Looking For A New Bible


May 30, 2010
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It's important to understand that I am not asking specifically for a translation.

I think I will get the NASB95 translation, as it is sufficiently accurate to the Hebrew/Greek but still in a very modern English.

What I am asking if anyone has things that ought to be considered when purchasing a Bible. I'm looking to get one for daily reading. I've already got a very nice, and SUPER thick, study Bible.

This is going to replace my previous NASB95 Bible. That one had a very sad ending when it got scrapped against something and all the pages that had a book tag on it got torn out.
Paaaaaaaaaaaaaard! Woooooooooow! Buuuuuuud!
Apply the Giffen goods thing and get a good bible. (light but strong cover, bindable one, concordance of course, if you love cartoons - then one with pics, colored; light, etc) :lol
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What I am asking if anyone has things that ought to be considered when purchasing a Bible. I'm looking to get one for daily reading. I've already got a very nice, and SUPER thick, study Bible.

These days, I carry around an iphone where I access online bible sites in various translations. Light, convenient and awesome way to stay in touch with God's Word ... as well as CF.net.

If you're looking for hardcover copies, the choice is entirely up to your personal preference that includes, among other things, cost, color, font size, footnotes, commentaries, maps, pictures, concordance, dictionary and so on .... Of course, the more of these features, the costlier the bible will be, and probably bulkier too.

See what best fits you .... :salute

Here's another aspect: it might depend a little on your age. Depending on your age and eyesight, you might want to consider getting a Bible in which the print is big enough. You are more likely to read regularly an edition that is easy for your eyesight, than one which has print that you need to strain your eyes for. I never thought this would be a factor for me, but it's true, as I have discovered more recently.

I would only add that time is a factor. In that you should take your time and see what's available before you make your choice. There's a lot of choices available. There's nothing worse than finding something better than what you ended up buying.

And though I'm a book person myself, the idea of an electronic device, as Tina brought out, is certainly a viable option, especially if you intend to carry the bible with you everywhere you go. As I remember, the size of the print can be changed. And the options of other resources available is almost limitless. Everything right there at your fingertips. Maybe cheaper. It almost sounds too easy. Too good to be true. A realist like me wonders what's the downside. Other than dropping the gadget and watching its innards spread out all over the floor. But then, I guess pre copying everything to a flash drive so that it's easy to retrieve into a new gadget would take care of that little problem.

It's important to understand that I am not asking specifically for a translation.

I think I will get the NASB95 translation, as it is sufficiently accurate to the Hebrew/Greek but still in a very modern English.

What I am asking if anyone has things that ought to be considered when purchasing a Bible. I'm looking to get one for daily reading. I've already got a very nice, and SUPER thick, study Bible.

This is going to replace my previous NASB95 Bible. That one had a very sad ending when it got scrapped against something and all the pages that had a book tag on it got torn out.

If this is a reading bible, I would suggest a HCSB, its literal enough, and very easy to read. I would research it, they have very good bindings, and will last a good long while.

There is also the NKJV, a very readable bible translation (imo better than KJV).

But as this is specifically for a reading bible, the HCSB is the best bet.


thats the ultrathin bible, duotone simulated leather, you can get calfskin as well.

Ezekiel 21:14-15 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) *14*Therefore, son of man, prophesy* and clap your hands together.* Let the sword strike two times, even three.* It is a sword for massacre,* a sword for great massacre—* it surrounds them!* 15*I have appointed a sword*for slaughter at all their gates,* so that their hearts may melt* and many may stumble.* Yes! It is ready to flash like lightning;* it is drawn for slaughter.

Its literal, easy to read, very very nice, it also brackets verses cut out by other critical text bibles, plus the footnotes are amazing.

thats my recommendation anyway :)
I like a Bible with a lot of references and introductions. I personally prefer the ESV, but I do like the Holman and NASB as well.

I would also second Tina's ebible suggestion - I have youVersion for iOS and it's fantastic. :thumbsup
I am personally a fan of the eBible route. My favorite for some time now has been the www.2001Translation.com. It is loaded with references, a modern easy read, and get updated when necessary. There is even a way to contact the editors if you find something wrong with it. They will look into your suggestion and make changes it warranted as well.
I am personally a fan of the eBible route. My favorite for some time now has been the www.2001Translation.com. It is loaded with references, a modern easy read, and get updated when necessary. There is even a way to contact the editors if you find something wrong with it. They will look into your suggestion and make changes it warranted as well.

It's important to understand that I am not asking specifically for a translation.

I think I will get the NASB95 translation, as it is sufficiently accurate to the Hebrew/Greek but still in a very modern English.

What I am asking if anyone has things that ought to be considered when purchasing a Bible. I'm looking to get one for daily reading. I've already got a very nice, and SUPER thick, study Bible.

This is going to replace my previous NASB95 Bible. That one had a very sad ending when it got scrapped against something and all the pages that had a book tag on it got torn out.

Good notes and cross references are always a plus. Quality leather bound and good print and font size a plus too! I would also invest in a zipper Bible case for it too.
If you are looking for a new leather Bible, I suggest checking out Chapter House Leather. I own a couple of their rebinds in the ESV and NIV translations, and the full-grain leather is super durable and nice. Chapter House is a Texas-based company, located in the North Houston area, which adds a personal Texas touch to its products. Check them out! They also sell premium leather Bible from many of the top publishers.
If you are looking for a new leather Bible, I suggest checking out Chapter House Leather. I own a couple of their rebinds in the ESV and NIV translations, and the full-grain leather is super durable and nice. Chapter House is a Texas-based company, located in the North Houston area, which adds a personal Texas touch to its products. Check them out! They also sell premium leather Bible from many of the top publishers.
Just so you know, the last post made in this discussion was almost 13 years ago and the member, 3rd Heaven, hasn't been seen since.
Yes and the last time the OP was around was 2014. Need to pay attention when thumbing through the old posts how long it's been since anyone responded whether or not the OP is even still active. Welcome Ronin15 and hope you find more current threads to address.