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Need help understanding this…


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I’ve always believed in God but I’ve never really attended church in my adult years. I’ve wanted to recently but I’ve moved to an area where I’m very limited. Long story short, I don’t know many christians so I don’t really have anyone to ask these questions to. I’ve always heard that God’s will will always happen , no matter what. I’ve seen a lot people asking ‘what’s the point in prayer if Gods will happens anyway’ etc etc. That’s not exactly my question because I understand the importance of prayer but what’s the point in changing etc if whatever He wants to happen in my life, will happen anyway? It makes me feel like I could just sit on the couch all day and His way will happen anyway. I’m sorry if it’s sounds confusing. English isn’t my first language and I struggle to put into words what I’m trying to explain. I hope someone will understand and care to give some clarity.
Hi! I’m not an expert nor do I have a direct line to God. I’ve been truly saved for 11 years and I lean towards a Reformed view of scripture. And so…

The Bible says that the prayers of a righteous man availeth much and to pray without ceasing. Jesus Christ prayed numerous times in scripture especially while awaiting crucifixion. And so…

Yes, God’s will comes to pass…His word will not return void. And also Yes, the prayers of God’s chosen people have a role to play in what comes to pass.

It’s…something of a conundrum I’m afraid 😱. My personal approach lately has been to focus on doing Christian life better and focusing less on the underlying mechanisms. Jesus Christ even gives us a good outline for our own prayers. And Jesus Christ definitely 👍 tells us how to treat others, on and on and on.

I dunno 🤷‍♂️ the Bible is amazing 🤩 especially when it comes to providing a moral compass 🧭 and understanding of the world 🌎 around us. Things get speculative 🤨 at best when addressing the how’s and why’s. It is what it is…
I’ve always believed in God but I’ve never really attended church in my adult years. I’ve wanted to recently but I’ve moved to an area where I’m very limited. Long story short, I don’t know many christians so I don’t really have anyone to ask these questions to. I’ve always heard that God’s will will always happen , no matter what. I’ve seen a lot people asking ‘what’s the point in prayer if Gods will happens anyway’ etc etc. That’s not exactly my question because I understand the importance of prayer but what’s the point in changing etc if whatever He wants to happen in my life, will happen anyway? It makes me feel like I could just sit on the couch all day and His way will happen anyway. I’m sorry if it’s sounds confusing. English isn’t my first language and I struggle to put into words what I’m trying to explain. I hope someone will understand and care to give some clarity.

What do you mean you've "always believed in God"? If you do, does your life reflect this fact? How does your belief in God shape, say, what you watch on t.v., or what things you say, or what things you imagine? Does your belief in Him directly and concretely shape your living? If not, what does this say about your "belief" in God, do you think?

God's will is not always done. His will is that none of us ever sin, for example, but we've all sinned, some of us doing so almost constantly. God doesn't want anyone to die unrepentant in their sin and go to hell, but many do. So, then, God's will is not always done.

Why do Christians pray? Well, for their sake, not God's. Prayer is for the benefit of the one who prays. Praying is an opportunity to rehearse the truth about oneself, God, and His purposes in Creation, to consciously, explicitly align ourselves with His will and way, and to place our petitions before Him.

God knows all that you will do and all you would do if circumstances were different. But this knowledge doesn't mean He causes what He knows to come to pass. A pregnant mother knows that, when her baby is born, it will poop its diapers, and barf up its mother's milk, and cry and squirm, and so on. Does this knowledge mean that the mother directly causes all of these things to come to pass? I'm sure you'd say not. Does the mother's knowledge of all that will come to pass in her baby's life make what he does useless, or unnecessary? No. Should she not feed her baby milk, or change his diapers, or soothe his cries because it was all bound to happen anyway? No.

So, what about you? You know one day you will die. Does it make sense in light of this certainty that eating breakfast is futile, or going to work is pointless, or loving your family is meaningless? No, of course not. If anything, the sure knowledge of your life's eventual end is a reason to live fully, not lie about apathetically, saying "What's the use of it all?" And this is especially true if you know and love God.
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what’s the point in changing etc if whatever He wants to happen in my life, will happen anyway? It makes me feel like I could just sit on the couch all day and His way will happen anyway. I’m sorry if it’s sounds confusing.

Greetings, Nancy. This is what makes that particular theology so destructive. It lends itself to a type of spiritual lethargy.

The last three paragraphs of Post #3 were good in that regard IMO.

Blessings in Christ, and welcome to our forum.
Thank you all for your response. I really appreciate it and it gives me more clarity. Yes, I have always believed in God but it’s not until recently where I’ve started to build my own personal relationship to Jesus. I have a lot to learn and so I have a lot of questions but I don’t doubt that he’s my Saviour, I know He is. I’ve seen His work in my life many times but I’m human and sometimes I have questions but unfortunately I don’t have someone I can ask… So I really appreciate your response 🙏.
Hi NancyPC and welcome to CF :wave2

God's will is to love Him and to love others. Love is shared in helping others in need like that of Matthew 25:31-40

God already knows what we need, even before we pray, but prayer is our communication with Him in our relationship as we talk to him.

We can't change by our self, but Christ within us will change us and make us who we need to be when we submit all to Him, 2Corinthians 5:17.

Church needs to be a place to help teach us, but sometimes it's hard to find the right one. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to where you need to be.

Church is not four walls with a name above its door, but the assembling together with each other lifting up and edifying one another as we share the word of God and make new friends. This you will find here in CF. You can ask anything you want and we will always be here to help in your Spiritual growth. Don't be afraid to ask us anything.

God bless :)
I’ve always believed in God but I’ve never really attended church in my adult years. I’ve wanted to recently but I’ve moved to an area where I’m very limited. Long story short, I don’t know many christians so I don’t really have anyone to ask these questions to. I’ve always heard that God’s will will always happen , no matter what. I’ve seen a lot people asking ‘what’s the point in prayer if Gods will happens anyway’ etc etc. That’s not exactly my question because I understand the importance of prayer but what’s the point in changing etc if whatever He wants to happen in my life, will happen anyway? It makes me feel like I could just sit on the couch all day and His way will happen anyway. I’m sorry if it’s sounds confusing. English isn’t my first language and I struggle to put into words what I’m trying to explain. I hope someone will understand and care to give some clarity.
A question I ask is, "What specifically is prayer?" Prayer is not just a phrase or group of words one memorizes and recites on occasion or otherwise. Prayer is conversation with God. Take a look at Jesus' prayers recorded in Scripture. I have included a few references. Notice that in all of the references, Jesus was plainly just talking to the Father. No canned phrases, no memorized prayers, just plain talk.

Search Scripture for references to God declaring something like, "So you will know that I am God" or "So you will know that I am Lord" or "So they will know that I am God" or "So they will know me" or "I am your shield" or "I am your God" or "I am your strength" and so forth. God wants us to know Him in a very personal way and He wants a relationship with us. You know your parents, siblings, friends personally. When you talk to them do you write out and memorize what you want to say ahead of time or do you have a personal conversation with them?

Matthew 11:25-26
John 11:41-42
Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46
John 12:27-28
John 17 whole chapter
I’ve always believed in God but I’ve never really attended church in my adult years. I’ve wanted to recently but I’ve moved to an area where I’m very limited. Long story short, I don’t know many christians so I don’t really have anyone to ask these questions to. I’ve always heard that God’s will will always happen , no matter what. I’ve seen a lot people asking ‘what’s the point in prayer if Gods will happens anyway’ etc etc. That’s not exactly my question because I understand the importance of prayer but what’s the point in changing etc if whatever He wants to happen in my life, will happen anyway? It makes me feel like I could just sit on the couch all day and His way will happen anyway. I’m sorry if it’s sounds confusing. English isn’t my first language and I struggle to put into words what I’m trying to explain. I hope someone will understand and care to give some clarity.
Hey All,
God's will will always happen. That is exactly right NancyPC.
Let me ask you, do you know what is God's will?
Because I do not.
How do I find out?
God, I want to be, do, learn whatever: Is this what you want from me?
Then you pursue your passion.
Think about it.
That passion is coming from somewhere.
If it is purely human desire, the passion will end.
If it is from God, it will not stop.
God doesn't remove His gifts.

Pray for guidance and follow your passion.
If you are wrong, and things get difficult and you will stop.
If you are right, and things get difficult, your passion will see you through and you will keep going.

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
. I’ve wanted to recently but I’ve moved to an area where I’m very limited.
You have two options regarding church attendance.
1. Move to where one can travel to a good bible believing church.
2. Find the best of a poor lot, attend it and seek out true believers there and join with them.
I’ve always believed in God but I’ve never really attended church in my adult years. I’ve wanted to recently but I’ve moved to an area where I’m very limited. Long story short, I don’t know many christians so I don’t really have anyone to ask these questions to. I’ve always heard that God’s will will always happen , no matter what. I’ve seen a lot people asking ‘what’s the point in prayer if Gods will happens anyway’ etc etc. That’s not exactly my question because I understand the importance of prayer but what’s the point in changing etc if whatever He wants to happen in my life, will happen anyway? It makes me feel like I could just sit on the couch all day and His way will happen anyway. I’m sorry if it’s sounds confusing. English isn’t my first language and I struggle to put into words what I’m trying to explain. I hope someone will understand and care to give some clarity.
Hi NancyPC

Well, just so you know, Satan also believes in God, as far as knowing that He exists. I just put that out there to say that believing that a God does exist isn't the same as someone who has faith in that God who exists. It isn't the same as the one who loves the God in which they believe in because they understand that the very reason that they have life in their bodies is because of the God who created all of this realm in which we live.

Now, your first error, as I understand the Scriptures, is that no, God's will is not necessarily done among the people of the earth. God's will, according to the Scriptures is that all men come to His Son for His salvation. Yet we know, also according to the Scriptures, that isn't going to happen. So, the first myth to dispel is that God's will is not always done upon the earth. Yes, the eventuality of what we are foretold in the Scriptures concerning the unfolding of days, will be according to God's will, but there's a lot of living of lives here on the earth that are living against the will of God.

And the most important 'point of changing' is that God asks you to. If you want to be in God's will, then you must strive to live as He has asked you to. And the point of that is that if you don't, then you won't take part in God's promise of salvation from His wrath that will be poured out on all of unbelieving mankind.

Now, whether you have attended any formal 'church' services isn't the most important issue. Have you read and understood God's written testimony to you of 'who' He is and 'what' His will for His children is?

God bless,
I’ve always believed in God but I’ve never really attended church in my adult years. I’ve wanted to recently but I’ve moved to an area where I’m very limited. Long story short, I don’t know many christians so I don’t really have anyone to ask these questions to. I’ve always heard that God’s will will always happen , no matter what. I’ve seen a lot people asking ‘what’s the point in prayer if Gods will happens anyway’ etc etc. That’s not exactly my question because I understand the importance of prayer but what’s the point in changing etc if whatever He wants to happen in my life, will happen anyway? It makes me feel like I could just sit on the couch all day and His way will happen anyway. I’m sorry if it’s sounds confusing. English isn’t my first language and I struggle to put into words what I’m trying to explain. I hope someone will understand and care to give some clarity.
I suppose Matthew 6:1-8 will start you on developing a deeper relationship with God.

By Matthew 6:9 kjv
9. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

We are asking for his will to be done. What causes us to ask? We find out we have done wrong things (sinned) and need a solution.
Repentance causes the prayer to start.

Revelation 3:19 should be read first
Then Revelation 3:20 kjv
20. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

We have a door to open, this is a spiritual door, and not a physical one. Thus the need for something Able to open the door.

Mississippi tedneck
The point is that you really believe, believe in the power of God, to put it simply, to pray is to want something so much that God listens to your requests and fulfills your expectations. This faith must be complete, full of love and understanding, and a relationship with God because He is our guide in life and teacher, His teachings are profound and will change your life for the better if you believe that they can. In my case, analyzing Jesus' words helped me a lot. I used this notebook, but you can have your own and write down your thoughts.

I’ve always believed in God but I’ve never really attended church in my adult years. I’ve wanted to recently but I’ve moved to an area where I’m very limited. Long story short, I don’t know many Christians so I don’t really have anyone to ask these questions to. I’ve always heard that God’s will will always happen , no matter what. I’ve seen a lot people asking ‘what’s the point in prayer if God's will happens anyway’ etc etc. That’s not exactly my question because I understand the importance of prayer but what’s the point in changing etc if whatever He wants to happen in my life, will happen anyway? It makes me feel like I could just sit on the couch all day and His way will happen anyway. I’m sorry if it’s sounds confusing. English isn’t my first language and I struggle to put into words what I’m trying to explain. I hope someone will understand and care to give some clarity.

Your English is good.

Some mistakenly teach that God is absolutely sovereign, as if every sparrow’s fall is by his direct command. To oversimplify, that idea was ‘out of date’ as soon as God created creatures which could choose, for by giving freedom to choose he delegated sovereignty (Mt.8:9—we’re like that centurion). Indeed we are able to say Yes or No to God, able to defeat his love for us. So his sovereignty is relative.

Have you read Jeremiah 18? In short, Yahweh (God’s name) said that he could plan to bless or to punish, but if the other party changed towards him (became much worse or much better), he’d change his plans for them. That is, not all his plans were fixed. We might say that some were pencilled in.

If we plan a calendar, we might write things we’ll not change, as well as things we might change. God has some plans he won’t change, such as Christ’s return. But he has many things, as per Jr.18, which he can change.

If we pray for Christ’s return (Rv.22:20), our prayer won’t make it happen, but our prayer verbalises that we are in line with God’s sovereign plan, and helps us dwell on God’s plans and living life with him. If we humbly pray for physical healing, whether or not God had written that into his calendar as a possible, he will consider our request, and maybe decide to grant it.

He doesn’t always intervene. Sometimes he intervenes. He is a semi-interventionalist. In the whole battle when Israelis and Jews fought together, God directed only one arrow (1 Kg.22:34). Usually he directs by set laws (eg gravity, conscience), occasionally stepping into human history, such as in choosing Abraham, or arranging the incarnation.

In Gethsemane, Jesus did not know whether that garden ordeal was one he had to go through, so he asked his father to save him from it, but, he added, if that torment was part of God’s plan, his will, then far better God’s will be done than Jesus’ merely human wish. If even Jesus didn’t always know his father’s plan in full detail, how much less do we know it? And so we let our many requests be known unto God, expressing our wishes and submitting them for his consideration (Php.4:6). Some things won’t happen unless we have asked for them.

Prayer is interacting with God, seeking to align with him more in our personal lives and mission. That is a privilege that we humans have. And asking for stuff is only one type of prayer. Prayer can be praise, complaint, worship, adoration, gratitude, chat, etc.


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