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Obama denounces God


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Jan 13, 2010. Pat Robertson explained God’s reason for the earthquake devastation in Haiti. Reverend Robertson said it was God’s vengeance for Haiti making a pact with Satan over 200 years ago.
Then President Barrack Hussein Obama said, “… for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible.â€
Does not compute.

Jan 13, 2010. Pat Robertson explained God’s reason for the earthquake devastation in Haiti. Reverend Robertson said it was God’s vengeance for Haiti making a pact with Satan over 200 years ago.
Then President Barrack Hussein Obama said, “… for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible.â€

Haiti to my knowledge is on an active fault line insinuating that "God did it" is ridiculous.
Additionally i see no parallels to the tragedy in Haiti, God and Obamas comments.
wow that is a creative link, mr robertson is known for making those types of statements, as i dont take too much stock in them. Bad thing happen to the saints as well. Ie Job and even christ said that we will suffer trials and tribulations, and he will deliver us from them all. This doesnt mean that we wont suffer loss, only that he will take us through it, or remove us out of it, and may restore that loss. He does this for his Glory and for our growth in him.
John said:
Does not compute.

Jan 13, 2010. Pat Robertson explained God’s reason for the earthquake devastation in Haiti. Reverend Robertson said it was God’s vengeance for Haiti making a pact with Satan over 200 years ago.
Then President Barrack Hussein Obama said, “… for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible.â€

Haiti to my knowledge is on an active fault line insinuating that "God did it" is ridiculous.
Additionally i see no parallels to the tragedy in Haiti, God and Obamas comments.
if that's the case i wonder what robertson would say about the founders and our nation in its youth when the fault line of the missipi river caused a quake. Does God judge, yes, let him do that, and us tell those that need to repent and plead and pray for them and have mercy on them that are lost and are in dire situations.
It's what jesus did.
I love geology and know quite a bit on the subject. The catastrophic, 7.0-magnitude earthquake that devastated Haiti Tuesday afternoon occurred in a region long known to be seismically active.

It like standing near a dump during a hurricane and blaming God because you got hit by debris.

Does God judge people? Absolutely but there is no way to know when and how he does in this age. The best thing we can do is go with what we know for sure before going with something that is

i know that and was added to that, as some christian seem to think that god judges all sinners like that (they way robertson says). He does,.but we are to have compassion on the lost and remind them of the love of God and compell them to come. This isnt the time to judge them but rather to reach out to them and give them the necessities.

Florida has a fault line on the escambia river. I guess all christains should leave that area as they may be judged :lol
Nothing happens without it being Gods purpose. I am not sure if the reason God gave Haiti this earthquake is true, but that God did it is for sure.

What it should do is make the other nations fear God and repent so that the same does not come upon them.
GodspromisesRyes said:
Nothing happens without it being Gods purpose. I am not sure if the reason God gave Haiti this earthquake is true, but that God did it is for sure.

What it should do is make the other nations fear God and repent so that the same does not come upon them.

It is like standing near a dump during a hurricane and blaming God because you got hit by debris.
God allows thing to happen for a reason, yes, but godpromisesryes, the we shouldnt feel a bit offended when insurance refers all natural phenonom as 'acts of god'

i think its just the curse of sin and the earth is subject to that.nothing more nothing less. this is problem i have with that. as well was the God fearing churches that do the things that ought to be done judged when the 04 hurricanes hit florida.

After all if the saints were right with god then the hurricanes shouldn't have destroyed the homes of the saints. This is exactly why i dont accept the prosperty gospel school of thought.Nowhere in the bible does it say that the sainst will not suffer.
'all they that will live godly lives shall suffer persecution.' kinda the opposite.

i guess the christian should avoid living on the earth, then as well the earth isnt lining up with the promise that all that follow christ shall not die of natural disasters.
jasoncran said:
John said:
Does not compute.

Jan 13, 2010. Pat Robertson explained God’s reason for the earthquake devastation in Haiti. Reverend Robertson said it was God’s vengeance for Haiti making a pact with Satan over 200 years ago.
Then President Barrack Hussein Obama said, “… for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible.â€

Haiti to my knowledge is on an active fault line insinuating that "God did it" is ridiculous.
Additionally i see no parallels to the tragedy in Haiti, God and Obamas comments.
if that's the case i wonder what robertson would say about the founders and our nation in its youth when the fault line of the missipi river caused a quake. Does God judge, yes, let him do that, and us tell those that need to repent and plead and pray for them and have mercy on them that are lost and are in dire situations.
It's what jesus did.
That would be the 1812 New Madrid earthquake, that was so strong that it sent the powerful Mississippi river, in reverse, now that is some quake.
Maybe God is using the earthquake to push new governance. Take the earthquake in Bejing for example. That city was was a intelligence gatherer for the Communist Secret police.
I believe that God judges, I mean just take a look at the geology around you, formed by a flood when God judged the world. But in the instance with Haiti i am less inclined to believe that this was an act of God simply because of the active fault line that runs though the place. If a tornado formed and the only thing that got destroyed was a cult leaders house i would be one the side of the fence that says God judged him but if the same tornado went though a town and killed thousands of innocent people and the cult leader i would say it was a mere random act of nature.

That being said God does work in mysterious and in some cases down right strange ways but at this point i am not convinced.
God does judge. That's why he invented Chuck Norris.


Seriously though. This just sounds like something to denounce and spread more hate toward Obama. Focus on the issues people, not the man.
I dug a bit deeper and i have now come to think that the "God did it" way of thinking may have some merit to it. :chin
God also destroyed Lot's house when he brought judgement but he saved lot. :)

I personally do not believe that scripture shows that it is possible for events that cause disaster and lose of lives to happen without it being Gods hand of judgement to bring it. But that would be another whole big topic.

Luk 13:1 ¶ There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
Luk 13:2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?

Luk 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Luk 13:4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

Luk 13:5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

I have often seen these scriptures used to support " chance" disasters. But they say exactly the oppostie. Jesus is showing them that YES it was GOD who did it, BUT do not think that it was because they were worse sinners than the rest but EXCEPT YE REPENT YE SHALL LIKEWISE PERISH>

SO yes it was a judgement from God for sin- but not because they were worse sinners than the rest, but if the rest do not see these judgements and repent they will perish also.

Certian judgements God brings to be a witness and warning to the world to repent so they do not likewise perish. Sodom was a good example of this and was used all through the word of God and even today to be a witness


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