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[__ Prayer __] No hope... Faith is slipping.....

Is there any hope?

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    Votes: 36 94.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 5.3%

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I pray at night for employment and turn in tons of apps/proposals and all I get are rejection letters. I even got rejected from my dream job. I think in a few years I will end up hopeless and or homeless.
Another tid bit is that I never fully healed over a woman who cheated on me a few years ago....

Why is my life never taking off? Usually people in their 20s are exploring but me I am stuck in the same rut for years....
I pray at night for employment and turn in tons of apps/proposals and all I get are rejection letters. I even got rejected from my dream job. I think in a few years I will end up hopeless and or homeless.
Another tid bit is that I never fully healed over a woman who cheated on me a few years ago....

Why is my life never taking off? Usually people in their 20s are exploring but me I am stuck in the same rut for years....

one cant have a healthy relationship if one is still in the past over a lost love.

ah the twenties, God in due time will help you and yes i remember some of the same thinking. might i suggest instead of looking at what others do, focus on God in prayer, and let him heal you.
I do believe it's fine for you to pray for a job and to ask Him to Lead you to the job He has chosen for you. But, ultimately, your prayer should end with you praying for peace during this trial. If you are filled with his peace, you will be (as Paul was) content in all circumstances. I'm sorry to hear about the woman who betrayed you and that things aren't going as you had planned at this point in your life.

I have prayed that the Lord would show you what it is that He would have you do and that He gives you His peace to overcome this difficult season in your life.

You said in your New Member post that you don't attend church, although you are in the Word. Being a member of a Spirit-filled church community could be an encouragement to you during bad times like this, and you could be an encouragement to others who are going through a storm. God didn't intend that we would walk alone but blessed us with fellow believers to join with.
I pray at night for employment and turn in tons of apps/proposals and all I get are rejection letters. I even got rejected from my dream job. I think in a few years I will end up hopeless and or homeless.
Another tid bit is that I never fully healed over a woman who cheated on me a few years ago....

Why is my life never taking off? Usually people in their 20s are exploring but me I am stuck in the same rut for years....

Welcome to the America that our father's generation created. I am also in my twenties and stuck in limbo. I have the same fears as you; but God will provide.
I do believe it's fine for you to pray for a job and to ask Him to Lead you to the job He has chosen for you. But, ultimately, your prayer should end with you praying for peace during this trial. If you are filled with his peace, you will be (as Paul was) content in all circumstances. I'm sorry to hear about the woman who betrayed you and that things aren't going as you had planned at this point in your life.

I have prayed that the Lord would show you what it is that He would have you do and that He gives you His peace to overcome this difficult season in your life.

You said in your New Member post that you don't attend church, although you are in the Word. Being a member of a Spirit-filled church community could be an encouragement to you during bad times like this, and you could be an encouragement to others who are going through a storm. God didn't intend that we would walk alone but blessed us with fellow believers to join with.

I feel nothing but failure time and time again.... I feel like giving up. People don't believe me when I tell them the rejection I am going through. Some think that I don't try but I keep the rejection letters for proof. I pray and nothing.. So now I pray here and there but not like how I should.
I feel nothing but failure time and time again.... I feel like giving up. People don't believe me when I tell them the rejection I am going through. Some think that I don't try but I keep the rejection letters for proof. I pray and nothing.. So now I pray here and there but not like how I should.

Pray in faith believing.

Matthew 21:22 NKJV
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.

Same verse in the NLT:
You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.
Pray in faith believing.

Matthew 21:22 NKJV
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.

Same verse in the NLT:
You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.

I tried that only to be let down time and time again...... I stopped praying for a while due to more rejection I received from a company I was trying to work for....
I tried that only to be let down time and time again...... I stopped praying for a while due to more rejection I received from a company I was trying to work for....

You know... I pray for a wife and just because I havent received one yet doesnt mean God hasnt answered my prayer. God may very well have her all lined up for me after a little bit more time passes and I just need to be patient meanwhile. Besides, I believe God answers all our prayers and it just may be that he doesnt answer them the way we would want him to. Waiting on something as time runs down everyday really tests your patience, your hope and faith in God. Maybe you are facing one of your biggest trials yet and you need to remain faithful and hopeful to the end. Just as the purity of Gold is brought forth by intense heat, so is the purity of our Faith brought forth by fiery trials. You said you are fearful you may become homeless in a few years. Well a few years is a long way off and we dont know what will become of tommorrow anyways. Jesus can come back at anytime or anything can happen in our world within a few years. I have seen people think they were going to lose everything and I have witnessed two different people where one couple was on the edge of going down the drain and some amazing things happened where they got out of that hole and for the second person who is my close friend, he actually lost his house, but I believe God wanted to see how faithful he would remain. So I believe God wants to see how faithful you are. Will you endure to the end regardless of the outcome, or are you going to throw away your faith and hope? I think these may be great tests to root us well in Christ because we are in some very hard times right now and I also believe the end is near and going through such hard times will help us stand for Christ and not give up our faith and hope in him when it means food or no food and life or death. If we cant survive our trials in life, how can we survive when persecutions and great tribulations come where its either you deny Christ and live or confess Christ and die?
I pray at night for employment and turn in tons of apps/proposals and all I get are rejection letters. I even got rejected from my dream job. I think in a few years I will end up hopeless and or homeless.
Another tid bit is that I never fully healed over a woman who cheated on me a few years ago....

Why is my life never taking off? Usually people in their 20s are exploring but me I am stuck in the same rut for years....

Don`t give up! I know so many people in your shoes. In fact, my husband`s company closed 2 years ago. Other than contract work here and there, he was unemployed for 2 years and we were just living on our savings. Our savings were coming to an end and last week my husband got a job. He will start in February. TWO YEARS of unemployment at the age of now 53. 53 looking for a job is very difficult and in Asia we don`t have age discrimination laws so my husband not only was rejected time and again but he was told why he was rejected. He was told "you`re too old". That was demoralizing because he couldn`t do anything about his age. In fact, he was only getting older! But God came through for us. And God can come through for you too. Just hold on and don`t waste this time. While you have free time, study your Bible. Get involved with Bible study groups. This will keep you motivated and your mind focused on God because right now it is too easy to start focusing on your bad circumstances. Don`t let your mind look down on this world. Keep your mind looking up and focusing on God. By staying connected with other Believers it will shower you in the prayers of others. And it will also give you connections. You might run into someone that can point you to a job lead. My husband`s new job is not a dream job in that he is taking a cut in salary from before but we are just thankful for work so it is a dream job to us at this point!!!! You are young so spread your net wide and look all around. I believe you when you say you just keep getting rejected but remember if you keep your spirits up, there will be a "YES" eventually. Just hold on and keep looking. Do your best and leave the rest in the hands of God. I know it is tough, but these are just tough times for people all over who are looking for work. You are not alone.
DarkTipper others have given you excellent advice but one thing that comes to mind is the possibility of work in the voluntary sector - for many this can help secure permanent employment.

As for hope God has never promised that things will be easy but He has promised to be there with us through the hard times. As others have said keep on praying - prayer is like oil in the machinery of life. When I'm feeling distant I always strive to remember all that the Lord has done for me in the past. Also history offers many examples of how God has intervened when His people prayed. King Hezekiah when facing the might of the Assyrian army called the nation to prayer - the Assyrians left empty handed after many thousands of the Assrians mysteriously died. In more recent years anotheir King - King George VI of Britain called the nation to prayer and two days later the miracle of the Dunkirk withdrawl took place. 300,000 allied troops were encircled by the German army but for some inexplicable reason Hitler held his army back. Further a few miles away from a remarkably calm channel where the Allies would be rescued by a hodgepodge fleet of small craft the Luftwaffe were grounded in Flanders by a raging storm.

Keep faith and keep praying - something will turn up.
I wanted to vote "no" but could be bring myself to do that to you!

We are living in historically bad economic times - and you are NOT the only one in despair. We have two families in church with small kids who are about to loose their homes due to unemployment. (We as a church have done our part - we prayed and walked away. :sad )

I was divorced last spring... yea, it's tough, I know. But I, for the most part, have turned away and now face the future with a positive attitude. You must, too.

A negative, hurting spirit will drive any good lady away from you -and they ARE out there, in your 20's, you are surrounded by them! Heal yourself and move on.

As to the job thing, THAT is where I see no hope. All we can do is wait and see where the country and world goes from here. You WILL find work - but the ever-increasing standard of living we've seen since WWII is gone, probably forever but certainly gone for at least a generation.

MAJOR screw-ups have been committed in the economic and housing markets. These 'sins' will not go without consequences for all of us. Heal yourself and pray for God to bring 'her' to you. Together, this life will be more beautiful than alone.

(I can't believe I wrote such a positive post! :biggrin )
I even applied at retail and food places :sad Still nothing. :shame

I guess that is life.....
I would have never saw my self in this position in. When I was in H.S. i dreamed of having my own place and making a living and possibly helping a few people along the way. I am probably the least successful out of all of my friends (real life and internet)
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I even applied at retail and food places :sad Still nothing. :shame

I guess that is life.....
I would have never saw my self in this position in. When I was in H.S. i dreamed of having my own place and making a living and possibly helping a few people along the way. I am probably the least successful out of all of my friends (real life and internet)

You are not the least successful. Think about it. The reason you are having trouble even getting retail/food chain jobs is because the job market is flooded with more applicants than jobs. People who were once in cozy middle class jobs are now even applying for food chain jobs. You are in your 20`s. You are young. There are older people with families who should be up the career ladder who are looking for low end, no education jobs. I`m telling you, you are in the same boat with a much too big of a percent of the total population. This has absolutely noting to do with you. This has to do with the economy. All you can do is not give up and just keep looking every single day. Wake up and give praise to God. If you give praise to Him, your spirit lifts and if your spirit lifts, it shines through which gives an upper hand to you when you go for an interview. Something will eventually open up, but it really may take time so don`t put yourself down. Don`t see yourself as a failure. You might be surprised at how many of your old classmates are in your same boat or even worse. These are tough times which means you`ve got to be tough. Hold on my brother and press on.
Still no word from the applications I put in.... And now I am having pains in my body. Life kind of sucks now.... No cash and pains. What else can go wrong ? ......
Still no word from the applications I put in.... And now I am having pains in my body. Life kind of sucks now.... No cash and pains. What else can go wrong ? ......

The pains are probably due to stress. Get exercise. Go out in nature. When my husband first got unemployed after a couple of months he seemed to get down so I told him "let`s go to the park". Near my home is a huge nature park that`s quiet with water, trees, ducks, flowers, grass, etc. It`s very peaceful. We just walked through it many days together and little my little his spirit built back up and then he started getting involved in all sorts of Bible studies that kept his mind active as well as socially active. Unemployment can easily cause a person to isolate themselves but that is one of the worst things you can do. Get out and be with people.

You might even try a temp agency. My sister was also unemployed and she just got a full time job with good benefits as a result of going to temp agency. There was a vacancy where they sent her to a community college to learn a skill. They paid for her education and now she`s working in a whole new career. She is a teacher by trade, but in her area there were a lot of teacher layoffs due to programs being cut from lack of money due to the economic crisis. She simply couldn`t get another teacher job so she`s going into a whole new career. But this did not happen over night. I would say it took her about 2 years as well. She was doing a lot of substitute teaching trying to make ends meet, but finally decided it was time to try something new.

So just be open to anything and remember job hunting is a slow process for most people these days. Take care of youself in the meantime and may God bless and take good care of you while you are struggling.
I just hate that I am so unsuccessful in most of my 20s..... I feel that I am a wasted creation sometimes (don't even know why God created me sometimes). I have a friend who his a felon got hired on the spot multiple times and held tons of jobs that he worked for no more than a few months and get them with ease but for me a guy who is not a felon can't even get an interview or a callback.... I think my prayers are not working.....

I do workout a lot.... but as for getting out that is a no go. Too much snow and no money...... I don't hang out with friends because I don't have cash. I got done reading about homelessness in this country and bible verses about god providing and stuff but sometimes I wonder why do some people who seek his help starve and or die after failed attepts to survive here on Earth?
I just hate that I am so unsuccessful in most of my 20s..... I feel that I am a wasted creation sometimes (don't even know why God created me sometimes). I have a friend who his a felon got hired on the spot multiple times and held tons of jobs that he worked for no more than a few months and get them with ease but for me a guy who is not a felon can't even get an interview or a callback.... I think my prayers are not working.....

I do workout a lot.... but as for getting out that is a no go. Too much snow and no money...... I don't hang out with friends because I don't have cash. I got done reading about homelessness in this country and bible verses about god providing and stuff but sometimes I wonder why do some people who seek his help starve and or die after failed attepts to survive here on Earth?

The great thing about Bible studies is they not only offer a productive and encouraging fellowship, but also they are free and sometimes snacks are provided!

I know, it doesn`t seem fair. My sister when she was looking for a job said her housemate`s niece quit high school and is on drugs, but lies on all her job applications about having a college education and somehow gets really good jobs with ease, so it seemed unfair to my sister that the honest people struggle. She also said her housemate is a nurse and there are illegals working in the hospital so citizens are turned down for the jobs. So I understand your frustration. But we have to look at the bigger picture. My husband just came home so I must run but read Psalm 37 and take special notice of v. 25. Claim that scripture and present it to God. Remind Him of it!

You are not a failure! You are not a waste! You still have a lot of life left in you. You just don`t know what tomorrow might bring. Hold on my brother!!!!
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
8We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

dark, things do get tough in life but don`t like them destroy you. Climb up and rise above by clinging to your faith. I fully understand your feelings of wondering if homelessness will fall on you. I have 2 children (one that eats like a horse) and mortgage payments. During our long unemployment, I sometimes wondered what was going to happen to us especially to my children. Those were very dark thoughts for me so I could not allow myself to focus on these thoughts or it would have spread to my children, perhaps broken the confidence of my husband as well as sending me into depression or despair. You have to pull yourself up and refocus your mind. Don`t dwell on the worst case scenerios because that kind of thinking only harms you. Just know what ever this world dishes out to you, you have a power within you to overcome. "Be strong and of good courage for the Lord our God is with you". Just keep knocking on doors, filling out applications, and making people aware that you are looking for work. Don`t be embarrassed. Tell everyone if they hear of any job openings let you know because you really want to work. The word of mouth travels far!
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
8We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

dark, things do get tough in life but don`t like them destroy you. Climb up and rise above by clinging to your faith. I fully understand your feelings of wondering if homelessness will fall on you. I have 2 children (one that eats like a horse) and mortgage payments. During our long unemployment, I sometimes wondered what was going to happen to us especially to my children. Those were very dark thoughts for me so I could not allow myself to focus on these thoughts or it would have spread to my children, perhaps broken the confidence of my husband as well as sending me into depression or despair. You have to pull yourself up and refocus your mind. Don`t dwell on the worst case scenarios because that kind of thinking only harms you. Just know what ever this world dishes out to you, you have a power within you to overcome. "Be strong and of good courage for the Lord our God is with you". Just keep knocking on doors, filling out applications, and making people aware that you are looking for work. Don`t be embarrassed. Tell everyone if they hear of any job openings let you know because you really want to work. The word of mouth travels far!

It is so hard right now..... I filled out another 2 applications and still no word lol. I slowed up on my praying also. I downloaded a podcast sermon about being in a valley in life...... I think I have been in one for like 10 years....
Being jobless in THIS economy is no shame.

I really feel for you there. My company is not well, work is "scary slow", customers have no money, mostly because our customers are mostly municipal agencies and tax collections are way down.

Our company has gone from 14 to 9 people in the past four months. And three of the nine are only here due to taking pay cuts. :sad


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