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I hate to begin with a whine--not really me. But I've been on Christian Forums, moderated and unmoderated, for about 25 years or so. And my experience is not that good, although there's plenty of room for pursuing the ministry of God's word. Hopefully, this forum will not be hostile to some important Christian topics. The forum I quit yesterday banned discussio of the Trinity. ??????
I hate to begin with a whine--not really me. But I've been on Christian Forums, moderated and unmoderated, for about 25 years or so. And my experience is not that good, although there's plenty of room for pursuing the ministry of God's word. Hopefully, this forum will not be hostile to some important Christian topics. The forum I quit yesterday banned discussio of the Trinity. ??????
Welcome to the site.
Why didn't you just discuss something else ?
Welcome to the forum RandyK ! :wave2

Maybe they did that to eliminate the strife it was causing among their membership :shrug .
That is exactly why they did it. But a Christian forum is a public advertisement that it is there to discuss Chrsitian issues. It will always create divisions. "There must be divisions among you," Paul wrote.
I hate to begin with a whine--not really me. But I've been on Christian Forums, moderated and unmoderated, for about 25 years or so. And my experience is not that good, although there's plenty of room for pursuing the ministry of God's word. Hopefully, this forum will not be hostile to some important Christian topics. The forum I quit yesterday banned discussio of the Trinity. ??????
Relatively new myself but I haven't seen any problem with posting about the Trinity. All 3 (Father, Son, Spirit) are referenced in Scripture. :yes
Hi RandyK and welcome to CF :wave2

As long as the members abide by the Terms of Service discussions can be very pleasant, even though we might not always agree. Trinity is a very hard topic to discuss as I do not think any of us have it down perfectly, but as long as we are opened to hear, or I should say what others reply with, and remember we are brothers and sisters in Christ all the discussions need to be in love and respect for where each of us are coming from. It's only when we argue and fight with each other that we are unpleasing to the Lord.

There is also a report button at the end of the reply box that you can report anyone who seems to be getting nasty with you. Stick to the Terms of Service (ToS) and you will be fine.

God bless you Brother :)
Hi RandyK and welcome to CF :wave2

As long as the members abide by the Terms of Service discussions can be very pleasant, even though we might not always agree. Trinity is a very hard topic to discuss as I do not think any of us have it down perfectly, but as long as we are opened to hear, or I should say what others reply with, and remember we are brothers and sisters in Christ all the discussions need to be in love and respect for where each of us are coming from. It's only when we argue and fight with each other that we are unpleasing to the Lord.

There is also a report button at the end of the reply box that you can report anyone who seems to be getting nasty with you. Stick to the Terms of Service (ToS) and you will be fine.

God bless you Brother :)
I can sign onto that 100%. I appreciate you too.
I hate to begin with a whine--not really me. But I've been on Christian Forums, moderated and unmoderated, for about 25 years or so. And my experience is not that good, although there's plenty of room for pursuing the ministry of God's word. Hopefully, this forum will not be hostile to some important Christian topics. The forum I quit yesterday banned discussio of the Trinity. ??????

Welcome brother.

There will always be people who are hostile….

The LORD bless you and keep you.

I hate to begin with a whine--not really me. But I've been on Christian Forums, moderated and unmoderated, for about 25 years or so. And my experience is not that good, although there's plenty of room for pursuing the ministry of God's word. Hopefully, this forum will not be hostile to some important Christian topics. The forum I quit yesterday banned discussio of the Trinity. ??????

Hey Randy. So you understand, there was actually talk of it being shut down here as well, although we voted against it. But there are other hot button issues that often come up for debate as well, such as OSAS, and we want to allow for courteous debate and discussion whenever possible. But along with forums like this being a place where Christian truth on matters like the Trinity is taught, they also have to make sure that the membership display what the Christian faith truly is by living it out, and that's where things get more complicated. If a community cannot maintain the kind of conduct that is genuinely reflective of Christ indwelling its membership then management must correct that until they can, even if it means removing all discussion of certain topics altogether. It doesn't matter how they can defend Christian doctrine if their conduct contradicts the teachings they subscribe to.

This is a good forum, however, and we are always happy to have new members who can reflect Christ in the way they post, treat others, and conduct themselves.

Giving you a little perspective is all, and glad you decided to become a member here. :)
Hey Randy. So you understand, there was actually talk of it being shut down here as well, although we voted against it. But there are other hot button issues that often come up for debate as well, such as OSAS, and we want to allow for courteous debate and discussion whenever possible. But along with forums like this being a place where Christian truth on matters like the Trinity is taught, they also have to make sure that the membership display what the Christian faith truly is by living it out, and that's where things get more complicated. If a community cannot maintain the kind of conduct that is genuinely reflective of Christ indwelling its membership then management must correct that until they can, even if it means removing all discussion of certain topics altogether. It doesn't matter how they can defend Christian doctrine if their conduct contradicts the teachings they subscribe to.

This is a good forum, however, and we are always happy to have new members who can reflect Christ in the way they post, treat others, and conduct themselves.

Giving you a little perspective is all, and glad you decided to become a member here. :)
We all have our own orders from the Lord. We'll have to pursue places where we can minister the Word as we're led. Thanks for the honesty. The Trinity is a red-line area for me. I understand putting civil conversation ahead of doctrinal discussion. But again, without orthodoxy, the door is left open for the Enemy to take control.

Honestly, I don't see how the Trinity can be abandoned, civil or not? It is difficult for many Christians, but perhaps they can always be redirected to places where they do not have to discuss it? Directing Trinitarian discussion to a quarantined area doesn't work for me, though.

I find discussion of the Trinity essential to understanding our relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Ignoring any of these matters is destructive to our spiritual health, in my opinion. But I assure you, I will always listen for correction through others, because we are indeed "under orders." ;)

I did get into a Christian cult temporarily in the 70s, which had a modalistic mindset. That forced me to study Trinitarianism, particularly since I had connected with Christian Research Institute. I could say much more about this, but personal testimony will take up too much time.

Let me just close by saying I respect the job being done by moderators on the various forums. I've seen the worst of them, and the issues that various posters glam onto. I'm praying God gives you all wisdom from above, in knowing how to deal with these things.
Welcome to the site.
Why didn't you just discuss something else ?
I discuss everything, and that's the issue with me. I wish to address *every concern* someone may have with respect to Christianity. That would, of course, include discussion of the Trinity.

I'm on another Christian Forum that departmentalizes a number of groups to avoid the typical course exchanges between members of opposing belief systems. Some specific forums within the Forum allow discourse on these more controversial susbjects. But trolls are kept out of areas where people of a certain kind wish to speak among their own.
We all have our own orders from the Lord. We'll have to pursue places where we can minister the Word as we're led. Thanks for the honesty. The Trinity is a red-line area for me. I understand putting civil conversation ahead of doctrinal discussion. But again, without orthodoxy, the door is left open for the Enemy to take control.

You sound like our Lead Admin. :)
I did get into a Christian cult temporarily in the 70s, which had a modalistic mindset. That forced me to study Trinitarianism, particularly since I had connected with Christian Research Institute. I could say much more about this, but personal testimony will take up too much time.

Again this suggests you might like interacting with Free. He's a staunch defender of it, and admittedly better educated on the subject than I am. He might enjoy your input.
I'm on another Christian Forum that departmentalizes a number of groups to avoid the typical course exchanges between members of opposing belief systems. Some specific forums within the Forum allow discourse on these more controversial susbjects. But trolls are kept out of areas where people of a certain kind wish to speak among their own.

Sounds a lot like CF.Com. We do some of that here now, only it's not nearly so segregated, and more of a family atmosphere. :thumb
You sound like our Lead Admin. :)

Again this suggests you might like interacting with Free. He's a staunch defender of it, and admittedly better educated on the subject than I am. He might enjoy your input.

Sounds a lot like CF.Com. We do some of that here now, only it's not nearly so segregated, and more of a family atmosphere. :thumb
Yes, that is it! You clearly get around? :) I'm happy to discuss what I know with anybody. Sounds like you have a forum I willl enjoy. I don't have to agree to enjoy the fellowship. Half the fun is my getting corrected--nothing better! ;)
I discuss everything, and that's the issue with me. I wish to address *every concern* someone may have with respect to Christianity. That would, of course, include discussion of the Trinity.

I'm on another Christian Forum that departmentalizes a number of groups to avoid the typical course exchanges between members of opposing belief systems. Some specific forums within the Forum allow discourse on these more controversial susbjects. But trolls are kept out of areas where people of a certain kind wish to speak among their own.
I see.
I just got banned here for replying to a post about Pentecostalism.
I am in the habit of responding to the "New Posts" alert on the upper right, but they don't tell from which forum they originate.
Apparently I don't qualify for participation in that forum. :shrug
I see.
I just got banned here for replying to a post about Pentecostalism.
I am in the habit of responding to the "New Posts" alert on the upper right, but they don't tell from which forum they originate.
Apparently I don't qualify for participation in that forum. :shrug
Firstly, "New Posts" does tell you which forum a new post or thread is in, right under the title of the thread. Second, you would have seen a message pop-up when going into Pentecostalism that tells you you must belong to that particular denomination or denominational belief to post in there.
Firstly, "New Posts" does tell you which forum a new post or thread is in, right under the title of the thread. Second, you would have seen a message pop-up when going into Pentecostalism that tells you you must belong to that particular denomination or denominational belief to post in there.
You are correct, I misspoke...I should have said "when I respond to the "Alerts" bell.
Once you have posted in any forum, you are always notified when newer posts are inserted.
That notification doesn't differentiate between forums.

Can I "unfollow" the Pentecostal forum, somehow ?
You are correct, I misspoke...I should have said "when I respond to the "Alerts" bell.
Once you have posted in any forum, you are always notified when newer posts are inserted.
That notification doesn't differentiate between forums.

Can I "unfollow" the Pentecostal forum, somehow ?
No, you can only "Unwatch" threads that you have posted in, not forums.
I see.
I just got banned here for replying to a post about Pentecostalism.
I am in the habit of responding to the "New Posts" alert on the upper right, but they don't tell from which forum they originate.
Apparently I don't qualify for participation in that forum. :shrug
I don't know you so I can't really speak to your situation. I do sympathize though. I have a somewhat "harsh" approach sometimes, depending on the day, which sometimes gets me into trouble.

I've had temporary bans on virtually every forum I've been on. Sometimes I feel as if no subject can be touched--so why try to reform anything at all? Why even discuss anything if we're all going to agree, and agree that there are no problems to confront?

I was once banned temporarily on a forum for talking about annihilation of the wicked as opposed to their eternal punishment. I was accused by a moderator of proposing the wicked are annihilated when I was saying the exact opposite.

Communication is like that sometimes--I just had to let it go because they didn't want the subject discussed regardless. You just don't know what kinds of problems they've had with this in the past.

A long time ago I got my 1st ban for warning that someone's view sounded anti-Semitic. Obviously, the person I said this to was a favorite of the moderators--the ban made no sense to me. It was a forum that normally was willing to discuss the subject of Israel, promised people or lost people? How dare I suggest that there is a danger to Jews in saying they are *not* the Promised People! ;)

On another forum, a brother/sister and I battled on the subject of Daniel's Dream of the 4 Beasts, as well as on the matter of Preterist-type interpretations of the Olivet Discourse. Nobody banned it, even though there was an extensive back and forth.

On yet another forum, a brother and I battled on the subject of Amillennialism vs Premillennialism. It got somewhat heated, and perhaps even a little beyond, but there was no ban, and things turned out fine. At least the differences were made known. And that's what anybody needs to know to make their own decision--what are the issues?

On my calmer moments I recognize that Christian moderators are trying to do their job, and time is needed to work things out. Maybe there is a real need for a "time out?"

As I've gained trust on some forums I've been left virtually alone. On this forum I've been kind of excited simply because some of the folks here have been so nice. I think they just think Christian ministry can take place with a minimum of hostility.

But if we look back at Martin Luther's time, the RCC absolutely would not allow consideration of Indulgences by one of their own appointed theologians! And they wanted to kill him as a troublemaker. So you have to decide if you need to turn the temperature down or if you're just a martyr--not an easy thing to decide sometimes.

I just had a thread yanked on another forum because it was called "Mariolatry," simply to discuss the degree to which we should idolize Mary, and the various Scriptural references to her as opposed to Catholic titles given her. I guess that's a "sacred cow" because there are so many Catholics there? Nevertheless, I'm hardly anti-Catholic!

On another forum, as I recently mentioned, I can not address the Trinity. I've been doing it forever, without any scolding or ban, because this is a major interest of mine and a subject that has played an important role in my Christian experience. But I did not know the subject was prohibited on this particular forum until recently, when some JWs began to assert themselves with their Arian-type of arguments.

I hope you figure out if you wish to post despite the various prohibitions? Some rules are valuable. And I hope you are kind towards those who are trying to set rules in place that limit the trolling activities of those who are malicious or at least, disrespectful?

Most importantly, consider the people who are making or enforcing the rules. I can accept a lot of criticism from good people--less so from bad people. This forum has some good people, so give them a chance?
I don't know you so I can't really speak to your situation. I do sympathize though. I have a somewhat "harsh" approach sometimes, depending on the day, which sometimes gets me into trouble.

I've had temporary bans on virtually every forum I've been on. Sometimes I feel as if no subject can be touched--so why try to reform anything at all? Why even discuss anything if we're all going to agree, and agree that there are no problems to confront?

I was once banned temporarily on a forum for talking about annihilation of the wicked as opposed to their eternal punishment. I was accused by a moderator of proposing the wicked are annihilated when I was saying the exact opposite.

Communication is like that sometimes--I just had to let it go because they didn't want the subject discussed regardless. You just don't know what kinds of problems they've had with this in the past.

A long time ago I got my 1st ban for warning that someone's view sounded anti-Semitic. Obviously, the person I said this to was a favorite of the moderators--the ban made no sense to me. It was a forum that normally was willing to discuss the subject of Israel, promised people or lost people? How dare I suggest that there is a danger to Jews in saying they are *not* the Promised People! ;)

On another forum, a brother/sister and I battled on the subject of Daniel's Dream of the 4 Beasts, as well as on the matter of Preterist-type interpretations of the Olivet Discourse. Nobody banned it, even though there was an extensive back and forth.

On yet another forum, a brother and I battled on the subject of Amillennialism vs Premillennialism. It got somewhat heated, and perhaps even a little beyond, but there was no ban, and things turned out fine. At least the differences were made known. And that's what anybody needs to know to make their own decision--what are the issues?

On my calmer moments I recognize that Christian moderators are trying to do their job, and time is needed to work things out. Maybe there is a real need for a "time out?"

As I've gained trust on some forums I've been left virtually alone. On this forum I've been kind of excited simply because some of the folks here have been so nice. I think they just think Christian ministry can take place with a minimum of hostility.

But if we look back at Martin Luther's time, the RCC absolutely would not allow consideration of Indulgences by one of their own appointed theologians! And they wanted to kill him as a troublemaker. So you have to decide if you need to turn the temperature down or if you're just a martyr--not an easy thing to decide sometimes.

I just had a thread yanked on another forum because it was called "Mariolatry," simply to discuss the degree to which we should idolize Mary, and the various Scriptural references to her as opposed to Catholic titles given her. I guess that's a "sacred cow" because there are so many Catholics there? Nevertheless, I'm hardly anti-Catholic!

On another forum, as I recently mentioned, I can not address the Trinity. I've been doing it forever, without any scolding or ban, because this is a major interest of mine and a subject that has played an important role in my Christian experience. But I did not know the subject was prohibited on this particular forum until recently, when some JWs began to assert themselves with their Arian-type of arguments.

I hope you figure out if you wish to post despite the various prohibitions? Some rules are valuable. And I hope you are kind towards those who are trying to set rules in place that limit the trolling activities of those who are malicious or at least, disrespectful?

Most importantly, consider the people who are making or enforcing the rules. I can accept a lot of criticism from good people--less so from bad people. This forum has some good people, so give them a chance?
Yeah, being friendly attracts more flies than anger does...or something like that. 🙄
Present your case in a neutral manner, and by the grace of God, maybe someone's eyes will be opened.
Oh, and use a lot of scriptures !