I am glad that you have been able to confirm that she is mentally and physically capable as that seems to be the first place to check in such a situation.
I am not sure what you have all tried as I am sure you've tried a lot of things! Here are a few ideas I have from potty training kids:
Method 1:
-Take them to the store and have them pick out underwear. Sometimes pick out two different ones if you can because finding their sizes at first can be tricky, it kind of stinks to drive all the way home and then them be the wrong size.
-After the undies have been washed and ready to wear, let her pick out what one she likes. Tell her for example, "No pee pee or poo poo on Minnie Mouse/Elsa/whatever it may be." and to come to the potty when they need to go. If your child isn't a talker and/or does better with non-verbal language (or they like something different/fun) then you can teach them the ASL sign for "toilet," which can be found below:
The sign for "toilet" in American Sign Language (ASL)
-Set a timer you both can hear because chances of them telling you are often slim (lol). Put them on the potty every 20 minutes. It's a pain and it is time consuming, but if you both can stick with it then it will keep getting easier. They will start realizing when they have to go.
-Accidents will happen, mistakes will happen and that's okay - it's all part of learning! I keep a large bottle of vinegar handy so I can mix it with water for clean ups. Also, a stack of old towels!
-For nighttime, you can put a couple towels under them or buy the large bed mats so if they go they hopefully won't get the sheets wet. Some people use a pull up at night for their own sanity, and there are some that say this is okay and others that say this only confuses the child - it's up to you and what works for you both.
Method 2:
-(Similar concept as above) Get pull ups or keep diapers in their size, but still take them to the potty every 20 minutes so they start understanding when they have to go.
-If this works for you both then go for it!
Some notes:
-Reward them when they go on the potty! Personally I stay away from lollipops as I don't like to use sugar as a reward, but some mom's use them and feel it's a strong motivator. I like to use stickers and somehow my kids always enjoyed stickers more than candy. We'd go to the dollar store and get a few sheets of stickers. Positive praise is good, too, "Good job!" "Yay! You used the potty!"
-With stickers, you can print off or draw your own potty chart and after so many stickers, get a bigger toy (a whole roll of stickers, a doll, bottle of bubbles, whatever works). This may take more than one potty chart before she is fully using the potty.
-If you can, mention you will let them go to the store or go online with you and pick out a toy that they really want when they are only using underwear and making it to the potty. I would think that a 7 year-old would be extremely motivated for this.
-This is a time dedicated process. It may be difficult for parents that work to potty train their children. I've known some people who have had their children in diapers for a while mostly because they worked so much that they didn't have the time to potty train. A trusted family member or friend may be able to help you if you need. If you work and have a few days off, that's a good time to start it.
-A little bit of potty training can be better than none. You can build up from there. Sometimes I notice when my littles are wearing diapers but aren't fully potty trained that when we go out somewhere they ask to use the potty (but not so much at home). You will probably be at home for a while (some people say after 3 days of persistence that kids catch on a lot better) for them to get the hang of it.
-If you have multiple kids, let whoever uses the potty ring a loud bell they hold in their hands and walk around with for a few minutes. An older sibling could help with this, they use the bathroom and ring the bell for you and then your 7 year-old will wonder what it's all about so they get to ring the bell.
**You guys got this! It takes time and patience, but it can be done!**
I hope I have helped.