NOTE: This slaughter is confirmed by reports from International
Christian Concern ('') and other sources. Harold
Camping's false prophecy from earlier this year caused hundreds
of Hmong people to be slaughtered. Below is a new report from
Jacob Prasch in the actual region describing how it happened:
-by Jacob Prasch.
As most of you are aware I am at this moment in North Vietnam
helping the much persecuted Hmong people of the tribal mountain areas.
After listening to a translation of Camping's prediction 7,000 of these
people (known in The West as Montagnards) gathered on a mountain
praising God - their suffering at the hands of the Communist regime
was about to end because Jesus was returning that day in May to
establish a new kingdom.
The police and military police slaughtered many of them at gunpoint
beheading two pastors. Others were arrested. I am told by Hmong
pastors that so many were shot dead that they were buried in mass
graves bulldozed over in an episode that I read about in Britain
but did not understand the magnitude of until I got here. I am now
trying to clean up the mess at the request of local Hmong leaders.
I spoke to a secret convocation of Hmong pastors only yesterday
who came to Hanoi, explaining to them about false prophets and
false teachers.
Due to a combination of poverty, ignorance, and persecution these
poor Christians don't understand much so they believed Camping's
shortwave broadcast which is how most get their teaching in a
certain village area with heavy persecution. Their families don't know
if their missing loved ones are among the many shot dead, among
those arrested and imprisoned, or among those from the 7,000
hiding in the jungle.
I am not the nicest guy in the world let alone the best Christian
and I can't pretend to be. But anyone who had to deal with the
confusion and devastation I am dealing with now due to Harold
Camping would also blow their top. These people already suffering
for their faith in Jesus had it bad enough. They are not like the
undiscerning whackos in The West who should have known
Camping was a crackpot and a proven false prophet & false teacher.
This is a persecuted church who just had no means to know any
different. This is why I get angry at those who deceive the Body of
Christ and why I warn so much about false teachers and false
prophets. It may be an extreme case but these people, some of
them children, were shot dead. Of course we can blame Satan and
the communists but their blood is on the hands of Harold Camping
and his Family radio. Women without husbands, children without
parents, husbands without wives - thank you Family Radio; thank
you Harold Camping.
Frankly, this has been a rough week for me. One of the worst I ever
had. I am up to my eyeballs in muck trying to explain to tribal
pastors how to explain to their people why their families were
massacred needlessly and trying to advise them how to potect
their flocks from such wolves in the future...
The anguish of the Hmong folk took my concentration off of my
own problems... because their problems are so much greater
after what they refer to as 'the mountain massacre' due to Harold
Please pray for these people and the work of Moriel Asia branch
here among the Hmong. We are trying to get 5,000 outlawed
Hmong Bibles printed or smuggled in via Laos.
Where does it end? These people are suffering terribly while
Camping is still in business in Oakland, California - as usual telling
more lies... Come Lord Jesus.
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