Jesus and not your method eh?

That's exactly right brother and too often is forgotten and pride steppeth into people and they naturally feel good about themselves for '
being able to heal people'. Look at my power! I hear ya' There's none other than our Lord doing all of this. We are indeed as little children and this in itself is hard for some people to accept because they are so smart and proud of it.
We need the faith of a child. Yes we do and this is a great illustration of how our mindset should be. Children do not understand it, they just trust. We do not need to be able to understand God and His methods to be able to trust Him. Trust (faith) is a choice. Somebody wants to borrow 50 dollars from you. You've never loaned them money before and do not have anything upon which to have confidence in them with because you've never loaned them money before. What to do? He is a nice fellow, and needs it very much. You want to help, but don't really know if he will come through like he says he will to pay you back on Friday.
You have to make a choice. It'll probably be ok. You
choose to have faith in the man, and go ahead and loan him the money.
He leaves with the money. You feel pretty good about it. Your mutual friend has spoken well of the man also which helps. Later in the afternoon, the mutual friends buddy comes over in the afternoon and begins talking the money borrower down. He wont pay you back, pack blah blah blah. Uh-oh, did you make the wrong decision to have faith in the man? Make you worried, shake your faith. He says you should chase the guy down and demand your money back NOW!
Does this mans words really have a bearing upon the truth of the matter concerning if the man will pay you back as he said? No. But you could accept the mans words and take them to heart,
and choose to throw away the faith in the man that you have chosen to have in him in the first place. Or not! Shake that doubt off and continue having faith. The man trying to shake your faith has no power unless you give it to him. Deception. Same thing with the Lord and healing.
Rebuke that thinking like you say, and shake it off. Next thing you know, boom, you're healed. (Praise the Lord Brother!)
Most of the time the Lord will make me wait until the last second before he helps me. He wants to see me hold my faith until the end, then He's not late, comes through for me. This is what we have to do.
Dirt bag...I like that! Shake it off, keep that faith, and thank Him for the healing even before it is received like you say. Yes.
Here's a link to Brother Mikes Church that he attends. The Pastor, Brother Keith Moore, is a wonderful teacher. His series about healing is very very much worth watching. Each episode is an hour to two hours long and absolutely replete with back up scriptures. The entire series is about 20 hours or more, and all on healing. I watched the whole thing over time and, wow. What a great series on healing it is. I've watched the whole thing a few times now and this will put your heart in the right place about healing. Have pen and paper handy for notes and scriptures.
Praise the Lord today! What a wonderful day...