- Aug 10, 2016
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- 693
This is exactly why I can't buy it.i.am a jew,I can trace my surname back to early america times.
So you think when isreal is saved that they need the Mosaic laws.?one need to be kosher,raised in the temple to fit the promise.
Isreal of it repents will be as reconciled to God as much as a gentile.plenty of Hebrews are no dead in Christ. I will die,my dad,my brother, my other siblings will,and aunt,great uncle who died all are of isreal.the apostle are all jews,where do we fit, with the rapture or the nation of Israel. I can even show you that ancient isreal was a large gentile grafted in .the largest tribes were from two gentile mixed sons,as is the aaronic priesthood. It was never a pure hebrew concept.
I should do a thread on what the torah was for aND its feasts were only a reminder of what was done .not for atonement but included a purging for sins as you had to be atoned to offer .the exception was for rosh hoshanna,Yom kippur.
That said . And i john saw a large mulitude and asked.who are these washed in white robes? These are those who refused the mark of the beast,were beheaded,and we're cleansed by the blood.
A bunch of the goyim will be saved .where are these gonna fit,of you aren't a hebrew ,what group are you.this group,of either hebrews,gentiles will have to be baptisted,partake a communion of they so have time to live and its a command!
Therefore because Christ ordained those things before the cross, it's part of the church.
hello jasonc, dirtfarmer here
Your earthly ethnicity has nothing to do with who you are in Christ, if you are born again. When a Hebrew or Gentile become a believer(born again), they are a new creation in Christ Jesus where there are no "Jews or Gentiles", but are made a new creation:
Galatians 6:15, " For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature."
2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold all things are become new.
It, Israel, has always received salvation by faith. The sacrifices were to restore fellowship; the exception being Passover, and it looked forward to the time when Christ would shed his blood.
The law reveals the holiness that God requires, of which, no one can attain or keep. The sacrifices only covered sin for one year, then another sacrifice had to be offered for fellowship to continue. Christ made one sacrifice for all so that a relationship could be established. This is the Passover. Once that relationship is established, then there are sacrifices for the restoration of fellowship. With Christ, once that relationship has been established it can never be broken. It is fellowship that can be broken and that must be restored. fellowship is restored by confessing about sin what God says about sin.
You, being of Jewish ethnicity, when sin is in your life that doesn't change you ethnic heritage. You are still a Jew. What does change when sin is in your life is fellowship. If you live as a Jew, then you must sacrifice the prescribed sacrifice to restore fellowship.