- Nov 21, 2007
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- #501
The abundant and unspeakable great grace of the Father, and the mercy of God, and the loving kindness and love of the Son; with the communion ofthe Holy Ghost, who through grace has been sen us by the Father, through the name of our Lor Jesus Christ, to the comfort and joy of all faithful true children of God, by whom we are all guided taught and instructed; the same keep your under standing, heart and mind in Christ Jesus, to th praise and glory of the Father, to the salvation o your soul, and to the edification of all dear brethre and sisters that fear the Lord and love the truth The same God, who only is wise, make you fi hereunto, to whom be glory, honor and power might and strength, forever and ever, Amen, an for a perpetual adieu.
After this, my heart's wis from God, for an adieu, and a perpetual farewel to you, my dear brethren in God, and to you, m very dear and chosen, affectionately beloved sis. ters [I would say that] the time has now com that we must part from one another; I shall now b freed from all sorrow; sorrowing and sighing shal befall me no more. My dear friends, adieu, adieu we must now part here. Though the Lord has s ordered it with me, I am yet constrained to writ you once more for the last time. True, I hav written you adieu, but now it goes to my heart sentence has been passed upon me that I must die I said to them, that they should take good heed that our blood should be severely required at thei hands. They said they did not do it, that it was th decree of the king. I said that this would not sav them, but the Lord forgive you if you do it igno rantly; but I think that you, in part, know wel enough what kind of people we are. They washe their hands from it. I said, "Pilate did so too.'
They said that Pilate was a just judge, and that w acted contrary to the king's command. I said tha we had greater reason to obey God, than the king it is a little matter that you inflict this tempora death upon us, for we know not how long we shal live, but we know that we must certainly die sometime; and I said that they should take good hee with regard to shedding innocent blood. Thus w four were sentenced, and it will now soon be over with us. My dear brothers and sisters, the Lor has heard me, that I am permitted to offer up sacrifice for His name. I did not think that the Lor did so love me; I have certainly never merited i of Him; but He will make me fit hereunto throug His grace.
Oh, what a strong helper in distress w have, who does not let us be confounded. Ho short has seemed to me the time that I have bee here, whereas I was previously so afraid of it; an that He has so faithfully succored me in all my distress, and now makes me so happy that I kno nothing to say of sadness. Oh, oh! how strong i our God; who should not want to fear Him? o whom will we be afraid? God is with us; who ca be against us? At all events we must here leav everything behind. I may well say that there wa never more joy in my heart, than I had when I wa sentenced. My dear sister, fear not men who mus pass away like grass; for they can do no more that the Lord permits them. My dear brethren and sisters, be not afraid; if the Lord had permitted them, they would not have waited with me so long; but now the Lord permits them. I am well pleased with it, that they shall remove me out of this evil, wicked world, from the evil that I might yet have had in it, so that I shall not be moved; for I expect no joy in this world, because of my dear husband, who went this way before me, and whom, by the graceof the Lord, I am now to follow, having long waited for this time.
I also go before you now; follow me. This is the narrow way which the prophets and apostles went, who also had to drink the cup which we must now drink. We shall now soon have passed through this wilderness, as soon as we have drunk the bitter waters. Ex. 15:23. The time of travail is now at hand; weeping and mourning shall then be over. Oh, what a joy this is in my heart, so that I cannot describe it to you: Oh, how mightily the Lord works in us poor, weak vessels; for I know that I have never merited it from the Lord, but am worthy of nothing but eternal death. If the Lord would enter into judgment with me, I should in no wise be saved; but now I must expect salvation out of pure grace, and I doubt not that He will remember my past sins no more, as the prophet says, "When a sinner turns away from his wicked life, and does righteousness, he will re member his unrighteousness no more." Ezek. 18: 21, 27.
O my dear and much beloved, chosen sister, whom I greatly love from the heart and this out of a godly love, you have shown me so much friendship, and assisted me in need, that I cannot fully requite you, since I am now but a poor, weak creature, and about to pay all that I owe, whether according to the flesh or according, to the spirit. Hence, my dear sister, I cannot reward you, but I thank you very heartily (writing you still some more) for all that you have ever shown me. O dear sister, you write me that I should forgive you what you may have done amiss to me; O my dear sister, you have done nothing amiss, to me, but know that I fall short to you in many tings; but I trust that you will bury it with me, and remember it no more. I know that I fall short in everything; but Christ died, to pay for that in which we fall short. Did He not die a bitter death for us, whereas He was without spot or wrinkle, and no guile was found in His mouth; how should we then not gladly die for a righteous man? hence let us not spare ourselves, but willingly go into death for the name of Christ, and not fear what men can do to us. Rom. 5:7; Heb. 13:6.
And, my dear, brother and sister, be of good cheer; though men put us to death, it is the will of the Lord. Pray, do not sorrow for me any more; for I know that you have great sorrow on my account. It is now all over; I shall soon have conquered my last enemy, and be able to 'say with Paul, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth thereis laid up for me a crown of righteousness." I Corinthians 15:26; II Tim. 4:7, 8.
I shall soon be an epistle to you, which may be read of all men. II Cor. 3:2. And, my dear sister, though we must part here, know that it is .for something better; we have neither hour nor time. It is so glorious to die for His name, and Peter says, "Rejoice if you suffer and endure for well-doing; this is acceptable with God." I Pet. 4:14; 3:17; 2:20.
But, my dear sister, it is now my turn; it may very soon, perhaps tomorrow, be your turn; be of good courage, and patiently abide your time, my dearest sister. You write me in regard to my child; I have confidence in you that you will do your best with it, I have committed it to the Lord, to do His good pleasure with it, and to move your heart to it. For, dear sister, I trust that you love me from the heart, and they that love the tree will also love the branches. I read your letter again with tears, when I heard that you were so sad on my account, and that I was so joyful.
The abundant and unspeakable great grace of the Father, and the mercy of God, and the loving kindness and love of the Son; with the communion ofthe Holy Ghost, who through grace has been sen us by the Father, through the name of our Lor Jesus Christ, to the comfort and joy of all faithful true children of God, by whom we are all guided taught and instructed; the same keep your under standing, heart and mind in Christ Jesus, to th praise and glory of the Father, to the salvation o your soul, and to the edification of all dear brethre and sisters that fear the Lord and love the truth The same God, who only is wise, make you fi hereunto, to whom be glory, honor and power might and strength, forever and ever, Amen, an for a perpetual adieu.
After this, my heart's wis from God, for an adieu, and a perpetual farewel to you, my dear brethren in God, and to you, m very dear and chosen, affectionately beloved sis. ters [I would say that] the time has now com that we must part from one another; I shall now b freed from all sorrow; sorrowing and sighing shal befall me no more. My dear friends, adieu, adieu we must now part here. Though the Lord has s ordered it with me, I am yet constrained to writ you once more for the last time. True, I hav written you adieu, but now it goes to my heart sentence has been passed upon me that I must die I said to them, that they should take good heed that our blood should be severely required at thei hands. They said they did not do it, that it was th decree of the king. I said that this would not sav them, but the Lord forgive you if you do it igno rantly; but I think that you, in part, know wel enough what kind of people we are. They washe their hands from it. I said, "Pilate did so too.'
They said that Pilate was a just judge, and that w acted contrary to the king's command. I said tha we had greater reason to obey God, than the king it is a little matter that you inflict this tempora death upon us, for we know not how long we shal live, but we know that we must certainly die sometime; and I said that they should take good hee with regard to shedding innocent blood. Thus w four were sentenced, and it will now soon be over with us. My dear brothers and sisters, the Lor has heard me, that I am permitted to offer up sacrifice for His name. I did not think that the Lor did so love me; I have certainly never merited i of Him; but He will make me fit hereunto throug His grace.
Oh, what a strong helper in distress w have, who does not let us be confounded. Ho short has seemed to me the time that I have bee here, whereas I was previously so afraid of it; an that He has so faithfully succored me in all my distress, and now makes me so happy that I kno nothing to say of sadness. Oh, oh! how strong i our God; who should not want to fear Him? o whom will we be afraid? God is with us; who ca be against us? At all events we must here leav everything behind. I may well say that there wa never more joy in my heart, than I had when I wa sentenced. My dear sister, fear not men who mus pass away like grass; for they can do no more that the Lord permits them. My dear brethren and sisters, be not afraid; if the Lord had permitted them, they would not have waited with me so long; but now the Lord permits them. I am well pleased with it, that they shall remove me out of this evil, wicked world, from the evil that I might yet have had in it, so that I shall not be moved; for I expect no joy in this world, because of my dear husband, who went this way before me, and whom, by the graceof the Lord, I am now to follow, having long waited for this time.
I also go before you now; follow me. This is the narrow way which the prophets and apostles went, who also had to drink the cup which we must now drink. We shall now soon have passed through this wilderness, as soon as we have drunk the bitter waters. Ex. 15:23. The time of travail is now at hand; weeping and mourning shall then be over. Oh, what a joy this is in my heart, so that I cannot describe it to you: Oh, how mightily the Lord works in us poor, weak vessels; for I know that I have never merited it from the Lord, but am worthy of nothing but eternal death. If the Lord would enter into judgment with me, I should in no wise be saved; but now I must expect salvation out of pure grace, and I doubt not that He will remember my past sins no more, as the prophet says, "When a sinner turns away from his wicked life, and does righteousness, he will re member his unrighteousness no more." Ezek. 18: 21, 27.
O my dear and much beloved, chosen sister, whom I greatly love from the heart and this out of a godly love, you have shown me so much friendship, and assisted me in need, that I cannot fully requite you, since I am now but a poor, weak creature, and about to pay all that I owe, whether according to the flesh or according, to the spirit. Hence, my dear sister, I cannot reward you, but I thank you very heartily (writing you still some more) for all that you have ever shown me. O dear sister, you write me that I should forgive you what you may have done amiss to me; O my dear sister, you have done nothing amiss, to me, but know that I fall short to you in many tings; but I trust that you will bury it with me, and remember it no more. I know that I fall short in everything; but Christ died, to pay for that in which we fall short. Did He not die a bitter death for us, whereas He was without spot or wrinkle, and no guile was found in His mouth; how should we then not gladly die for a righteous man? hence let us not spare ourselves, but willingly go into death for the name of Christ, and not fear what men can do to us. Rom. 5:7; Heb. 13:6.
And, my dear, brother and sister, be of good cheer; though men put us to death, it is the will of the Lord. Pray, do not sorrow for me any more; for I know that you have great sorrow on my account. It is now all over; I shall soon have conquered my last enemy, and be able to 'say with Paul, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth thereis laid up for me a crown of righteousness." I Corinthians 15:26; II Tim. 4:7, 8.
I shall soon be an epistle to you, which may be read of all men. II Cor. 3:2. And, my dear sister, though we must part here, know that it is .for something better; we have neither hour nor time. It is so glorious to die for His name, and Peter says, "Rejoice if you suffer and endure for well-doing; this is acceptable with God." I Pet. 4:14; 3:17; 2:20.
But, my dear sister, it is now my turn; it may very soon, perhaps tomorrow, be your turn; be of good courage, and patiently abide your time, my dearest sister. You write me in regard to my child; I have confidence in you that you will do your best with it, I have committed it to the Lord, to do His good pleasure with it, and to move your heart to it. For, dear sister, I trust that you love me from the heart, and they that love the tree will also love the branches. I read your letter again with tears, when I heard that you were so sad on my account, and that I was so joyful.