hi. me again. I didn't realize how negative I was being, btw, when I started this post. Its just...wow. here, locally, the megachurches are having -serious- problems. Then again...some journalists did an investigation of -convicted sex offenders- in the SBC, and...that's hitting a lot of churches, too, large and small and in between. ugh.
so...churches are, I think the usual analogy goes, like a hospital for admitted sinners. people are people, people are flawed, expect at least some problems to come from any organization, be it the local church or the local boy scouts, etc. etc. etc.
im also beginning to realize-- on a personal level-- that until recently, i was a fairly wretched individual, and wretched individuals, "weaklings," etc., "bring out the demon in people." a lot of it is/was just human nature, so I cannot judge the "church people" who heckled and judged me too, too harshly...
i dunno. i think, now--again, at a personal level-- ive been brought far enough along by Christ to go into a a decent, God-fearing, doing the best they can church and do OK, even if it ends up being a (gasp) "megachurch," as long as I go in with some God-given discernment and an eye towards being a Berean Christian about the messages, etc. (true of any church).
OK. and...Truthfrees...your posts, in particular, have been -very- helpful+very uplifting, even edifying (I think that's spelled OK) in this thread, so...thanks.