"...And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
This verse is incredibly comforting. I know what it is like to share the presence with other human beings, and because Jesus is human I can kinda get a feeling that He is really there! Here I am, sitting in this room, and I know that I know that He is with me. He is such a beautiful God. He loves us so much! We are so privileged, favored, and blessed to know the One True God. What incredible mercy we have received! There is no deception in the Word. We should fear God for choosing us to be His Own. Hallelujah!
This verse is incredibly comforting. I know what it is like to share the presence with other human beings, and because Jesus is human I can kinda get a feeling that He is really there! Here I am, sitting in this room, and I know that I know that He is with me. He is such a beautiful God. He loves us so much! We are so privileged, favored, and blessed to know the One True God. What incredible mercy we have received! There is no deception in the Word. We should fear God for choosing us to be His Own. Hallelujah!