I usually don't witness to them, but they seem to be startled when the Holy Ghost is present in our lives a they can see it in us, and that certain joy that we have. That is witnessing right there. Case and point, my nephew was a Muslim, and he called me one day, and said that he does not want to be a Muslim anymore, and did not feel right, and he said part of the reason, was that he seen what God had done for me, no more drugs, no more alcohol, and no more skirt chasing, he saw a change that attracted him, something he never saw in Islam. Speaking of Islam I have a real gold Star of David with a cross in the middle of it, and people will ask me what does it mean, and I will tell them that Jesus came out of the linage of David that is why the cross is in the middle of it. Now last week this Muslim stopped me talking about the Star of David comes from one of the Egyptian underworld gods Seth, they always twist stuff, I got so mad I had to get away from him. I was so mad that I forgot to tell him about the Star and Cresent moon god that had 3 daughters and the 360 idles that was in their sacred Kabah, I use to love going toe to toe with them, but now only if they push me. In 1997 I did a very intense grueling study on Islam and the things that I found out, will make your head spin. Islam is completely false. When I first came to this board I think once or twice I posted my study, well some of it anyway. But if you want to know the truth about Islam, get the book by Robert Morey, The Islamic Invasion, and believe me, you won't be sorry, you will then know the truth, and the whole truth about Islam.