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Looking for Jesus according to Luke

1) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 4: Good reports about Jesus spread throughout all the surrounding country. And he begins to teach in the synagogues and is held in honor by all.

- There it appears that everything starts well for Jesus.

- But it’s only the beginning!

- Jesus is going to be clear about his message!

- He is not here to tell people what they want to hear but God’s word!

- That’s why the religious leaders are going to oppose him right at the beginning!

- And this fight will go on till his death!

- He will never accept corruption of God’s word, no never!
Most go the opposite way and idolize him.
61) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 18:18,19

  • One of the rulers asks Jesus a question!
  • And he calls him Good teacher!
  • Then Jesus asks why he calls him a good teacher!
  • Let’s have a look at Jesus’ answer:
“No one [is]

οὐδεὶς (oudeis)

Adjective - Nominative Masculine Singular

Strong's 3762: No one, none, nothing.


ἀγαθὸς (agathos)

Adjective - Nominative Masculine Singular

Strong's 18: A primary word; 'good'.


εἰ (ei)


Strong's 1487: If. A primary particle of conditionality; if, whether, that, etc.


Θεός (Theos)

Noun - Nominative Masculine Singular

Strong's 2316: A deity, especially the supreme Divinity; figuratively, a magistrate; by Hebraism, very.


εἷς (heis)

Adjective - Nominative Masculine Singular

Strong's 1520: One. (including the neuter Hen); a primary numeral; one.

  • Apparently nobody understands Jesus when he speaks!
  • Every time he is clear when he speaks about his father and him!
  • But nobody listens to him!
  • They just listen to man’s tradition because of corruption!
  • What a primitive society!



  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!

Little is known about Luke, the author of the books of Luke and Acts in the Bible. We do know he was a physician and the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament. Paul’s letter to the Colossians draws a distinction between Luke and other colleagues “of the circumcision,” meaning the Jews (Colossians 4:11). Luke is the only New Testament writer clearly identifiable as a non-Jew.

Luke was the author of the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. Luke does not name himself in either of his books, but Paul mentions him by name in three epistles. Both Luke and Acts are addressed to the same person, Theophilus (Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1). No one knows exactly who Theophilus was, but we know that Luke’s purpose in writing the two companion books was so that Theophilus would know with certainty about the person and work of Jesus Christ (Luke 1:4). Perhaps Theophilus had already received the basics of the Christian doctrine but had not as yet been completely grounded in them.

Luke was a close friend of Paul, who referred to him as “the beloved physician” (Colossians 4:14). Perhaps Luke’s interest in medicine is the reason his gospel gives such a high profile to Jesus’ acts of healing.

Paul also refers to Luke as a “fellow laborer” (Philemon 1:24). Luke joined Paul in Troas in Asia Minor during Paul’s second missionary journey (Acts 16:6–11). Some scholars speculate that Luke was the “man of Macedonia” whom Paul saw in his dream (Acts 16:9). Luke was left in Philippi during the second missionary journey (Acts 17:1) and picked up again to travel with Paul in the third journey (Acts 20:5). Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem and Rome and was with him during his imprisonment there (2 Timothy 4:11). Luke’s vivid description of his travels with Paul in Acts 27 seems to indicate that he was well-traveled and well-versed in navigation.

Scholars have noted that Luke had an outstanding command of the Greek language. His vocabulary is extensive and rich, and his style at times approaches that of classical Greek, as in the preface of his gospel (Luke 1:1–4), while at other times it seems quite Semitic (Luke 1:5—2:52). He was familiar with sailing and had a special love for recording geographical details. All this would indicate that Luke was a well-educated, observant, and careful writer.



  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!
  • Luke was a physician!
  • And the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament!
  • Luke was a close friend of Paul!
  • Perhaps Luke’s interest in medicine is the reason his gospel gives such a high profile to Jesus’ acts of healing!
  • Luke joined Paul in Troas in Asia Minor during Paul’s second missionary journey!
  • Luke was left in Philippi during the second missionary journey!
  • And picked up again to travel with Paul on the third journey!
  • Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem and Rome and was with him during his imprisonment there!
  • Scholars have noted that Luke had an outstanding command of the Greek language!
  • His vocabulary is extensive and rich, and his style at times approaches that of classical Greek, as in the preface of his gospel!
  • While at other times it seems quite Semitic!
  • He was familiar with sailing and had a special love for recording geographical details!
  • All this would indicate that Luke was a well-educated, observant, and careful writer!


  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!
62) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 18:20-25

  • We remember that Matthew the tax collector didn’t hesitate to follow Jesus!
  • And he was rich!
  • But this man is very rich!
  • And when Jesus tells him to sell everything and give it to the poor, that’s too much for him!
  • That’s why he says:
“ It is easier, in fact, for a camel to get through the eye of a sewing needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.”

  • Quite a lot to think!
  • Are we looking for the Kingdom of God or the wealth in this world which is going to disappear?
  • Do we remember Lot’s wife?


  • Luke was a physician!
  • And the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament!
  • Luke was a close friend of Paul!
  • Perhaps Luke’s interest in medicine is the reason his gospel gives such a high profile to Jesus’ acts of healing!
  • Luke joined Paul in Troas in Asia Minor during Paul’s second missionary journey!
  • Luke was left in Philippi during the second missionary journey!
  • And picked up again to travel with Paul on the third journey!
  • Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem and Rome and was with him during his imprisonment there!
  • Scholars have noted that Luke had an outstanding command of the Greek language!
  • His vocabulary is extensive and rich, and his style at times approaches that of classical Greek, as in the preface of his gospel!
  • While at other times it seems quite Semitic!
  • He was familiar with sailing and had a special love for recording geographical details!
  • All this would indicate that Luke was a well-educated, observant, and careful writer!


  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!
63) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 18:26-30

  • Jesus tells his disciples that those who have left house or wife or brothers or parents or children to follow him will get a lot more, including everlasting life!
  • But for that it is necessary to make efforts and to work for God’s kingdom!
  • Being active and not passive!


  • Luke was a physician!
  • And the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament!
  • Luke was a close friend of Paul!
  • Perhaps Luke’s interest in medicine is the reason his gospel gives such a high profile to Jesus’ acts of healing!
  • Luke joined Paul in Troas in Asia Minor during Paul’s second missionary journey!
  • Luke was left in Philippi during the second missionary journey!
  • And picked up again to travel with Paul on the third journey!
  • Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem and Rome and was with him during his imprisonment there!
  • Scholars have noted that Luke had an outstanding command of the Greek language!
  • His vocabulary is extensive and rich, and his style at times approaches that of classical Greek, as in the preface of his gospel!
  • While at other times it seems quite Semitic!
  • He was familiar with sailing and had a special love for recording geographical details!
  • All this would indicate that Luke was a well-educated, observant, and careful writer!


  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!
64) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 18:31,32

  • Jesus tells the 12 that they are going to Jerusalem and all the things written by means of the prophets about the Son of man will be accomplished!
  • He is on earth to accomplish all that was prophesied by the Prophets without any exception!
  • Precision!
  • He never does anything by chance!
  • No human imperfection!
  • He is like his Father!
  • He learned everything from him!


  • Luke was a physician!
  • And the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament!
  • Luke was a close friend of Paul!
  • Perhaps Luke’s interest in medicine is the reason his gospel gives such a high profile to Jesus’ acts of healing!
  • Luke joined Paul in Troas in Asia Minor during Paul’s second missionary journey!
  • Luke was left in Philippi during the second missionary journey!
  • And picked up again to travel with Paul on the third journey!
  • Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem and Rome and was with him during his imprisonment there!
  • Scholars have noted that Luke had an outstanding command of the Greek language!
  • His vocabulary is extensive and rich, and his style at times approaches that of classical Greek, as in the preface of his gospel!
  • While at other times it seems quite Semitic!
  • He was familiar with sailing and had a special love for recording geographical details!
  • All this would indicate that Luke was a well-educated, observant, and careful writer!


  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!
65) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 18:33,34

  • He explains to them what will happen to him before he is killed!
  • But on the third day he will rise!
  • The disciples don’t understand him!
  • The verse says it is hidden from them!
  • But in fact, it was the same with a big part of Jesus teaching!
  • They needed him to die!
  • So they had to take the lead and take responsibility to organize the preaching work!
  • Because the harvest is great and the workers are few!


  • Luke was a physician!
  • And the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament!
  • Luke was a close friend of Paul!
  • Perhaps Luke’s interest in medicine is the reason his gospel gives such a high profile to Jesus’ acts of healing!
  • Luke joined Paul in Troas in Asia Minor during Paul’s second missionary journey!
  • Luke was left in Philippi during the second missionary journey!
  • And picked up again to travel with Paul on the third journey!
  • Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem and Rome and was with him during his imprisonment there!
  • Scholars have noted that Luke had an outstanding command of the Greek language!
  • His vocabulary is extensive and rich, and his style at times approaches that of classical Greek, as in the preface of his gospel!
  • While at other times it seems quite Semitic!
  • He was familiar with sailing and had a special love for recording geographical details!
  • All this would indicate that Luke was a well-educated, observant, and careful writer!


  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!


Biblical Hebrew has a very small number of words, about 8,000, and around 1,700 of those words are hapax legomena (being said once) in the Hebrew Bible. Modern Hebrew has about 100,000 words. For comparison modern English has over 450,000 words, and Spanish has just over 175,000 words. Standard English dictionaries typically have about 200,000 words, whereas Spanish dictionaries have about 80,000 words.

This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context.

Although yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans:

  • Point of time (a specific day)
  • time period of a whole or half a day:
    • Period of light (as contrasted with the period of darkness),
    • Sunrise to sunset
    • Sunset to next sunset
  • General term for time ( as in 'days of our lives')
  • A year "lived a lot of days"
  • Time period of unspecified length. "days and days"

The Greek language is ranked as the richest in the world with 5 million words and 70 million word types. According to Dr. MacDonald, only 600,000 Greek words are used today, making the Greek vocabulary the largest in the world and 3.5 times bigger than the English vocabulary.

Though there are 138,607 words in the Greek New Testament, only 5,394 are unique.

66) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 18:35-43

  • A blind man tries to attract Jesus’ attention!
  • It works and Jesus commands that the man is brought to him!
  • He wants to recover his sight!
  • And Jesus gives him his sight back!
  • And it occurs instantly!
  • And the man begins to follow him!


  • Luke was a physician!
  • And the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament!
  • Luke was a close friend of Paul!
  • Perhaps Luke’s interest in medicine is the reason his gospel gives such a high profile to Jesus’ acts of healing!
  • Luke joined Paul in Troas in Asia Minor during Paul’s second missionary journey!
  • Luke was left in Philippi during the second missionary journey!
  • And picked up again to travel with Paul on the third journey!
  • Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem and Rome and was with him during his imprisonment there!
  • Scholars have noted that Luke had an outstanding command of the Greek language!
  • His vocabulary is extensive and rich, and his style at times approaches that of classical Greek, as in the preface of his gospel!
  • While at other times it seems quite Semitic!
  • He was familiar with sailing and had a special love for recording geographical details!
  • All this would indicate that Luke was a well-educated, observant, and careful writer!


  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!


Biblical Hebrew has a very small number of words, about 8,000, and around 1,700 of those words are hapax legomena (being said once) in the Hebrew Bible. Modern Hebrew has about 100,000 words. For comparison modern English has over 450,000 words, and Spanish has just over 175,000 words. Standard English dictionaries typically have about 200,000 words, whereas Spanish dictionaries have about 80,000 words.

This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context.

Although yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans:

  • Point of time (a specific day)
  • time period of a whole or half a day:
    • Period of light (as contrasted with the period of darkness),
    • Sunrise to sunset
    • Sunset to next sunset
  • General term for time ( as in 'days of our lives')
  • A year "lived a lot of days"
  • Time period of unspecified length. "days and days"

The Greek language is ranked as the richest in the world with 5 million words and 70 million word types. According to Dr. MacDonald, only 600,000 Greek words are used today, making the Greek vocabulary the largest in the world and 3.5 times bigger than the English vocabulary.

Though there are 138,607 words in the Greek New Testament, only 5,394 are unique.

67) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 19:1-

  • Jesus tells a chief tax collector he is going to eat at his house!
  • The man is rich!
  • He explains to Jesus that he gives all of his wealth to the poor!
  • And if he extorts someone, he restores him four times over!
  • And Jesus says he has brought salvation to this house!
  • But those who think they are better accuse Jesus of eating at the house of a sinner!
  • They don’t even know his good actions!
  • It shows that they are completely ignorant!




Jesus had siblings :

- Guess what: the Bible is the history of the Israelites!
- Each page tells you that!
- Each story tells you that!
- Each family tells you that!
- The book of Adam's story tells you that!



  • Luke was a physician!
  • And the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament!
  • Luke was a close friend of Paul!
  • Perhaps Luke’s interest in medicine is the reason his gospel gives such a high profile to Jesus’ acts of healing!
  • Luke joined Paul in Troas in Asia Minor during Paul’s second missionary journey!
  • Luke was left in Philippi during the second missionary journey!
  • And picked up again to travel with Paul on the third journey!
  • Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem and Rome and was with him during his imprisonment there!
  • Scholars have noted that Luke had an outstanding command of the Greek language!
  • His vocabulary is extensive and rich, and his style at times approaches that of classical Greek, as in the preface of his gospel!
  • While at other times it seems quite Semitic!
  • He was familiar with sailing and had a special love for recording geographical details!
  • All this would indicate that Luke was a well-educated, observant, and careful writer!


  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!


Biblical Hebrew has a very small number of words, about 8,000, and around 1,700 of those words are hapax legomena (being said once) in the Hebrew Bible. Modern Hebrew has about 100,000 words. For comparison modern English has over 450,000 words, and Spanish has just over 175,000 words. Standard English dictionaries typically have about 200,000 words, whereas Spanish dictionaries have about 80,000 words.

This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context.

Although yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans:

  • Point of time (a specific day)
  • time period of a whole or half a day:
    • Period of light (as contrasted with the period of darkness),
    • Sunrise to sunset
    • Sunset to next sunset
  • General term for time ( as in 'days of our lives')
  • A year "lived a lot of days"
  • Time period of unspecified length. "days and days"

The Greek language is ranked as the richest in the world with 5 million words and 70 million word types. According to Dr. MacDonald, only 600,000 Greek words are used today, making the Greek vocabulary the largest in the world and 3.5 times bigger than the English vocabulary.

Though there are 138,607 words in the Greek New Testament, only 5,394 are unique.

68) Jesus vs the religious leaders

  • In Luke 19, Jesus tells us an interesting illustration about God’s kingdom!
  • An important man must go to a distant land to secure kingly power!
  • To his ten slaves he gives money to do business with it till he comes back!
  • When he comes back, he wants to know what his slaves have done with their business activity!
  • According to what they have done he gives them authority over cities!
  • And he takes what he gave to this slave and gives it to the one who did the best job!
  • What about you?




Jesus had siblings :

- Guess what: the Bible is the history of the Israelites!
- Each page tells you that!
- Each story tells you that!
- Each family tells you that!
- The book of Adam's story tells you that!



  • Luke was a physician!
  • And the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament!
  • Luke was a close friend of Paul!
  • Perhaps Luke’s interest in medicine is the reason his gospel gives such a high profile to Jesus’ acts of healing!
  • Luke joined Paul in Troas in Asia Minor during Paul’s second missionary journey!
  • Luke was left in Philippi during the second missionary journey!
  • And picked up again to travel with Paul on the third journey!
  • Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem and Rome and was with him during his imprisonment there!
  • Scholars have noted that Luke had an outstanding command of the Greek language!
  • His vocabulary is extensive and rich, and his style at times approaches that of classical Greek, as in the preface of his gospel!
  • While at other times it seems quite Semitic!
  • He was familiar with sailing and had a special love for recording geographical details!
  • All this would indicate that Luke was a well-educated, observant, and careful writer!


  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!


Biblical Hebrew has a very small number of words, about 8,000, and around 1,700 of those words are hapax legomena (being said once) in the Hebrew Bible. Modern Hebrew has about 100,000 words. For comparison modern English has over 450,000 words, and Spanish has just over 175,000 words. Standard English dictionaries typically have about 200,000 words, whereas Spanish dictionaries have about 80,000 words.

This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context.

Although yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans:

  • Point of time (a specific day)
  • time period of a whole or half a day:
    • Period of light (as contrasted with the period of darkness),
    • Sunrise to sunset
    • Sunset to next sunset
  • General term for time ( as in 'days of our lives')
  • A year "lived a lot of days"
  • Time period of unspecified length. "days and days"

The Greek language is ranked as the richest in the world with 5 million words and 70 million word types. According to Dr. MacDonald, only 600,000 Greek words are used today, making the Greek vocabulary the largest in the world and 3.5 times bigger than the English vocabulary.

Though there are 138,607 words in the Greek New Testament, only 5,394 are unique.

69) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 19:41- 44

  • Jesus tells about the Romans who will besiege Jerusalem!
  • And they will destroy the city completely!
  • They won’t leave a stone upon a stone!
  • Which means total destruction!
  • And pain and suffering!
  • Because they didn’t listen!
  • And repent!
  • A personal choice as usual!
  • Man is always too late!
  • And it will be the same when God’s kingdom comes!