Wrg1405 I've been involved at different levels for a number of years, and this is what I've observed. People who join boards like CFnet are generally not passive about their faith. They feel strongly about their beliefs, and so they do tend to get emotionally involved when discussing matters of faith. So, there's that.
It can be disconcerting to witness such disagreement among believers. We sometimes save our worst words for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I resolved long ago to take a different approach and build others up rather than tear them down. Not that debate is bad, but lines can be crossed even when you don't intend to cross them.
I see amazing good in you, and I really hope you'll be a presence here on CFnet for a long time. We need members like you to fulfill the mission of this site. Humble, authentic Christians hold a special place in my heart. I can grow far more from someone baring their struggles and weaknesses than I can from someone who claims to be on top of everything, and I've been blessed by you.
Stat here. Be the light you are.