no she's not christian. But well what she's said from her she says she follows all by example. Like she doesn't pray to Jesus or think of as GOD. But she follows him like she follows abraham moses etc. We disagree about the life of Jesus and who he is but agree on most everything else... I actually thought she was Jewish up until last September.. Either way by morals we're just alike...
Wow...lot's in this situation...why on earth you would marry a person and not tell your folks? Why would you marry a person who isn't a Christian like you?
Why you think that morals trump faith in God?
You've carved out a rough road for the success of your marriage.
Here's the thing....I too question your commitment to Christ. I have to admit, I even question whether or not you are a Christian or are more accurately a "person who follows the philosophy of Christian thought"...
Several reasons why I say this...the main one being that you seem OK with the idea that your kids would choose a different religion than the one that teaches you is the ONLY way to eternal life. This alone makes me wonder if you are truly born again...or just someone who follows Christian ideology.
Here is my advice to you:
Straighten out your own faith. A person who is truly walking according to the Lord most likely wouldn't have been having sex outside of marriage (I get the impression that you married because she was pregnant...correct me if I'm wrong on that), wouldn't marry outside of the faith, and wouldn't be ambivalent about their children choosing a religion that would leave them eternally lost and wouldn't be fearful of sharing something that should be joyful from the parents.
It could be that you are just a very new Christian...or was like me...raised outside of the faith and are just very ignorant of what being a Christian actually entails....either way, you need to take a good hard look at yourself and how you are living out your faith in God. that you are married...I say...Go for it with all you've got! According to the Scriptures, if an unbeliever is married to the believer and wants to stay in the marriage...all well and good. Stay in the marriage and work at making it a good one. Be a wonderful Christian husband who loves his wife and upholds her in every way. Don't nag her about becoming a Christian...but do live out a godly example for her...and encourage her whenever timely, to become closer to Jesus and pray, pray, pray for her that she would come to know the truth so that her eternal life becomes secure.
When your child is born, do realize that you do need to raise your child in the Lord. To not do so is to make a mockery of your faith. You wouldn't allow your child to "make a decision" to play out in the street...nor should you allow your child to be raised up without fully understanding what it means to be a person who has faith in the One True God. This may or may not be an issue in your married life, but it's one responsibility you must follow through on.
As for your parents...You're a married man now. You have left your parents and now must cleave to your wife. However, you also must take into consideration the shock, the sadness, the hurt and perhaps even anger they may feel is entirely your fault because of the way you went about this. You owe it to them to talk to if the first discussion is alone without your wife present...and explain to them that you went about this in the wrong way...that you are sorry for any hurt, anger and frustration they may feel...but that you also love your wife, that you love your unborn child (their grandbaby) and that you hope when you present your wife to them, that they can embrace your new family with the love that God expects all His children to show others.
Man up...confess your fault in this mess...and they most likely will forgive and embrace your wife.
You haven't committed the unforgivable sin here. As a matter of fact, if you turn now and commit to truly walking with God in all His very well may win your wife promises, but certainly there is hope!