Sáo Paulo has more people than New York City.
There are 17 million kids, ages 10-14.
Children decide to live on the street, because home life is not good, they need to find other ways to get food, or they are orphans. Before living in the streets, they existed in favellas, the most impoverished of slums, dug in garbage dumps for food, and encountered family violence because of the stress of poverty.
Living on the streets is dangerous. Kids are subject to police brutality, rape, violence, and being forced into prostitution just for food or to stay alive.
Street children face serious health problems ranging from malnourishment to lack of sleep, to no healthcare, to exposure to the elements. They are merely trying to survive so will not have access to education and things we often take for granted in the United States.
In many cases, kids start to do extremely dangerous things, like sniff "glue" -- an easily accessible product-- to help them forget about their situation or stave off the hunger pains.