cupid dave
There are not 6 major geological events, or, if there are, name them.
And don't go with your past answer because I've totally dismantled it.
(that's a geologist joke)
So give me the major EVENTS and we will compare them to what GENESIS says. Not your additions and private interpretations, but strictly the account as given in Genesis and everyone but you will see that your claim makes no sense.
I have to warn you, though. You aren't going to arrive at 6 major geological events.
There are a number of different ways that scientists use the rocks as a clock to measure the History iof the Earth.
The first major event was the Big Bang, followed by six durations marked in the rocks of the Earth that formed thereafter.
Here is one way to see the six "days:"
But the preferred method uses the six major divisions within which all the sub-strata of the other rocks layer can be found.
Those six defining events include deposits of iridium which separate one layer from the next and indicate a catacylsmic meteoric strike on Earth which totally changed the environment and marked each phase of the history.
These, nevertheless, also correspond to the mass extinctions too.
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