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- #21
I know this thread has focused on scripture, but to answer your question, I look for people who are honest in their faith; who can say "I don't know" or "yes, I fall short with -----". Aside from looking for opportunities to reach the lost, when I'm looking for fellowship, I'm looking for someone who honestly desires to know Him more.
I was "that guy" who didn't care enough that it mattered. I've been so changed, I simply don't know that person anymore. I can't relate to him, and I can't relate to people who can go day-to-day putting the Lord on a shelf. What could possibly be more important than this? So, when I meet a person to seeks to draw near to Him, who just wants to honestly talk matters of faith out in an honest way, I'm hooked. It's those who can't seem to let their guard down out of foolish pride and "know all the answers" that I'm not looking for.
A website like this is a great place for people to exchange ideas and learn from one another. There are those that get angry, though, when someone disagrees with one of their beliefs, but when you come right down to it, most of the fun is in debating these people, perhaps. What do you think?