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Looking for HONEST answer from christians

My husband and I have both been struggling, because we do not feel the peace of God in our lives. We were both saved, or so we thought. My husband is the most commited person, and he has told me time and time again that he has cried in search of God, and has done it since he was a young boy, and never felt God. As for me, I believe, but i am not sure that i have really felt God myself either. My husband also has doubts because he does not understand how the same God who ordered to have women children and animals killed in the old testament, could be the loving God described in the new testament. My question for you all is, is there anything true about feeling God in your life? About having the changed heart and peace that God promised in his word? I am looking for honest answers, I want to know if I am just expecting God inmy life to feel like some fairy tale, or if God really does show himself, because he has yet to for me.
The emotional part of my walk with the Lord has had ups and downs.... Some times I 'feel' some times I don't... I trust Him believe His Word by faith.... Is life hunky-dory nope, do I sometimes ask "God where are You" yup I sure do....
Hi jlecrone018 and welcome. To me peace has become known as peace with God by faith regardless of circumstance. Happiness and good feelings are the result of consequence such as good things occurring.

Once we are in Christ God is at work in our lives to become the very image of Jesus as His workmanship, and by faith I know when God says in Romans 8:28 that all things work together for good to them that love God, I believe it. In this introductory post I'll leave off with that and hope others will fill in the gaps. It's good to have you with us. :wave
In order to feel God in your life, you must have God in your life. You need a personal relationship with Him. That is achieved by faith ! Faith that He is the Almighty Living God who is the creator & life giver & there is none other. Then you should know & believe that God gave His only begotten Son to the world to wash away the sins of the world. Just like your husband or your best friend, you get to know them better by spending time with them. You get to know God better by reading His word & spending time in prayer with Him. You can't get wet unless you jump in the pool. Once you become saved, you become a new creature & you receive the holy Spirit which will remain with you forever. Then you will feel God within. :)

I will pray for you.
Yes, I have felt Him in my life; other times not as much. I know He is real, I would not be alive today if He wasn't. I find the more "busy" I am with work and home, the less I feel. If I take the time to truely quiet my rather spazztastic life and mind for awhile, I'll feel Him more.
the peace is a peace with God and there will be struggles in the Christian walk and when we are away from this world we will have peace with Jesus
I have in fact felt God very much in my life, although sometimes I don't. And I know that He must exist is because when I sin...I definitely don't feel His presence anymore! Or more like, I feel the Holy Spirit inside of me GRIEVED, I simply can't sleep with the guilt. I would need to repent before I got any peace.

I know He is real because I have heard His voice before. It is a very powerful, yet serene voice, and all-consuming when it speaks to you. At least it was for me. I was listening to an audio Bible with earbuds in my ears, and about to drift off to sleep, when suddenly this voice shook me up. It was very definite and clear. This was after I suffered through a lot of guilt about possibly committing the unforgivable sin, and experienced a lot of demonic attacks as well (which I won't go into detail because I'm afraid you might think I'm schizophrenic! unless you want to know) and I heard a voice, so full of love I felt my whole soul vibrating with its intensity (around my chest area) "Jennifer, I love you...Ask for the Holy Spirit and you shall recieve him."

So God wants you to RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT! ASK and you shall receive! I know people who have asked continually until they felt the living water flow through them. for reals! Just ASK, and you will feel God's presence more greatly in your life. Trust me! :)
My husband and I have both been struggling, because we do not feel the peace of God in our lives. We were both saved, or so we thought. My husband is the most commited person, and he has told me time and time again that he has cried in search of God, and has done it since he was a young boy, and never felt God. As for me, I believe, but i am not sure that i have really felt God myself either. My husband also has doubts because he does not understand how the same God who ordered to have women children and animals killed in the old testament, could be the loving God described in the new testament. My question for you all is, is there anything true about feeling God in your life? About having the changed heart and peace that God promised in his word? I am looking for honest answers, I want to know if I am just expecting God inmy life to feel like some fairy tale, or if God really does show himself, because he has yet to for me.

I love this question. I believe everybody who has not asked this question should.
“I’ve been Baptized, How come I don’t feel like a kid with a sweet tooth in a candy shop with a twenty dollar bill?”

Jesus promised life in Paradise. No more pain, sickness, stupid bills, fights our my mate, and nasty drivers on the freeway.”
Well, this system is not Paradise. Before they killed Jesus, they beat him to a pulp. What did he do when they stopped? He got up, and let them beat him some more. Why did he do that? He did it because he knew we were going to be hated by this world for his name sake. He wanted us to be assured, no matter how hard our life would be in this system, it would never be as bad as that beating he took. We have to teach our self, like he taught, not to look to this system, but to the Paradise. This system is short. Our live span in this system is very short. You breath could stop at any second. Spend you time well. Don’t waste it. Christians who have served our God for a time can tell you why you, and your husband do not feel the Joy of serving our Father. It’s because your only talking about him, and not serving him. How many times a day, do you talk to strangers about the glory of the Father, and our Lord Jesus…and his promise of the Paradise? Do this, and you will feel a happiness like you have never felt in your life…and the more you do it, The stronger the feeling gets. You will fell like our Lord is walking with his arm around both you and you family.

You don’t have to know much. Just tell the people the Good News of the Kingdom. (The Paradise that is promised.) Get my drift kid?
Of course I can not prove any of this,

Let it be confirmed by the mouths of two or three witnesses. I've seen it. That's one witness. And I would dare say that Jesus has seen it too. There's your two. There's more. There are many silent witnesses. They may even have come to you and asked, "What be this???" as they scratch their heads after having watched the change that took place in you.

Tell you what. Nobody, and I mean nobody(!) can effect real change in themselves. What we do is shift things around. Psychologists have terms for it. Addictions counselors do too. So does the bible. Can a tiger change its stripes? It's not a direct quote, and I put a PC (Politically Correct) "spin" on it but see Jeremiah 13:23 for that one. Can a bitter fountain pour forth pure water? Can a man serve two masters?

You're right, we can not prove. We don't have to. Our allegation, "He will come for me," is based on his fidelity to his word. This is our promise shared.
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My husband and I have both been struggling, because we do not feel the peace of God in our lives. We were both saved, or so we thought. My husband is the most commited person, and he has told me time and time again that he has cried in search of God, and has done it since he was a young boy, and never felt God. As for me, I believe, but i am not sure that i have really felt God myself either. My husband also has doubts because he does not understand how the same God who ordered to have women children and animals killed in the old testament, could be the loving God described in the new testament. My question for you all is, is there anything true about feeling God in your life? About having the changed heart and peace that God promised in his word? I am looking for honest answers, I want to know if I am just expecting God inmy life to feel like some fairy tale, or if God really does show himself, because he has yet to for me.
All Things are built on faith. Even as a newborn baby depends on the love of the Mother to have life. Faith is pointed at love and God is love. So I'm going to say to you with all confidence and surety of faith, that anytime you weep for seeing the plight of someone suffering, God is in you. Anytime you share with another, God is in you. Everytime you drive your car and take care not to hurt someone, God is in you. Anytime you see a cute puppy and desire to hold it, God is in you. Anytime you grieve for the loss of someone you loved, God is in you. He's always been in you from the very day you were born. If you want to know the joy of Christianity, you need only kneel down and say thank You, Father and praise be unto You for Who You Are, for what would we be without Your Spirit?
I didn't really start feeling God in my life until I began spend time with and seek an actual relationship with Him. Still, there are times when He just seems silent. Other times He speaks very loudly and clearly. I think often it's somewhere in between.
I've had times where everything seems to be going wonderful, and I find myself praising God all day long and feeling very joyful and at peace with everything and everyone. This may last a few weeks. Seems like times like that usually come right before some especially hard spiritual battle.
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I'm very sorry to hear that you haven't accepted God into your life. Don't worry, my friend you're halfway there because belief is the first path to take. I only fully accepted him into my life after a religious experience and now I see him in a lot of people's actions. Just remember when you see a good person, they have been sent to you by God to show you that decent people are still out there. It's easy for people's faith to be tested too, but everytime there is a shadow of doubt, just remember it is a challenge set by God - you'll be okay but most people abandon him at the first stage.

The first problem for most people who haven't fully accept God into their lives is their level of expectation. All humans will have something that happens in their lives that they didn't expect. For example, death often questions people and puts people to the test. It's true that we're all mortal beings but sometimes it seems not just unfair, but random: "Why did it happen to us?" but just know that God keeps a special place for his angels. It's up to you to make sense of what has been laid out for your life. God gives us the strength to battle through things that we cannot change and we have to embrace the faith to acknowlegde that.

You are a good person, my friend. You will be in my thoughts, bless you.
Right on the money Domenic. I was at a place where I searched for the Lord, gave my life to him, read the bible, yet did not feel the peace or joy of the Lord. I missed it and asked many Christians about it and could not get a good answer to it. Then I had more problems, and though I thought I was with Christ, I didn't feel like it, nor had the joy that accompanies it. I felt the hole in my spirituality, yet continued to seek him. I would stress about money and the frustrations of life, and it kept me down. I would pray for help in the morning and in the afternoon, I was looking to my friends for help, borrowing money and stuff. I wasn't out giving my testimony to people because I wasn't receiving help from the Lord and was going further and further downward in my spiritual life. I had many doubts and would ask myself a lot, God where are you?

I prayed for wisdom and understanding. I continued to read. Then one day, I read in scripture where it said that if when we ask God for help then we are not supposed to look to men for help. I also read that we are to be giving our testimony to others about how God has helped us in our life, and it hit me. I had little to no faith, and was not obeying God in my Christian duties.

So I really really laid it at Jesus feet one night, and called him on the promise to help me. I said I put my trust in you to deliver me through this situation, and meant it. I let it go and decided to trust in the Lord and not to worry about anything, God will be done. I began giving Testimony to others about how God saved my life. I just plain released it and all the stress, trusting in the Lord. I forced myself to be patient and just watch and see what the Lord did. He let it go until the proverbial last second to let me have the oppurtunity to have faith and keep faith in Him. And I did. I would not allow myself to stress about my problems, I just said to myself, heck with it, it's in the Lords hands and I'll see what if anything he does for me. Well he did, and even though he didn't answer my prayer in my prescribed manner (how I thought He would), it was clear that He did answer my prayer and rewarded my faith in Him. It was in a totally unexpected way, but was unmistakable. Praise the Lord.

After that, I had more problems crop up, and wondered if it was a fluke the first time. So I prayed, and recalled the frame of mind and heart that I had in having this faith, so decided to do the same thing this time around also. Same results. Last minute, prayers answered. It was then that I felt the joy of the Lord wash over me. I stopped worrying and let the Lord have all of my problems and such peace and joy were felt by me that I realized that I hadn't been having faith before, only paying lip service to God about my faith. Now, I had even more testimony to give to others. I began making an renewed effort to obey the Lord and to let Him guide my entire life. People began remarking to me that I didn't seem to to take anything serious anymore, and was like a child in how carefree I was! I would respond with testimony and assurance that God is most certainly taking care of me. I have learned how to have real faith and how to really obey the Lord, and how to resist evil temptations. I still have ups and downs but it is clear that the Lords hand is upon me and He is renewing me, preparing me, building my patience and endurance. Increasing my faith.

Of course I can not prove any of this, but I know it to be so within my heart. Life is better now and I am to the point that I can rejoice and praise the Lord for my trials and tribulations, for I know that all things work together for Good for those who love God. Ours is a magnificent and loving God who has never let me down. I simply needed to get my house in order and learn to obey. Praise the Lord indeed!
I am happy to hear God waits until the last second to help you...that has always been the case with me too. Maybe he thinks that's funny? I know one hour a day he tells his angels, "No calls (prayers) for the next hour. I'm watching the dummy (me) down there. Look at him, look what he's trying to do now..hahahahah."
Right on the money Domenic. I was at a place where I searched for the Lord, gave my life to him, read the bible, yet did not feel the peace or joy of the Lord. I missed it and asked many Christians about it and could not get a good answer to it. Then I had more problems, and though I thought I was with Christ, I didn't feel like it, nor had the joy that accompanies it. I felt the hole in my spirituality, yet continued to seek him. I would stress about money and the frustrations of life, and it kept me down. I would pray for help in the morning and in the afternoon, I was looking to my friends for help, borrowing money and stuff. I wasn't out giving my testimony to people because I wasn't receiving help from the Lord and was going further and further downward in my spiritual life. I had many doubts and would ask myself a lot, God where are you?

I prayed for wisdom and understanding. I continued to read. Then one day, I read in scripture where it said that if when we ask God for help then we are not supposed to look to men for help. I also read that we are to be giving our testimony to others about how God has helped us in our life, and it hit me. I had little to no faith, and was not obeying God in my Christian duties.

So I really really laid it at Jesus feet one night, and called him on the promise to help me. I said I put my trust in you to deliver me through this situation, and meant it. I let it go and decided to trust in the Lord and not to worry about anything, God will be done. I began giving Testimony to others about how God saved my life. I just plain released it and all the stress, trusting in the Lord. I forced myself to be patient and just watch and see what the Lord did. He let it go until the proverbial last second to let me have the oppurtunity to have faith and keep faith in Him. And I did. I would not allow myself to stress about my problems, I just said to myself, heck with it, it's in the Lords hands and I'll see what if anything he does for me. Well he did, and even though he didn't answer my prayer in my prescribed manner (how I thought He would), it was clear that He did answer my prayer and rewarded my faith in Him. It was in a totally unexpected way, but was unmistakable. Praise the Lord.

After that, I had more problems crop up, and wondered if it was a fluke the first time. So I prayed, and recalled the frame of mind and heart that I had in having this faith, so decided to do the same thing this time around also. Same results. Last minute, prayers answered. It was then that I felt the joy of the Lord wash over me. I stopped worrying and let the Lord have all of my problems and such peace and joy were felt by me that I realized that I hadn't been having faith before, only paying lip service to God about my faith. Now, I had even more testimony to give to others. I began making an renewed effort to obey the Lord and to let Him guide my entire life. People began remarking to me that I didn't seem to to take anything serious anymore, and was like a child in how carefree I was! I would respond with testimony and assurance that God is most certainly taking care of me. I have learned how to have real faith and how to really obey the Lord, and how to resist evil temptations. I still have ups and downs but it is clear that the Lords hand is upon me and He is renewing me, preparing me, building my patience and endurance. Increasing my faith.

Of course I can not prove any of this, but I know it to be so within my heart. Life is better now and I am to the point that I can rejoice and praise the Lord for my trials and tribulations, for I know that all things work together for Good for those who love God. Ours is a magnificent and loving God who has never let me down. I simply needed to get my house in order and learn to obey. Praise the Lord indeed!
I am happy to hear God waits until the last second to help you...that has always been the case with me too. Maybe he thinks that's funny? I know one hour a day he tells his angels, "No calls (prayers) for the next hour. I'm watching the dummy (me) down there. Look at him, look what he's trying to do now..hahahahah."
Seems to be the case with me, as well. Seems like He'll come in just when you're about to give up.
I do not believe things are by happenchance. The things in my life had their purpose, all their consequence were for my good (Romans 8:28), the trials of my faith produced their expected effect in the appointed time, and I believe necessary to my growth in Christ.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

No, I do not believe God Who gave us His Son, or Jesus Who died for us laugh at our struggles because we read of rejoicing in the presence of angels; Who do you think it is that is rejoicing?

Luke 15:10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

And our sufferings? 1 Peter 1:7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
I want to know if I am just expecting God inmy life to feel like some fairy tale, or if God really does show himself, because he has yet to for me.

God is no longer a fairy tale once you believe and confess your heart. He shows himself to you and implants the Holy Spirit inside of you. What is your belief in who Jesus Christ is. God is love, love love. - Blessings.
thank yall so much for the replies, it has really helped me to read these. i actually have accepted Christ into my life, awhile back, ive just strayed away, and there are things that other people have been pointing out to me that have gotten in my head and made me doubtful and wonder. I really appreciate the replies, and mostly for your honesty. I think it is so important for believers to be honest, and not fake. Anyways, I really appreciate it, and am slowly trying to renew my relationship with God and will take your advice to heart
My question for you all is, is there anything true about feeling God in your life? About having the changed heart and peace that God promised in his word? I am looking for honest answers, I want to know if I am just expecting God inmy life to feel like some fairy tale, or if God really does show himself, because he has yet to for me.
I understand this question because I too felt this way for much of my walk with God. The reason I did not have peace is because I had not permitted the Lord to deal with some broken areas of my life -- I searched and sought answers wondering if I just wasn't doing Christianity the way I ought to... I thought I was being punished and that was why I was not victorious. I often even felt rejected by God. But approx age 40 the Lord showed up and began to minister to me, showing me some things that had happened to me as a young child.. as He healed those areas I began to feel JOY in the Lord for the first time ever. Continue to seek Him - you are asking an honest question and wanting to know the "more" of Abba. He will reward you if you continue to seek Him and don't give up
Bless you.... don't give up. Also, ask Him for dreams to speak to you the messages of His heart and direction for your life.