Tonka Toy Christian
Listen to the song here:
verse 1
Are you trodding along in the valley
Just barely getting along
Is your faith like a tonka toy Christian
Theres no power cause the engine is gone
Like a tonka toy car you ain’t going very far
Cause the tiger in your tank has gone dry
But faith is the engine that will get you on your way
To a better and prosperous life
verse 2
Are you sitting like a tonka toy truck
Waiting for someone to push you down the road
Saying I don’t know see how I’m going to make it
For I carry such a heavy, heavy load
If it seems you can’t pass when you
When you give it all the gas
All the problems that you face from day to day
And it seems you rob your joy like a powerless tonka toy
Then listen friend to what I’ve got to say
Yes listen friend to what I’ve got to say
verse 3
There is power in the name of Jesus
There is power in the name of the Lord
You can have this power if you want it
Just believe what you read in Gods word
You can have what you say if you believe it
All the promises of God are for you
We are more than conquerors through Jesus
So stand firm on the word for it is true
I don’t need to be a tonka toy Christian
I refuse to be defeated all the time
For the greater one of Heaven lives within me
So I will claim what is rightfully mine
(Repeat Chorus)
Trade your tonka toy faith for some power to win the race
Put your pedal to the metal and go