Cornelius said:
I said: I will not take my child to the doctor if I had faith that God has healed her/him.
That's EXACTLY what I'm trying to say. Even you, who staunchly supports these terrible parents, would still take your child to a doctor if the child was not recovering!And yet, when this child got sicker and sicker, and then eventually slipped into a coma, these parents didn't do that. They just kept sitting on their butts hoping God would make up for their lack of brains.
You posted a lot of verses, and most of them were either pulled out of context or misapplied. For example you posted Jer 17:5, which I'll post in a more modern translation of for those who don't speak 19th century English:
Thus says the LORD, "Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind, And makes flesh his strength, And whose heart turns away from the LORD.
First off, in this passage God isn't upset because they had doctors and other forms of caregivers. The Lord is speaking through Jeremiah, giving a message to Judah, because they had turned away from God completely. They had forgotten God, weren't praying to him at all, ignoring his commandments. Essentially, they had turned their backs on God, and this is why the Lord was upset.
It's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous, to liken taking your child to the doctor to be tantamount to what God is saying in this passage. You can go see the Doctor without turning your heart away from God. Whenever I go to see my doctor, I'm actually practicing my faith in God, because I'm trusting God to have given my doctor the wisdom and knowledge to diagnose the problem. It's not an either/or situation here. Someone with a shard of wisdom would realize that you can fully trust in God and realize that He has placed people here on Earth to help us.
In attempt to counter my observation that the Gospel of Luke and Acts were written by a Doctor, you pointed out that Matthew was a tax collector. While you are in part right, you seemingly ignored Mark 2:14 and Luke 5:28, where Matthew quit collecting taxes to follow Christ. If Matthew hadn't left his career collecting taxes, he wouldn't wave written or edited the first Gospel. Most historians however believe that Luke was still practicing medicine throughout his life.
You also listed a number of miracles that you have seen through prayer. Great! I'm not saying that God doesn't do miracles. I've seen people healed by prayer myself. Before he was born, doctors told one of my best friends parents that he would be born retarded and paralyzed. They prayed, and he's a healthy, normal adult today. I've got a small pile of these miracle stories I can share too. But the bottom line is that God does not ALWAYS choose to perform miraculous healings. sometimes God heals us through the hands of the doctors he has gifted with special knowledge and abilities.
I don't know what more I can say here. I am simply stunned that people actually think they're being responsible and even righteous for forgoing using the doctors God has given us in favor of sitting around and watching their child get sicker and sicker, slip into a coma, and then die. Yes, God CAN heal through prayer, but he's under no obligation to do so.
As a closing thought, we are called to be a light to the darkness. How do you think the unsaved out there perceive these parents? They probably see them as monsters. Heck, I'm saved and I see them as monsters. What would have been a better witness: Letting your child die in the name of God, or taking your child to the doctor, telling that Doctor that you're praying for God to work though his hands? These parents were so selfish to hold onto their unbiblical views they lost sight of the fact that we're first off supposed to be a light to the world. They ignored this, and became awful, terrible messengers, just so they could cling to some insane notion derived from some misunderstanding of scripture that you can't go the doctors and be a Christian at the same time. It boggles the mind.