Men and women both have a tendency to believe "this one" is the one. They get involved in the romance, the dating, and unfortunately, all too often, the physical aspects of the relationship. But my recent experience tells me one thing: When you meet "her" -- or "him" -- you know. It feels different than all the others. I'm not talking about love at first sight, though I don't discount that. Just never happened to me. But there is a feeling about that first glance, first word, first length of time together that is different from everything that came before. At first you don't trust that feeling, and you run from it. But as time goes by, and the comfort level gets higher, you realize that what you thought you had at the beginning, you actually had from the beginning. There isn't anything like it, and I think that can happen with the first person you date, or the 5,000th (though i hope no one has to go that long before they find it).