Grooming seem like a sin, trying to be attractive etc
Wanting to buy stuff that aren't absolutely necessary s food seem like a sin for you are seeking material things, prideful and idolatry like
Even food, not necessarily overeating but somewhat more than necessary
Watching horror or action movies, going out even if not doing anything wrong unless it's a trip to the church or a family trip
Listening to music that isn't religious
Even celebrations and some Christian costumes
I'm starting to think I have to build a cabin, grow my own crops and read the Bible 24/7 in order to live my life accordingly
I think I'm falling into some soft of a spectrum so would appreciate input
I've been down this road. I think you do start with the attitude of trying to do things that bring glory to God. But to try to be sinless like Jesus is an exercise in vanity. That's why we live by grace, not as an excuse to sin, but as a reason to be human, to be able to not make everything we do a project for sainthood.
At any rate, God won't respect us if we try to be like Jesus in our current state of existence. We have a Sin Nature, and we cannot expunge it from ourselves by organizing our lives perfectly.
God won't give us a medal for setting out goals that are more lofty than who we are at present. So live at whatever level you are, with an aim in mind to reach higher when you feel able.
That means you don't have to feel you must work hard all the time, and read your Bible every chance you get. It means you can relax, enjoy some leisure time, and enjoy the material things God gives you to be received with thanksgiving.
In a flawed world, your entertainment is not always going to be flawless. So do the best you can, and avoid the big sins. I would avoid horror, occultic movies personally, along with any entertainment obviously designed for corrupt sexual attraction. You're going to have, inevitably, some TV entertainment that mixes in some perversion, which hopefully you can simply dismiss as being of any corrupting interest.
People who are too rigorous in their religious discipline may have good motives, but they are not, I think, inspired motives. We can't make ourselves holy, but have to grow into it as we stay focused on Jesus day after day. That much we can do. Walking in the Spirit is not just living moral lives, but more, living spiritual lives.
This means we have listening ears and avoid occasions in which we get overly angry, jealous, envious, or judgmental. We can do all those evil things of the heart and still rationalize it away, thinking we are travelling on higher moral ground when we're really not.
So being "spiritual" really means listening to Jesus on every occasion, keeping ourselves at peace with others and in the love of God on all occasions. We don't just live by a set of laws, but listen to the Spirit within, in our conscience.
Love and holiness will come from inside, as we follow the Spirit each day, and the corruptions of the flesh will find themselves outflanked. But you do have to learn to say a firm no to certain things.