noted by now, it isn't simply belief. It is the fact that I have made the effort to study and dissect God's word and understand what it says and why it says it. You do not know the simple facts I have pointed out in just this post. These are facts that most middle-school aged Southern Baptist kids know from their Bible studies in church. The fact that you do not know them indicates that your are making a complaint based on no knowledge whatsoever. It indicates you have simply read that there are contradictions and haven't investigated them for yourself. You are buying into an agenda of ignorance and have no desire to correct it in yourself. I'm sure you think that to be harsh, but let me put in perspective for you.The problem for me has been not so much that I have these issues but the attitude like the one you're showing; "I believe its inerrant therefore I'm better than you."
Do you understand what transference is from a psychological standpoint? Can you discuss circular vs. linear causality with me on a professional basis? Is it possible you can give me a detailed outline of the differences between Aaron Beck's cognitive behavioral therapy and Carl Rogers' humanistic psychology? I'd be very surprised if you could, and unless you've had the training I've had, there is no reason that you should be able to answer any of those question.
So what makes you think you can challenge the inerrancy of the Bible without having investigated whether or not it is?