Hi fellow Christians, what a nice safe feeling to be on here. I am on a couple of other sites that definitely are not Christian based - in fact Athiest, Satanic, etc. so I and a lot of other Christians are on there trying to not only defend our faith but hopefully, maybe even get some on there who are "on the line" to cross over to Jesus. Let me tell you, they throw alot of mud at us. I am sometimes having a difficult time holding my own on there, especially when they quote things from the Old Testament (yes they are very very good at quoting the Bible!!!). So here is a big question, because I too have a hard time understanding things from the OT, but when scripture is quoted to me because "I have a hateful God who kills babies and murders, etc," and the quoted scripture does in fact say that (such as the passover when the first born were killed) how in heck do I answer that???